I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 554: hot potato

Chapter 554: Hot Potato

The monotonous entertainment of the world in front of him really did not interest him at all.

 He still misses the Internet era even more.

With just a mobile phone, he can spend a whole day without eating or drinking.

Han Deqing continued, "These dogs have become wild dogs now. They don't wag their tails when they see people. They are quite arrogant."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Arrange for people to clean them out quickly. Remember, you can't beat them to death. It's best to give them to civilians for adoption."

 Han Deqing said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, my subordinates will definitely make arrangements."

Lin Yi borrowed the lantern in Han Deqing's hand and continued to walk along the narrow path to Guan Xiaoqi's sheepfold.

It didn't take long before he heard the gurgling sound of the stream. It was dark everywhere. He didn't look into the sheepfold, but walked through the sheepfold and continued to walk upstream of the stream.

Not two steps away is a small courtyard with white walls and gray tiles, a very ordinary farmyard.

Han Deqing stepped forward and knocked on the door, and soon there was light in the yard.

Guan Xiaoqi came out with her clothes on, glanced at Han Deqing first, and then said to Lin Yi, "Don't you have insomnia again?"

“That’s not true. I haven’t seen you for a few days. Now that I have time, I came here to see you.”

Lin Yi walked into the courtyard, sat on a stone bench, and swatted a bunch of mosquitoes to death, "How can you stay here with so many mosquitoes?"

Guan Xiaoqi took the kettle from the living room and poured tea for Lin Yi while saying, "It's more comfortable than living there. I'm free here by myself, no one is restraining me, I don't know how comfortable I am."

Lin Yi put her on his lap, held her hand, and said with a smile, "You don't know what it means to marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog?"

Guan Xiaoqi muttered, "I haven't gone far, so you can be here in just a few steps?"

Lin Yi said, "How can a husband and wife sleep separately like this?"

Guan Xiaoqi said disdainfully, "It's as if you can accompany me when I'm in the house. Aren't you guarding Miss Du every day?"

 “Are you talking nonsense again? I don’t have enough time to accompany you?”

Lin Yi sneered.

Guan Xiaoqi said, "It's a lot less. You know in your heart that it's the same whether I live in the mansion or here.


 “Unless what?”

Lin Yi asked next.

Guan Xiaoqi said, "Unless I am pregnant and it is inconvenient to live here, I will go back to live with you."

Lin Yi said dumbfounded, "Why are you so confused?

 You also want to have children?

Weren’t you just indifferent a few days ago? "

 He is not a stallion!

 No one is willing to seriously talk about feelings with him!

Every time we chat, we always talk about the children.

I didn’t expect that Guan Xiaoqi is like this now.

Guan Xiaoqi said, "I have been married to you for some time. As time goes by, people not only in the house but also outside will look down on me and say I am."

  “What is it?”

Lin Yi frowned.

 “Say I’m a hen that doesn’t lay eggs!”

 Guan Xiaoqi said angrily.

 “I don’t care about my life, how dare I arrange it on you?”

Lin Yi snorted coldly and said, "Don't worry, I'll vent your anger for you."

 Guan Xiaoqi said coyly, "How to vent your anger?

It’s not what I said. Can I still confront him in a big way?

How can you kill someone if they don’t recognize you?

 Besides, mouths are on people, so they can say whatever they want. Since they scolded me for not being able to lay eggs, I decided to give birth to one for him to see. "

ˆ “.”

Lin Yi was stunned.

“I want to give birth to a baby anyway, even if you don’t agree,”

Guan Xiaoqi said angrily, "I don't want people to laugh at me anymore."

Lin Yi had no choice but to be pulled into the room by Guan Xiaoqi in a daze.

Since he couldn't resist anyway, he could only lie down and let Guan Xiaoqi do whatever he wanted.

 At the end, I was covered in sweat.

There was no one around to help him, so he had to get up and go to the yard to get water to wash himself.

 After washing, my buttocks were bitten again by mosquitoes and became red and swollen.

“If anyone can invent mosquito-repellent incense, I will treat him as an ancestor.”

Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh while lying on the bed.

 “Mosquito incense?”

 Guan Xiaoqi has never heard of this thing.

Lin Yi explained, "It is a kind of powder. The smoke after burning can kill mosquitoes."

Guan Xiaoqi lay on his chest and said, "That is indeed a good thing.

Actually, as long as you don't run around at night and just lie down under the mosquito net, you'll be fine. "

Lin Yi sighed, "I'm afraid my body won't be able to bear it."

 After a long while, Guan Xiaoqi came to his senses and said angrily, "You just don't speak in a formal way."

Lin Yi asked curiously, "If we really have one, do you want a son or a daughter?"

