I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 61: Delegate power

Chapter 61 Decentralization

Looking at Tian Shiyou and the other two people who were gradually walking away with Sun Yi, Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's quite interesting."

Bao Kui said, "Your Majesty, do you really want to take in such miscreants?

 The subordinates are afraid of damaging the reputation of the prince! "

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him and said, "Is this your first time meeting me?"

Bao Kui said with a sneer, "I know my mistake."


 To their prince, it seems to be nothing more than a cloud!

How could their prince pursue something as illusory as "reputation" if he didn't even have a face?

Mingyue said, "This person is obviously vulgar in everything, but he is meticulous in etiquette, as if he has been deliberately trained.

Moreover, the literate words coming out of the mouth of such a person always make people feel a sense of violation.

 Presumably the prince must have deep intentions in keeping him. "

 “Did you hear that?”

Lin Yi kicked Bao Kui, "Follow you, Miss Mingyue, and learn more. Those who work all day long only know how to fight and kill.

  No, in terms of fighting, you seem to be unable to beat Ming Yue.

 You say you, day by day, why can’t you do it? Eat whatever you want and don’t have any leftovers.

This king dislikes you very much, but you don’t know it in your heart. "

 “I am ashamed of myself!”

Bao Kui said with a smile, "Miss Mingyue is naturally beautiful, and she is already at the peak of the seventh rank. Naturally, the younger ones can't match her."

 What little sister?

 In terms of age, he can be Mingyue’s father!

Although I feel helpless, I can’t say anything.

 Because no matter what, their prince always has some tricks to deal with him!

 This is an experience of blood and tears!

Mingyue covered her mouth and smiled, "You're welcome, Commander Bao. Commander Bao has rich marching experience. On the way to Sanhe, if Commander Bao hadn't been there to lead the way, he probably wouldn't have known where he would have wandered."

Bao Kui glanced at Mingyue gratefully. Fortunately, he saved face for him, otherwise he would have to find a hole in the ground.

Bao Kui said, "I am stupid, and I hope Miss Mingyue can teach me!"

Mingyue smiled and said, "The prince probably suspects that there is someone behind Tian Shiyou's instigation, otherwise such a fool would not be able to say such things."

Bao Kui suddenly realized, "Your Majesty is still wise. So, Your Majesty, what should I do now?"

Lin Yi stared and said, "Ask me?

 If I knew everything, what would I want you to do? "

Bao Kui's face froze. Although his words were stupid, they seemed to make sense.

Anyway, this is what their prince calls "delegation of power", which is called "mobilizing their enthusiasm". In fact, everyone tacitly understands that they are lazy, being the hands-off shopkeeper, and not caring about anything!

His power as the deputy commander is great. He can take charge of everything from theft in Baiyun City to the small things like sweeping the floor and wiping the tables in the palace.

 Even if he sometimes forgets to feed the prince’s dog, the prince has to blame him.

 This is clearly what the servants in the government should do!

 But don’t complain!

Who is in charge of the people?

 Of course it’s Mr. Hong!

How dare he put this pot on Mr. Hong’s head?

You will not lose a piece of flesh if you are wrongly accused by the prince, but you will lose a piece of skin if you are beaten by Manager Hong.

 So, the fact that he can survive to this day in the palace is all due to his own knowledge of current affairs!

 Anyway, no matter what responsibilities he has, if he puts them on his head, Manager Hong will not treat him badly.

 After sighing secretly, he looked at the bright moon with a troubled expression.

Mingyue smiled and said, "If you don't mind, Commander Bao, I can help you."

Bao Kui said happily, "It's natural to have a girl to help me."

 It rains a lot in autumn.

 Before the sun goes down, dark clouds come.

 The farmers began to scramble for the field, and the food outside could not be exposed to the rain.

After a few muffled thunders, the rain began to fall with crackling sounds.

Across the wall to the right of the palace is the newly built orphanage. Lin Yi not only inscribed the words "Sanhe Orphanage" with his own hands, but also served as the first director.

Now that the locals know there is such a place, there will always be people secretly putting their children at the door in the middle of the night.

  It made it so that people in the orphanage would come out every once in a while to check on the children and take the children into the house in time.

 Monkeys and wolves that appear frequently are no joke if you encounter any of them.

Lin Yi could see the high roof of the orphanage from the platform at the door.

  I casually swatted a mosquito to death, held it in my hand, and sighed, "Did she just kiss me?"

Mingyue was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

 “With clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, different from others,”

Lin Yi sighed and said, "I hurt her. Love comes so quickly and goes so quickly."

 The people behind him were trying their best not to laugh.

The thunder became louder and louder.

 Fang Pi and Cui Gengren were dishonest.

Fang Pi stood on the high roof and shouted, "Thunder!

 This heaven-reaching cultivation level!

The sky is falling and the earth is falling, the Purple Gold Hammer"

Cui Gengren stood opposite Fang Pi, raised his fist, and shouted, not to be outdone, "Zidian!

This Xuanzhen flame!

The Nine Heavens Hanging Sword Shocking Changes

I hold the crescent blade in my hand."

There was a group of children standing at the door and cheering loudly.

The two people continued to roar regardless of their wet bodies or how loud the thunder was.

The corners of Lin Yi's mouth twitched unconsciously, and he yelled twice for nothing, why did he let these little **** learn from him!

 “Tongtian cultivation?

Lin Yi suddenly said expressionlessly, "It's a good thing that they are all so ambitious. Give them some more burdens and don't leave them idle.

Hurry and drive them down now, otherwise they will be struck to death by lightning instead of starving to death. This is bad luck. "

 “I understand, little one.”

Hong Ying slowly walked forward along the corridor, and then looked towards the orphanage opposite.

 “I control the demon’s roar”

Before Fang Pi finished shouting, he suddenly saw Hong Ying appearing in his sight. He was so frightened that he jumped off the roof without hesitation.

 “Big Fart King!

 Have you surrendered to me?

 What's wrong with your eyes?

 It’s not easy to use, I keep blinking! "

Cui Gengren had his back to Hong Ying, and he was curious about what scary thing Fang Pi had seen, so he jumped down so quickly.

Hence, he couldn't help but turn his head. After seeing clearly, he screamed and rolled off the roof.

Seeing Lin Yi's worry, Hong Ying smiled and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, these little brats are now rough-skinned and thick-bodied, so they can't be broken."

Lin Yi thought that these little **** were all learning kung fu now, so he took it seriously and said with a smile, "That's right."

Since cement became popular in Baiyun City, the streets of Baiyun City are no longer as muddy as they used to be during heavy rains.

The uneven cement roads extend everywhere from south to north and from east to west.

These roads were not built by Bian Jing, but were stolen from the construction site by the "smart" people from Baiyun City after they discovered the wonderful uses of cement.

Bian Jing kept banning him repeatedly. After all, a construction site that is more than ten miles long cannot have people guarding every place, right?

After Lin Yi found out, he let them go, because the simple cement itself was worthless!

These people are willing to work as free labor to pave the way for Baiyun City. There is no harm in it, right?

 ps: If you love it, please vote for it.

 (End of this chapter)

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