Chapter 544 Temptation

Of course, it is impossible to regret.

In Lizheng where I live now, the rich men in the same village and even the patrolmen of Ankang Prefecture and Jingying have to respectfully shout: Uncle Guan when they see me.

A few days ago, I went to see a doctor. Hu Shilu, the most famous doctor in Liang Kingdom, was willing to perform acupuncture on me personally.

 Have a kind attitude, like a spring breeze.

This row of noodles, only rely on yourself, I am afraid I can't make it all my life!

"I won't keep you two chatting. I'm leaving. I have time to sit in the mansion."

Lin Yi looked at his submissive look and knew that no matter how we talked, it was just talking about cars, which was not very interesting.

 Guan Sheng hurriedly said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Looking at Lin Yi's retreating figure, after a long time, he sighed, "Everything else is fine, except that my father-in-law actually wants to salute his son-in-law. It's so uncomfortable."

Guan Xiaoqi looked around and saw no one around, so he whispered, "Dad, don't talk nonsense. He has treated you badly, so don't be dissatisfied."

 “There is no dissatisfaction,”

Guan Sheng said with a smile, "There is no one else here, it's just the two of us, so I'll just say a few words."

Guan Xiaoqi sighed and said, "You'd better not talk nonsense casually, just in case, I mean just in case, if someone hears it, it's not a good idea."

 “Okay, I understand,”

Guan Sheng continued to ask, "Now that you have entered the government, you don't have a status?"

Guan Xiaoqi shook his head and said, "Dad, why are you worrying so blindly again? Didn't I tell you a few days ago that I am not alone in this house. Sister Mingyue has been with me for many years and there is none. You Ah, stop asking."

Guan Sheng said anxiously, "I won't ask, you have to ask, don't be confused and act like a girl with a common roommate."

 Guan Xiaoqi said angrily, "I am just a girl with a common room, otherwise what do you think?"


Guan Sheng looked around again, and then whispered, "I think he is a good person. As long as you tell him well, he will not deny you your status."

 “Can you just ignore my affairs?”

 Guan Xiaoqi said helplessly.

 “Can I ignore it?”

Guan Sheng said eagerly, "You are my girl, of course I am doing it for your own good!

Look, you raise sheep and cattle here every day, how unbecoming you are, you make yourself smell like sheep, and you might be disgusted by it. "

"Who else can despise me except you?"

Guan Xiaoqi poured corn kernels into the sheep shed and said, "You don't know, I spend all day in the house doing nothing but eating and drinking. Besides eating and drinking, I just stay in a daze. If I don't find something to do, I will go crazy." If you drop it, it will get moldy.”

 “That’s not good?”

Guan Sheng stomped his feet angrily and said, "You are so blessed and don't know how to enjoy it!

How many people ask for it but still can’t get it! "

Guan Xiaoqi clapped the corn crumbs in his hand, and then said, "Do you want to enjoy happiness?

 Sure, the betrothal gift given by the prince last time is enough for you to enjoy your life, right?

If it's not enough, I'll give you my twenty taels of silver per month, and you can just lie down at home and never leave the house. Do you think that's okay? "

 “Then I’ll have to hold myself back to death!”

 Guan Sheng blurted out without thinking.

“You’re afraid of suffocating yourself to death, but I’m not afraid anymore?”

Guan Xiaoqi pointed to the sweet potato vines on the ground, "If you are really fine, can you help me with the work?"

Guan Shengdao said, "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."


Guan Xiaoqi stopped him directly and warned, "I know you have some money in your hands and you have been obsessed with gambling these days, but I have to tell you that if you lose too hard, I will definitely not save you. of.

 If you carry Prince He out, who will be able to look up to me in the future?

We both have had a hard time. "

 Guan Sheng said, "Do you really think I'm stupid?

I have traveled all over the world, what don’t I know?

 Don't worry, I'll just play some tricks and it won't be a problem. "

 After saying that, he ran away in a hurry.

 Guan Xiaoqi sighed secretly.

 Unconsciously, her father changed.

 However, she couldn't tell exactly what had changed.

Lin Yi got on the newly built concrete road, rode on the donkey, and said to Han Deqing who was standing aside, "My father-in-law is in high spirits, and he looks like he has a second spring in his hair."

Han Deqing said, "As expected, I can't hide it from the prince. Ever since Miss Guan entered the house, many matchmakers have fallen in love with Uncle Guan, and it turns out that Uncle Guan has fallen in love with him."

Lin Yi said cheerfully, "You have made some progress these days. You can find out such private things."

Han Deqing smiled and said, "It's all taught by the prince."

 “You are becoming more and more like Xiao Yingzi,”

Lin Yi shook the reins in his hand, "If you don't want to imitate someone, why should you imitate him?"