 “Of course it’s my son.”

 Guan Xiaoqi blurted out the answer without hesitation.

Lin Yi joked, "What if it's a daughter?"

 “Then continue living.”

 Guan Xiaoqi said firmly.

 “Then what about my daughter?”

Lin Yi was helpless.

 “Then until I give birth to a son!”

 Guan Xiaoqi gritted his teeth and said.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Isn't my daughter good?"

Guan Xiaoqi pursed her lips and said, "I am a girl myself. Is it okay if I don't know that?"

Lin Yi said, "Are you not bad now?"

Guan Xiaoqi murmured, "My father treats me well, but because I am not a man, he can't hold his head up in the village. Every year when he goes to burn incense, he cries bitterly and chants I feel sorry for my ancestors.

If I were a boy, he would have sold me off to send me to school. Maybe I would be able to get the top prize now. "

“You are very ambitious, do you still want to take the top prize?”

Lin Yi laughed dumbly and pulled his arm out from under her head, "My arm is sore."

 Guan Xiaoqi sighed, "I know you look down on me."

Lin Yi hurriedly said, "I didn't mean that."

Guan Xiaoqi said, "Forget it, let's not talk about it. I am a woman. Even if I win the first prize in the exam, it will not be considered a glorious ancestor."

Lin Yi comforted, "You think too much."

“I didn’t think too much, I just told the truth,”

Guan Xiaoqi said calmly, "My father has been hanging out with those matchmakers these days. He thinks I don't know. In fact, I know in my heart that he still wants to have a son.

 Otherwise, he would not be able to close his eyes even if he died. "

Lin Yi said in surprise, "You know everything?"

Guan Xiaoqi said, "I'm not blind or deaf, what can I not know?

 Besides, since I followed you, many people think that I am a great person. People who looked down on me before have started to get closer to me. They keep saying things that I don’t want to know. "

Lin Yi said firmly, "You are my wife, and you are already great."

Guan Xiaoqi was unmoved and said, "You are talking nonsense. You only have one wife, and that is the princess.

 Sister Jinxiang and I can only be regarded as filling in houses. Isn’t that great? "

ˆ “.”

Lin Yi sighed, "I'll give you a title tomorrow, okay?"

"I do not want,"

Guan Xiaoqi shook her head firmly and said, "I know you do it for my own good and don't want me to be wronged. But if you really do it for my good, you should understand what they will think if you leave me alone." What do you think of me?"

 She admitted that Mingyue, Zixia, Jinxiang and Du Yinniang were all good people.

 But good people can also hold a knife and kill people.

 As his father said, He Wangye is also a good person.

 But wherever the prince and his army go, are there not many people who die?

 Are all the heads chopped off at the Meridian Gate bad people?

 “Hey, then I’ll give it to them too,”

Lin Yi sighed, "Can it be done?"

“Then let them suffer it first and then talk about it,”

Guan Xiaoqi once again pulled Lin Yi's arm under his head, "Forget it, I won't say more, it seems like I want to compete for favor, I don't mean that."

 “I know you didn’t mean it that way,”

Lin Yi touched her silky hair and said, "Since you are with me, I will definitely not let you suffer."

 Guan Xiaoqi shook his head and said, "What you say doesn't count."

Lin Yi said curiously, "As the head of the family, whatever I say doesn't count."

Guan Xiaoqi hesitated for a moment and said, "I will get old one day, and my beauty will fade with age, and you will have younger women, and you will say what you said to me today to them again.

The you in the future will not be the you now, and the you now may not be able to make the decision for the future you. "

Lin Yi was stunned for a long time. What is the present and what is the future? This is clearly philosophy!

Guan Xiaoqi is not stupid, but he may not be able to say these words.

 “Who taught you to say these words?”

 “You said it yourself, and I learned it from you.”

Guan Xiaoqi couldn't help but pinch Lin Yi's palm.

 “It hurts me so much,”

Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, but did not pull out his arm, "When did I say that?"

“That’s what you said. You said that the price for everyone’s growth is to constantly kill their past selves and achieve their future selves.”

 Guan Xiaoqi said slowly, "I remember it clearly."

ˆ “.”

Lin Yi said silently, "You have a really good memory."

 He did say this when he was showing off.

 “I remember every word you said.”

 Guan Xiaoqi seemed to be talking to himself.


Lin Yi hugged her tighter.

 After saying that, he fell into a deep sleep.

  Awakening before dawn is due to heat.

Sweating profusely, he walked out of the house shirtless. Zixia and others were already waiting outside.

Lin Yi kept yawning, refused the tea that was handed to him, and went directly outside, carefully stepping on the moss-covered stones, and got down into the stream.

