Chapter 575 Auction

This auction was co-sponsored by the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Rites, notarized by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, hosted by Tang Jiyu, the first lawyer in Daliang Kingdom, the tea was sponsored by Tianfu Restaurant, and the etiquette lady was supported by Chunxiang Restaurant.

The Meridian Gate is the main entrance of the palace. There is a red carpet in the middle, and the Imperial Guards in bright armor stand on both sides. After the bidders handed over the red tickets in their hands to the sergeant for inspection, they walked onto the red carpet with their hands behind their backs. Enter the palace directly to the cheerful music of the Chunxianglou singer.

Outside the red carpet stood a huge crowd of onlookers, including the butcher, Li Sanniang and others.

The butcher complained, "If I had only known that I would have spent money to buy tickets to go in and see the world, my life would not have been in vain."

Zhu Rong snorted coldly, "It's not your fault. I said let's go and have a look. You couldn't bear to part with the ten thousand taels of silver. Otherwise, I would have gone in."

The butcher said angrily, "You want to go watch the fun, why don't I stop you?

I just said I couldn’t go, but I didn’t say I wouldn’t let you go? "

 The two of them complained about each other.

Li Sanniang waved her hand and said, "Stop arguing. This auction will be held in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. Although it is large, it cannot handle the large number of people. It is said that the 3,000 tickets in the hall were sold out in less than half an hour.

The 30,000 tickets in the square outside the temple, including one thousand taels each, were gone in less than an hour. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them. "

The butcher looked incredulous and said, "So fast?

This is all about taking money and not treating it as money!

 Why are you so willing? "

Wang Xiaoshuan on the side curled his lips with disdain and said, "This auction has been prepared for half a year, and all the wealthy businessmen from Daliang Kingdom have come, and even a lot of pirates from the sea have come.

Who among these people can be short of money?

 It’s just us, worrying about every detail for such a small amount of money, it’s so boring to live. "

The butcher frowned and said, "What is this pirate doing here?"

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, "Of course I will give money to Mr. He. They may not have a chance in the lunch auction.

But there will be a charity auction later, which is all personal belongings of the current saint, such as calligraphy, paintings, jade, etc. The most important thing is, whoever comes out on top can get our and the prince’s calligraphy treasures, which is equivalent to avoiding death. With the gold medal, I can return to land in the future and become a stable and wealthy man. "

The butcher said, "Then this time, just from the entrance fee, the household department will be able to make a profit."

Wang Xiaoshuan pointed to a few sneaky figures in the crowd and said with a smile, "Not only the household department, but also these quilters, they also made a lot of money.

This time the tickets were anonymous. Wang Xun alone bought a thousand of them, increased the price by one or two thousand taels, and sold them without any difficulty.

If you want to go in now, you still have time to find someone who can help. "

 “Wang Xun bought so many?”

Li Sanniang looked at Wang Xiaoshuan with a very strange look and snorted, "You started this business, right?"

Wang Xiaoshuan chuckled and said, "Sanniang is still wise."

The butcher's eyes widened and he said, "Little Shuanzi, you **** is getting more and more courageous. How dare you do such a thing?"

“I haven’t broken any laws, so what can’t I do?”

Wang Xiaoshuan said disdainfully, "When I went to the Ministry of Household Affairs to buy tickets, I asked specifically. You can buy as many tickets as you want. If you can sell them at a higher price, it's up to you."

“Presumably this is also approved by the prince, otherwise how could the people from the Ministry of Household Affairs give you the right words?”

After Li Sanniang sighed, she stretched out her hand towards Wang Xiaoshuan and said, "Hurry up and get one for me."

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a playful smile, "Do you want one inside the palace or one outside the palace?"

Li Sanniang said angrily, "Nonsense, of course it belongs to the palace."

Wang Xiaoshuan smiled and said, "If you sell the one in the middle of the first four rows in the hall, I will charge thirty thousand taels if you sell it to someone else. We are acquaintances, so you can give us 14,600 taels, which is the cost price."

Li Sanniang snorted coldly, "Wang Xiaoshuan, you have a dark heart. You just want to make money from me. How dare you make so much?"

"You have wronged me. The tickets for the first row are 50,000 taels, the tickets for the second row are 30,000 taels, the tickets for the third row are 21,500 taels, and the tickets for the fourth row are 14,500 taels. One hundred taels, I gave you fourteen thousand six hundred taels, and I made a hundred taels, is that much?”

Wang Xiaoshuan finished speaking to Li Sanniang and then said to the butcher, "The 10,000 taels of tickets you just mentioned are for the fifth row. The further back you go, the cheaper they are. The tickets for the last row only cost 3,000 taels. Do you want it?