 “Thank you for your compliments, Your Majesty. I will be satisfied if I have only one ten thousandth of the rank of a general manager.”

Han Deqing is not ashamed, but proud.

 “You f*cking.”

Had Lin Yi not known him very well, he would have suspected that he had been impersonated. This change was too big, "He is a talent!

 Learn well from Hong Ying. If there is a chance in the future, I will send you to the palace for further studies. "

Han Deqing originally wanted to call Wang Ye Yingming out of habit.

 But when I heard the last four words, my legs trembled with fear.

 Advanced studies in the royal palace?

Isn’t this **** guy going to be a eunuch?

 This is definitely not possible.

Even if you beat him to death!

  hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, my subordinates only want to protect you."

“If you cut off the root of right and wrong, you can still protect me by guarding me.”

Lin Yi joked, "Do you think so?"

 “Your Majesty.”

 Han Deqing was about to cry but had no tears.

  “Okay, don’t put on such a bad face,”

Lin Yi yawned and said, "Let me ask you, whose family does Guan Shengxiang belong to?"

Han Deqing said, "It is said that she is a widow who runs a rouge shop. She has a good appearance, but now she has no children."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Do a thorough investigation. If it is some kind of sloppy thing, it must not be successful, otherwise I will lose face."

Han Deqing cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, my subordinates have already investigated. This widow grew up in Nancheng and married in Nancheng. After the man contracted tuberculosis and died, he devoted himself to running the rouge shop and had nothing to do with anyone."

 But there must be some intention to take advantage of the situation. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "If he doesn't want to take advantage of the situation, what can he do to win?

 Do you want him to be poor or do you want him to be old? "

 Han Deqing laughed.

 Hong Ye and the prince can make fun of their father-in-law without restraint.

He, the commander of the bodyguards, cannot do that.

“Remember to give my father-in-law some new tea this year,”

Arrived at the door of the house, Lin Yi threw the reins to Han Deqing behind him, "I'm a good friend. Let's drink tea with others. It's not good if we don't have good tea."


Han Deqing responded hurriedly.

 The weather is hot and muggy.

The originally empty street suddenly became crowded because of a motorcade.

  Bingma Si had to take to the streets to maintain order.

Li Sanniang stood on the steps at the door of the shop, stretched her neck and looked at the carriages passing in front of her, and said in disbelief, "These natives from Southeast Asia are here too?"

These people were all dark and thin. She was sure that she was not mistaken.

 When Sanhe lifted the maritime ban, those Sanhe and Nanzhou maritime merchants went crazy and rounded up the natives on the Nanyang islands.

These natives were chased so hard that they had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth. They had no choice but to follow the Sanhe people into the sea.

 For a time, the Sanhe natives gathered together.

Not only merchants and ordinary people like to buy it, but even Bian Jing, the man who presides over Sanhe Construction, also buys it!

 After all, it is an investment that will benefit you for life.

 Eat less, work more, and have high obedience.

 The Chief Secretary of Sanhe once made statistics and found that among every five Sanhe people, there is one native!

 At its peak, the number of natives in Sanhe was hundreds of thousands!

But not long after, Sanhe banned the human trade.

 Aborigines can only be recruited on a hiring basis.

 After the natives were freed, most of them returned to their hometowns with the maritime merchants, but many still stayed.

For example, in her small ready-made clothing store, there are more than a dozen native female workers in front of her, and Sanhe's words are better than those of the Yankees.

If you just listen to the accent and don’t look at the faces, you will never imagine that they are natives.

 “Want to know?

Isn’t this simple? "

Tian Sixi pulled a dark, thin middle-aged man over and said, "Lao An, let's see if the guy riding the big horse is your high priest?"

The middle-aged man known as Lao An was caught by someone's collar and was about to get angry. When he turned around and saw that it was Tian Sixi, he quickly said, "It turns out to be shopkeeper Tian. The leader is our respected one." Sacrifice Dag!”

 After saying this, he stopped talking to Tian Sixi and knelt on the ground like some dark and thin people in the crowd, kowtowing.

Tian Sixi frowned and said, "These natives have been coming to our Daliang Kingdom for so many years, but I never expected that they still respect Dag so much."

Li Sanniang said curiously, "This Nanyang is more than ten thousand miles away from my country, Liang. How come the news of this auction has passed?

 It came so quickly? "

Tian Sixi shook his head and said, "Maybe I came here for the auction, maybe I just happened to catch it. The Western Yi have already occupied the Nanyang Islands. They are not as kind as the prince. They kill the natives on sight. The ten major tortures are basically all After using it, the natives hate it to the core. If it continues like this, the country will really be destroyed.