 “Your Majesty.”

Zixia said nervously, "It's foggy in the morning and it's cold. You should be careful."

Lin Yi was completely submerged in the water and said nonchalantly, "It's okay, feel comfortable."

 After the sweltering heat dissipated, I felt indescribably refreshed.

Took a toothbrush made of boar bristles, put some salt on it, and brushed his teeth directly in the stream.

 After lying on a big rock for a while, I went ashore and changed my clothes.

At this time, the hot porridge was coming from the pot, and he drank two bowls without touching the pastries on the table.

 “Where is Han Deqing?”

“Your Majesty, Commander Han went to the Governor’s Mansion early in the morning and has not returned yet.”

Zixia said while wiping Lin Yi's hands.

“No matter what, I’ll go to the palace for a walk first.”

Lin Yi suddenly wanted to see the eldest princess.

 I don’t know if she has realized it.

“This slave is called to arrange for preparations.”

 Zixia went out and whispered a few words to Tan Fei and Lei Kaishan who were standing at the door.

 The sky is filled with morning glow, and all the trees are dyed.

Lin Yi was riding on the donkey, feeling very good.

 After entering the palace, I got off the donkey and went straight to the Changqing Palace where the prince had lived before. In front of me was the residence of the eldest princess.

 In the yard.

The eldest princess holds a long sword and dances gracefully, up and down, with indescribable grace.

Tan Fei and Lei Kaishan stood close to the prince, holding long knives tightly in their hands.

Lin Yi pushed the two people away and went straight forward. When the eldest princess sheathed her sword, she clapped her hands and said, "Auntie is good at swordsmanship."

 “Are you good at martial arts?”

The eldest princess lowered her head and wiped the sword without raising her head.

Lin Yi said with a sneer, "Auntie is making fun of me again. Doesn't Auntie know what I am capable of?"

The eldest princess said calmly, "If you don't know martial arts, how can you tell that my swordsmanship is good?

It can be seen that you were not sincere when you said this. "

Lin Yi said, "My nephew can't write an eternal article either, so it won't stop him from shouting, okay?"

 “Strong words to make sense,”

After speaking, the eldest princess threw the long sword in her hand and it fell firmly into the scabbard hanging under the tree. "Tell me, why did you come here so early in the morning?"

Lin Yi sighed and said, "The main reason is that I miss my aunt. I came to see my aunt. I wonder if my aunt can get used to living here?"

The eldest princess took a bowl of white fungus soup from the hands of the palace maid and said, "I said I'm not used to living there, can you still ask your mother-in-law to return Ci'an Palace to me?"

Lin Yi said, "This is definitely not possible. You also know the temper of my old lady. Things that get into her hands cannot be taken out so easily."

Although Ci'an Palace was originally the residence of the eldest princess, it has now become his mother's. It would be extremely difficult to free her up.

 Besides, there is no need to spare it.

  No matter what the eldest princess is, she doesn’t have a biological mother.


The eldest princess glanced at her sideways and continued to drink her soup.

“However, if my aunt cannot live in Cining Palace, she will have to pay more.”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "As long as the money can help the people, the old lady must understand the righteousness."

The eldest princess put down the bowl and looked at Lin Yi, "How much do you want?"

“Naturally, the more the merrier,”

Lin Yi said unceremoniously, "Ten million to twenty million is not too little, and thirty to forty million is not too much."

The eldest princess suddenly sighed and said, "You think too highly of Jizhao'an. No matter what the rumors say, you have not yet reached a country with unparalleled wealth."

“You know my nephew is honest, so you can’t trick me like this, right?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "As far as I know, you gave the prince ten million taels alone."

“There are also ten million taels from King Yong,”

The eldest princess stood up and walked slowly towards Lin Yi, "Now seven out of ten."


I do not believe,"

Lin Yi shook his head, "Jizhao Temple has been standing for a thousand years, and you only have this little money?"

The eldest princess sighed, “What do you think Jizhao’an is?

 No matter how powerful it is, it is still just a larger sect. It is already very good to be able to accumulate so much wealth. "

“Auntie, something is very wrong with you. Why are you suddenly willing to say it now?”

“Jingyi and Jingkuan came to Ankang City,”

The eldest princess smiled sweetly and said, "I don't want this hot potato anymore."

 She said it very sincerely.

Lin Yi looked at her smile, and for a moment, he felt empty in his heart.

Hurryly shook his head, "Jizhao'an came to Ankang City?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Xizi's voice came from outside, "I would like to inform the prince, Pan Duo, please see me."


Lin Yi said fiercely.

 Pando is really a hard worker!

 (End of this chapter)

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