Chapter 56 Exploded

 “Get up.”

Lin Yi was very excited.

 He thought what made him so excited was the "sense of accomplishment" that filled his body.

However, when he stood and looked down at the people kowtowing below him, he realized that what he enjoyed more was the pleasure of conquering all living beings.

With so many people down there, who dares to disobey me?

 Who dares not to listen to himself?

 He was suddenly startled by his own thoughts.

“My lord, are you okay?”

Bian Jing saw Lin Yi in a daze and couldn't help but ask.


Lin Yi said with a smile, "After the stone cracks, you can easily knock it off with a chisel. The speed should be much faster."

Bian Jing said, "My lord, I admire your wonderful idea!

With this method, as long as there is a mountain stream nearby and the water can be obtained quickly, the road will not take long to reach the foot of the mountain. "

Now, he won’t use the nickname “grassroots” anymore.

 Because the prince has recognized them, people who are well-read in poetry and books.

 “Not enough, and too troublesome,”

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Do you know how to make gunpowder?"


Bian Jing smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, when we were building the tomb of the late emperor, there were not enough stones, so I used gunpowder to cut into the mountains to get stones.

 It's just a remote place in Sanhe, so it's not easy to buy. I didn't think about it for a while.

As for preparing it yourself, I only know a rough idea and have never tried it. "

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Organize the people and prepare it yourself.

 Don’t be afraid of failure. It’s nothing more than mixing fire, saltpeter, and sulfur with charcoal. Use more of whichever and less of whichever. Try more. "

 Specific ratio?

 He was sure that he had never seen any information about this, otherwise he would definitely remember it!

Bian Jing agreed without hesitation.

 As long as you have gunpowder, it will be of great use!

The thought of encountering mountains and exploding mountains is very exciting!

Lin Yi continued to look along some intestinal trails. When he saw wild fruits, he couldn't help but pick a few and stuff them into his mouth.

  When I returned to the mansion, my hands were stained black by mulberry juice and could not be washed away. My mouth was numb. I picked up the chopsticks and couldn't take the last bite.

 “Your Majesty, please have some soup.”

Mingyue, like Zixia, laughs so hard that her stomach hurts.

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Forget it, just leave it. It will be a late night snack if you are hungry at night."

 After dark, there were too many mosquitoes outside, so I hid under the mosquito net early and counted the stars through the window.

 Silly, I can’t count them all.

 At night, I faintly heard someone shouting that the water was gone.

He was shirtless and stood at the window, seeing the newly built Commandery Department facing the palace facing the sky with the light of fire.

Bao Kui stood at the window and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the gunpowder Mr. Bian made exploded and set the house on fire. Now everyone is putting out the fire. Your Majesty, don't be anxious."

“Grandma, what kind of operation is this?” Lin Yi said dumbfounded, “Are you okay?”

Bao Kui said, "Several old gentlemen can do some kung fu and have quick hands and feet, and they all ran out."

"That's good," Lin Yisong said after a breath, "Don't be stunned, hurry up and help."

After Bao Kui left, Lin Yi wanted to put on some clothes and go have a look.

But the eyelids really didn’t live up to expectations, so they closed them without paying attention.

It doesn't matter anyway, it doesn't matter whether I go or not. With that in mind, I just go to sleep and don't care about whether it's happening or not.

 After waking up the next day, he went straight to the capital to command the envoys.

Fifteen tall tile-roofed houses occupy the front, back and left sides of a large courtyard.

As soon as Lin Yi walked in, he saw a large collapsed house. The roof had been burned down and the bricks and tiles were scorched black.

“Your Majesty,” Bian Jing said helplessly with a sad face, “I didn’t expect this to happen.”

"This is a blessing among misfortunes," Lin Yi said with a smile, "If the fire is all gone, you will have to sleep on the street."

Bian Jing smiled sarcastically, lowered his head and said nothing.

 “My lord, you don’t know something!”

Shi Quan suddenly said loudly, "That's the warehouse, and all the food in it has been burned!"

 He is the youngest among the old men here and the youngest to have held an official position.

 A small Yongzhou Tongjian had always kept his voice quiet in front of these former big guys, but unexpectedly, he suddenly started shouting loudly now.

 “How much grain?”

Lin Yi sighed and said, "I just bought food for you a few days ago to help the old and young in the city and the school children.


 Is it all gone?

"Prince," Xie Zanpai said with a smile, "In this humble position, I will definitely punish Bian Jing severely to serve as a warning to others!"

"Really gone?" Lin Yi squinted and said, "Hey, it's really a disaster from heaven."

 “The common people are aware of their guilt!”

Bian Jing knelt down.

  "Forget it, forget it, failure is success. If you don't fail a few times, you won't know how stupid you are,"

Lin Yi said angrily, "Hurry up and try somewhere else, don't mess around at home."

“Yes,” Bian Jing said hurriedly, “the common people are ready to go up to the mountains, just find a cave.”


Lin Yi objected without hesitation, "The cave is airtight. Do you think you can't die quickly enough?

Go to a place by the river to build a few houses and find a few people to help you. Stop messing around alone. "

 “I know it.”

 Bian Jing was overjoyed.

The days go on like this day after day.

 Sanhe is gradually getting cooler.

Lin Yi didn’t dare wander around shirtless anymore.

However, there is nothing to dawdle about.

 He finally understood why everyone likes big cities.

In a ghost place like Sanhe, what else can you do besides fishing?

  Anyway, the daily route is very fixed now, the river, the school, the mansion, three points and one line, it is so boring.

 The new school was finally built next to Hewang Mansion.

With more than 60 large houses in five rows, it is the largest building complex in the entire Baiyun City.

At Lin Yi’s insistence, not only the interior of the house was made of cement, but also the exterior was made of cement.

 It is spacious, beautiful and clean, needless to say.

The only drawback is that villagers often come here to dry rice, dried fruits, and fish, and they are repeatedly banned.

 Fortunately, they are not completely ignorant of world affairs. They will not occupy the playground where children practice.

 After all, among the children, there are children of my own family.

 They may sneer at their children learning things like poetry and essays, because they won’t be able to get the top prize anyway.

 But they were happy that their children could learn martial arts.

  After all, learning martial arts has always been a privilege only wealthy families can enjoy.

 Children from poor families want to learn martial arts, but they have no way to do so.

 Now that there is a place to teach for free, they are simply overjoyed.

 In a place like Sanhe, survival is difficult and there are endless struggles.

Having many sons and many clans may be of some use, but in the end the effect is limited.

How about making your arms and legs rougher? If you have a little bit of ability, no one will dare to bully you!

Of course, it's not all good. It's a bit difficult for them to chase the child now. Without paying attention, he jumps to the roof, climbs the tree, and jumps over the ten-foot-wide river. Even if he tries to catch it, he can't catch it!

 The shouts on the playground were loud.

There are not only school children, but also many local adults, and even gray-haired old men, just for the unfinished dream of being a knight in childhood.

 (End of this chapter)

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