 If you want, I will only add one hundred taels. "

“It’s hard to say that you are thirsty for talking so much. It seems that the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has created quite a lot of tricks.”

Li Sanniang took out the banknote from her pocket and handed it over, "Bring the ticket."

Wang Xiaoshuan earned her a hundred taels of silver, which was really not too much.

Pork Rong gritted his teeth and said, "I'm also going in to join in the fun. I'm in the last row."

 After speaking, he looked at the butcher and asked, "What did you say this time?"

 “Go, of course, go,”

The butcher took out the banknote without hesitation, threw it to Wang Xiaoshuan and said, "You guys really made a lot of money this time, don't say you start at a million taels?"

 Wang Xiaoshuan’s business is not as profitable as any other business!

Wang Xiaoshuan smiled and said, "This time it's Wang Xun who took the principal. It's good if I can have a sip of soup following him."

Li Sanniang glared at him and said, "We have been dealing with each other for so many years, and everyone still doesn't know who you are?

 If it’s just a sip of soup, why are you working so hard? "

Wang Xiaoshuan sneered and said, "Now that I have come out of the Beijing camp, I don't have much to earn a living from. Why don't I do this? It's better than doing nothing at all, right?"

 “Okay, I won’t argue with you anymore.”

Li Sanniang found the small mirror tucked into her waist and straightened the broken hair on her forehead in front of the mirror. She was about to step onto the red carpet when she was stopped by Wang Xiaoshuan.

Wang Xiaoshuan said, "Shopkeeper Li, although you are good-looking, but as the old saying goes, a man depends on his clothes, and a horse depends on his saddle. If you go in wearing short clothes, you will inevitably be underestimated. There is a stall of Chunxianglou in the corner, you can They help with makeup and rent clothes, so you might as well go and check it out.”

Li Sanniang said, "Don't tell me this is your business again?"

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, "I helped come up with an idea for Tong Jinhua's business."

 “Wang Xiaoshuan,”

Li Sanniang gritted her teeth and said, "I'm really done with you this time.

 You know that I make ready-made clothes, but you still go to Tong Jinhua. What do you mean? "

Wang Xiaoshuan said nonchalantly, "You can't earn this money."

Li Sanniang said angrily, "Many of the clothes in Chunxiang House are made by me."

“Then you should know what kind of clothes her family wears, right?

The girls are all wearing silk and satin. Sometimes they wear it once or twice and then stop wearing it. Now when they take it out, it looks like new."

Wang Xiaoshuan explained, "It's just right to rent them out. Where is your home, you only have sample clothes. I told you, you have to be willing to bring out new clothes?"

 If you rent it for just one day, you won’t get your money back.

 Besides, the girl from Chunxiang Tower is the best at dressing up people with rouge and gouache.

 Can those female workers in your family still do makeup on people? "

 “Okay, I guess what you said makes sense.”

Li Sanniang was still aggrieved, but she still followed the direction pointed by Wang Xiaoshuan, applied rouge and changed into good clothes.

Atop the high wall, Lin Yi stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the dense crowd below, and sighed, "This is all money."

The eldest princess, dressed in white, stood beside Lin Yi, glanced at him and said, "Are you so short of money?"

“As my aunt said, who is not short of money these days?”

Lin Yi sighed, "It's so hard."

The eldest princess snorted coldly, "If you act like this, the court will lose face. Aren't you afraid that the gain will outweigh the loss?"

“The most valuable thing for poor people is their face. If I don’t have money, why would I need face?”

Lin Yi said nonchalantly, "Besides, the court's reputation is earned by oneself, not by whitewashing it, fooling others, fooling oneself, and finally reaping the consequences."

The eldest princess said disdainfully, "It's too much to say. If you were poor, I'm afraid there wouldn't be any rich people in the country of Liang."

“This is just a metaphor. Do you understand the metaphor?”

Lin Yi turned around and looked at the eldest princess who looked displeased, "Auntie really doesn't know that Tianning Temple is the outer gate of Jizhao'an?"

“I don’t know, I’m afraid even the two saints Wen Zhaoyi and the Queen Mother don’t know,”

The eldest princess said calmly, "There is nothing surprising about this. Ji Zhao'an has been a sect for thousands of years and has many secrets."

Lin Yi thought for a moment and said, "Why don't my nephew take my aunt to visit these two people at Tianning Temple tonight?"

The eldest princess said expressionlessly, "I'm very happy."

 “Then it’s settled,”

Lin Yi said to Han Deqing, "Give me the order, I am going to Tianning Temple to have a meal tonight. I want a ten-mile radius where not a single mosquito can get in or a fly can get out."