 Perhaps, I came to the prince to make the decision. "

Tian Shiyou glanced at Tian Sixi in surprise and said with a smile, "You bitch, you have finally made some progress."

 “You piece of shit, you haven’t made any progress in speaking,”

Tian Sixi immediately fired back, "What, you want to fight?

 Do you think I am afraid of you? "

He engaged in real estate development outside the city. Not only did he earn money for himself, but he also earned a lot of money for him and the prince!

 Very valued by the prince.

He and the prince also praised him as the God of Wealth!

 He is no longer the little bandit leader who was allowed to be slaughtered on Jinji Mountain!

What’s more, his master’s name is Ye Qiu!

Who is Tian Shiyou, who dares to challenge him?

On the other hand, Tian Shiyou actually competed with him for business and developed many residential projects outside the city, and also received the support of Prince He!

Colleagues are enemies!

 He wished he could just kill this old boy with a knife and relieve the hatred in his heart.

“Can you set a date for us to go outside the city to do some fishing?”

Tian Shiyou said with a smile but not a smile.

“Shopkeeper Tian wants to make friends with martial arts, but I’m not talented, so I’m willing to play with Mr. Tian.”

 The suddenness of the sound.

Tian Shiyou suddenly caught a glimpse of Ye Chen appearing beside him.


Tian Shiyou said disdainfully, "Master Ye is willing to compete. Of course I can't ask for it. I'm just afraid that I'll beat the younger one and attract the older one."

 If it weren’t for Ye Qiu.

 He had long since beaten Ye Chen’s parents who didn’t even recognize him!

 Having an elder brother who is a great master is really amazing.

“Young Master Ye has already entered the ninth rank. If he wants to beat you, why do you need to invite my master?”

Tian Sixi helped, "You think too highly of yourself!"

Tian Shiyou snorted coldly, "If you two come together, you may not be my opponent.

However, I still don’t want Mr. Ye to misunderstand me and think I’m bullying you. "

 Ye Qiu has no official position in the Prince's Mansion.

But no matter who sees it, they must respectfully call you "Sir!"

Ye Chen said nonchalantly, "My brother is very busy with his affairs, so he has no time to take care of such noisy things. It's because Shopkeeper Tian misunderstood me."

 He told the truth.

 He has only seen his brother once in all the long time he has been in Ankang City.

 It was because he was injured by water bandits in the south of the Yangtze River.

Tian Shiyou naturally didn't believe his nonsense.

He said angrily, "Let me ask you, what does this native's coming over have to do with you? Are you eager to come over?"

 “Why did the manager of Natian come here?”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he looked at Liang Qingshu, Mo Shun and others aside, "What are you guys doing here, shopkeepers?"

Liang Qingshu said with a smile, "It's strange for the natives to come suddenly. I just came to watch the excitement."

Ye Chen cupped his hands and said, "I just have some free time, so I came to watch the fun."

Tian Shiyou said, "Don't underestimate these people. Don't forget that many people secretly learned Huiyuan Gong in Sanhe. Although the technique is incomplete, there are many talented and intelligent people. Some people have already broken through the third level, Fourth grade, Lao An, don’t you think so?”

As the native convoy walked away, Lao An, who had slowly stood up, was frightened when he heard Tian Shiyou's words. He quickly smiled and said, "Shopkeeper Tian, ​​your words are too flattering for us. With the grace of Prince Chenghe, Many of us follow the ranks of civilians and can barely do anything with our legs and feet."

Tian Shiyou put a hand directly on Lao An's shoulder and said expressionlessly, "Are you dishonest?"

                by Mr. Tian.

Seeing that Tian Shiyou was unmoved, Lao An looked at Liang Qingshu, Ye Chen and others with a frustrated face, "Shopkeeper Liang, shopkeeper Ye, you all know me, old boy, I have always been the boss in Baiyun City and Ankang City. Those who do business honestly do not dare to go beyond the limits. ”

Ye Chen put a hand on his other shoulder and said calmly, "What you are practicing is not Huiyuan Gong."

 Tian Shiyou looked at Ye Chen and said, "You have some knowledge."

Lao An waited for the two men's hands to be released from his shoulders and collapsed directly on the ground. He covered his mouth with his hands, but it still didn't help. Blood still came out along his fingers.

Li Sanniang hurriedly came forward and gave Lao An a handkerchief to wipe it with, complaining to the two of them, "Why do you deliberately arouse his inner strength? How can he, a small third-grade man, withstand this?"

Tian Shiyou smiled and said, "You misunderstood me. It was this old boy who learned the art of absorbing stars, and his internal energy was not under his control. When he saw my internal energy, he went straight to absorb it, and then it backfired and he hurt himself."

 “The magic of attracting stars!”

 Liang Qingshu and others looked at each other, very shocked.

 (End of this chapter)

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