I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 58: Suspicion and failure

Chapter 58: Preparing for Suspicion and Defeating the Plan

All the past memories that had been buried in the depths of my mind for a long time, and that I dared not even think about, suddenly fermented out, and an overwhelming rotten smell filled the house.

Cao Heng shouted at this time, "The only son died unjustly!

The old wife became ill due to depression and passed away. The whereabouts of her daughter-in-law and grandson are unknown!

 Who am I going to find reason with?

I have been famous all my life, but when I am old, I will never be the next one!

 The ultimate!

How do you know this sorrow? "

His fist hit the table with a bang, and the table fell apart. The back of the bony hand was **** and fleshy, and the oozing joints were vaguely visible.

 “Brother Cao,”

Shi Quan didn’t bother to wipe his tears. He was so frightened that he hugged the crazy Cao Heng. “My condolences, I can naturally look for him slowly in the future!”

 “Looking for a visit?”

Cao Heng sneered and said, "I am trapped here, where can I go to look for him?

Even if you find it, what can you do?

  It will only bring them fatal disaster! "

 Staying here is the greatest protection for family members who still don’t know where they are.

"A man can bend and stretch, so stop crying and crying,"

Xie Zan first helped Bian Jing up, then cupped his hands towards Cao Heng and said, "Brother Cao, you should think for the best in everything. It's ridiculous to act like a little girl."

 “What’s the best?”

The predecessor, Ti Xing An Cha Shi, who had always been a man of few words, Si Jing Cha Xing Xing insisted, “At most, it is through the kindness of this prince that we can spend our old age in peace.

 What a pity, this is not what I want. "

 “Speaking of this prince,”

Wang Qingbang wiped the shriveled corner of his eye with a handkerchief, "Not only is he kind-hearted, but he is also a bit wise and foolish.

It's a pity that he is not a prince, otherwise it would be a blessing to the people of the world. "

“Does being a prince mean that he can ascend to the throne?”

Bian Jing was still sobbing and pointed upwards with his finger, "When the late Emperor was here, who would have thought that this person would be the last one?

 Otherwise, how could I have suffered today's disaster? "

Everyone suddenly realized!


 When the late Emperor was still alive, nothing was more frustrating than the current Holy Sage!

Who stipulated that the prince must be able to ascend the throne?

 Throughout the dynasties, there have been countless deposed princes!

 You could hear a pin drop in the room for a while.

After a long time, Wang Qingbang closed his eyes, shook his head and said, "I wrote to Jiuzhongtian in the morning, and demoted Sanhe Lu to eight thousand people in the evening. I want to eliminate evil things for the saint, and I am willing to cherish the old age."

As he spoke, tears welled up from his remaining eye.

I think about the days when I was very proud of the spring breeze and saw all the monkshood flowers in one day, but I ended up in the current situation where my family is ruined and everyone is ruined.

“This is the only eye you have, don’t cry anymore,”

He Jixiang gave Wang Qingbang a rare comfort, "You are worthy of the name of 'Wen Zong'," which made me feel even more uncomfortable.

 The body gets old easily, the regret is unforgettable, and the victory before the respect is desolate. "

 “Are you guys getting old?”

Chen Desheng suddenly shouted, "If I'm going to die, I want He Jin to die in front!"

 A roar of grief and anger startled everyone.

 In all the years they have been together, they have never seen Chen Desheng so gloomy.

 “That’s easy for you to say,”

Shi Quan also shouted loudly, "Do you want He Jin's life?

 It’s not that I’m looking down on you.

 Unless the old sow can climb the tree!

Old gentlemen, it’s time to complain, it’s getting late, let’s take a rest! "

Yawned as he spoke, he turned around and was about to leave the wing, when he suddenly heard Xie Zan say, "The pig can't get up on his own. I have to push him up even with all my strength."

 “Thank you, sir, you are joking again.”

After Shi Quan finished speaking with a big smile, he saw Xing Keshou trembling all over again.

 “Having doubts will defeat your plans, and neglecting your affairs will ruin your plans.”

Xing Keshou stood up tremblingly and said, "Brother Shi is right, it's getting late, so it's better for everyone to go to bed early."

  After everyone saw his back disappearing, they each cupped their hands and went back to their rooms to sleep.

 I was speechless all night.

 After a rain, the grass took the opportunity to grow wildly overnight and squeezed out of the gap between the platform and the palace.

 “Is the quality of the cement too poor, or are you too good?”

Lin Yi picked it up casually and threw it into the flowers at the door. "It turns into spring mud to protect the flowers. It's fate."

 After clapping her hands, she touched her belly, which was already growing. If she doesn’t exercise her body, it will be a big problem for her to marry a wife in the future.

After leaving the mansion, he refused to ride the donkey and walked directly towards Baiyun City along the newly built road.

 The weight loss plan is officially launched today.

He found that in the center of Baiyun City, where announcements were posted in the past, there was now a long queue, and the royal guards were maintaining order.

"Your Majesty." Shen Chu came over and held his hands.

"What is this doing?"

Lin Yi looked curiously at Xie Zan, who seemed to be registering.

Shen Chu said, "Master Xie said that the palace only has more than fifty guards, which is too weak. We will recruit from Baiyun City today to expand the guards."

 “It’s a good thing,”

Lin Yi thought of Du Sanhe and the mysterious messenger who had not yet been traced. He really needed to expand his strength. He nodded and said, "Just don't have too many people."

 It’s too much to support!

 There is everywhere to spend money now!

 And the income is limited, so we have to save some money.

However, what he didn't expect was that Xie Zan and others would be so fast.

Three days later, in the school playground, more than a thousand people shouted loudly, with a hundred children hiding among them, shouting along with them.

He Jixiang is still in charge of the training. The teams sometimes line up in long snakes and sometimes get together, without any aesthetic or majesty at all.

Lin Yi had a headache looking at it.

 It is really not even as good as the level of military training for college students.

 It’s not that the former governor of Beijing Camp has no abilities, it’s just the limitations of the times!

Lin Yi couldn't help but stand directly on a stone general's platform and used the skills he had learned during military training in college.

 In the confusion of Shen Chu, He Jixiang and others, people were asked to turn in one direction, to the right in another, and then back again.

 “Your Majesty, my head is dizzy!”

Qin Hu was the first to express his doubts, "Your Majesty, please think about it and decide whether to go left or right. I would like to give you a direction!"

 The team burst into laughter.


Then just stand nearby and take a good rest."

Lin Yi smiled and said with a kind face, "Don't go anywhere, and don't eat today. If you eat too much, you will easily vomit."

“Ah,” Qin Hu was very happy when he heard what he said in front of him. But when he heard what he said in the back, his face dropped, “Your Majesty, I’m not dizzy anymore!”

As soon as he could tell the difference, two guards came over, sandwiched him in the middle, and pulled him to one side.

 And promised that he could not go anywhere and could not eat for a day.

Seeing this, everyone finally became quiet.

Lin Yi continued to practice both sides in front of Shen Chu and He Jixiang, and then said to them, "Just do it as I do, don't ask why, I won't know if you ask.

 Moreover, if you do not do well, I will also punish you. "

 After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

 (End of this chapter)

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