Logically speaking, we only need to surround Tianning Temple.

 Tianning Temple is located on a high mountain. Without large-scale shield machinery, it is basically impossible to have an underground passage for escape.

 However, there were still many "unscientific" things in feudal society.

It seems that secret passages, underground palaces, and secret rooms can be dug out easily without spending any money or effort.

 For the sake of safety, it is necessary to expand the scope of containment.


Han Deqing hurriedly responded.

While the auction was in full swing, the Beijing Camp, the Military and Horse Division, and the Imperial Guard jointly dispatched.

 There was such a sudden movement outside the city, which made many people feel uneasy.

Especially the hundreds of black cannons pulled by horses on the official road. Those who didn't know it thought they were going to attack Saibei again.

Every winter, the Wadan people come south to thresh the grass in the valley.

 The mountains are covered with snow.

Pan Duo looked at the closed door of Tianning Temple, then turned around to look at the soldiers in black armor, and said to Wei Yishan, the leading general next to him, "In your opinion, will the thieves inside suddenly break out?" ?”

Wei Yishan shook his head and said, "If they want to come out, they should come out while we are dispatching our troops. Now that we have completed the arrangements, I am afraid they will not come out."

Panduo nodded and said, "What you said is true."

  In the evening, the sun set again, the temperature sharply increased, and a strong wind blew.

  When the heavy snow came, it caught many soldiers who were burying pots to make rice by surprise.

Lin Yi had dinner and drank two glasses of wine, then led the eldest princess and Liu Chaoyuan up the mountain following the light of the torches that spread from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

 “It’s dark and the road is slippery, so you two have to go slow.”

Lin Yi, supported by Yu Shi and Ah-Dai, staggered while walking, but he did not forget to tell the elegant eldest princess and Liu Chaoyuan, "You are old, so don't show off."

After Liu Chaoyuan heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

 How the **** do you have the nerve to say such things to a great master?

But he still held the fly whisk and bowed, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I understand."

The eldest princess just snorted coldly, not even bothering to pay attention.

“Auntie, your temper is bad, you have to change it,”

Lin Yi continued to say slowly, "My nephew is also kind-hearted, why don't you appreciate it.

Also, it’s so cold today and you’re not afraid of freezing even if you wear such thin clothes. "

 Purely boring, I always feel uncomfortable if I don’t chatter a few words.

“The eldest princess is a great master like me,”

A-Dai finally couldn’t help but tell the truth!

He knows the truth, why doesn’t the prince know it?

Their prince was confused today, and he is not as smart as him!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but boasted triumphantly, "The great master is immune to cold and heat, and is not afraid of cold or falling."

 “That’s right, that’s right.”

Yu hours also followed suit.

As the two of them finished speaking, the air suddenly became quiet, and all the guards even held their breath.

Yu Shi and Ah-Dai couldn't help but shudder. They looked behind each other and met the manager's cold eyes. They immediately felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

"Ha ha."

The eldest princess finally couldn't help laughing loudly.


Lin Yi's face turned dark, but he still pretended to be generous and said, "Since you can survive the cold and heat, you must have learned Bigu long ago, which is really admirable."

A-Dai said, "Your Majesty, fasting does not allow people to eat. I am not stupid to not learn it. I will feel hungry even if I don't eat even one meal."

“Learning is endless, you have to learn. How can you make progress if you don’t learn?”

Lin Yi said as he walked, "Starting from tomorrow, you will start learning to live without food and see if you will get hungry if you don't eat for three days.

 Xiao Yingzi, teach them how to practice. Remember, don’t be too kind. It’s all for their own good. "

 “The little one understands.”

Hong Ying responded with a smile.

Yu Shih and Dui were stunned.

 What did they do wrong?

 At the top of the mountain, the cold is even worse.

Lin Yi wrapped his clothes tightly, stretched out his hands on the blazing fire, and then said, "Do you have any sweet potatoes? It would be good to roast a sweet potato."

 Zhang Mian immediately said, "Your Majesty, wait a moment."

Lin Yi said while roasting sweet potatoes, "Don't be in a daze. Go call the door. Leaving me out to dry is not the way to treat guests."


 Everyone responded with a roar.

The person who came to knock on the door was the newly promoted Grand Master Zhou Jing. He was wearing a brand new Qianhu uniform and holding a waist knife. After pulling the door knocker symbolically, he said loudly, "The Prince Regent is here in person, so don't hurry up." Open the door to welcome us, don’t be lazy!”

 After waiting for three breaths, there was no movement from the door.

He took a step back. According to the rules, a soldier had to hold a log and hit the door at this moment.

 (End of this chapter)

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