Chapter 63 Letters

Flood emergency response is.

Bian Jingdao said, "Six hundred miles to the south, the locals call it Jinji Mountain, which produces placer gold.

The person who occupies this place is named Jiang Sixi. He is obviously a bandit, but he has the name of a scholar, "Sword-wielding Scholar".

 It is said that he has some connection with Wang Cheng, but I don’t know the specific details. "

 “They are all **** rich people.

Mr. Bian, don’t worry. When I get their money in the future, I will allocate it to you to build roads and bridges."

Lin Yi drooled with envy and sighed, "Since there is iron and coal, is it just that there are not enough blacksmiths?"


Bian Jing cupped his hands and said, "I have already paid money in advance to these blacksmith shops and asked them to recruit apprentices.

 In just one year, these apprentices will be qualified blacksmiths, and by then, these blacksmith shops will be ready."

 “Mr. Bian”

Lin Yi couldn't help but interrupt and sighed, "Time is money!

 Efficiency is life!

 The king has no objection to training blacksmiths, it is the right thing to do.

 But, spend a year?

 I can’t afford to wait! "

Bian Jing said bravely, "What does the prince mean?"

Lin Yi said, “First: Sanhe is so big, it’s impossible to just have a few people who know how to forge, put up notices, and offer rewards to recruit people, so we can open our own blacksmith shop.

 Second, there is a flood in Yuezhou, and there are many people displaced. Go and rob people for me. How many people are there? How many people are needed? At least a few blacksmiths can be captured?

 If you don’t have a blacksmith, it’s good to have a carpenter.

Alright, let’s do it.

If you are not in good health, don’t show up in person. Arrange for someone to go and bring more guards.

 Where is the food? Thank you, sir, for your help in raising it. "

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

Xie Zan was overjoyed and said happily, "Baiyun City is six hundred miles away from the junction of Yuezhou and Sanhe. The refugees gather in large numbers and do not speak the official language. It is easy to cause trouble. The extraordinary people are not qualified for the job. I recommend Hu Da and his son to go there."

Lin Yi said in surprise, "One is a groom and the other is a doctor. How can these two men do it?"

Xie Zan smiled and said, "As far as I know, Hu Da Nai is from Yuezhou. He has lived in Ankang for many years and his local accent has not changed.

Hu Langzhong's medical skills are so superb that even if he is a bandit, he will not easily hurt him and he can easily win people's hearts. Therefore, it is best for the father and son to go. "

Upon hearing this, Lin Yi thought it made sense and nodded in agreement.

As for whether the Hu family agrees or not, that is not his consideration.

The nursing home in Hewangfu has been expanded to 2,000 people, which is already the limit for the sparsely populated Sanhe!

Most of them are farmers, fishermen, and small traders, and a small number are prisoners who are undergoing labor reform. Wang Xing, the son of Wang Cheng, the richest man in Sanhe, is also among them.

There are three hours of training time every day. After the training, those who should go to harvest will go to harvest, and those who should fish will go to fish.

 The young men and gangsters continued to go to the construction sites for labor reform.

 This is a compromise made by He Jixiang based on local realities. It is basically impossible to expect these people to work as full-time nursing homes.

 Many people have wives and children who are the backbone of the family. Without them, there is no hope of harvesting rice from the fields this season.

If it weren’t for the monthly money from the palace, they would not be willing to come here to suffer hardship and delay their family’s work.

  On the large playground, the escorts had already arranged their formation in a decent manner.

 After that, Lin Yi frowned and watched them punching each other with great momentum.

I always feel like something is wrong, but I can’t express it.

“Let them run, run every day, at least ten miles,”

Lin Yi said to He Jixiang, "As long as you run fast enough, the enemy's sword won't be able to cut them.

 If you are cut down, you will die.

 When they die, they are gone. "

 He Jixiang was stunned.

 This is completely correct nonsense!

 “Light feet are good at walking, soldiers are valuable and quick, and this is how I train them.”

This prince He often comes up with some new words, which gives him a headache!

 Occasionally you can only figure it out on your own!

Lin Yi said with a smile, "That's even better. Continue to strengthen and run neatly and with great momentum."

He Jixiang wanted to speak, but found that Lin Yi had already left. He quickly grabbed Hong Ying and said, "Manager Hong, how can you be so tidy and still run out of momentum?"

"It's probably like 'the body is so fast that it flies like a flying duck, it is as erratic as a god, it moves slightly on the waves, its stockings are dusty, and it suddenly stretches its body, soaring and playing'."

 Hong Ying suddenly remembered Lingbo Weibu in "The Eight Parts of the Dragon" written by Wang Ye.

It’s just that he was a **** and couldn’t learn such pure Yang skills when he first came into contact with them. He could only teach them to Mingyue, Zixia, Song Cheng and others.

Although the qualifications of these people are not bad, none of them have achieved great success.

Now, he feels that he has reached the point where "the number of yin and yang is sufficient to connect to the gods". He can learn these skills, but he is not willing to learn them. After all, the footwork is just a move.

 His moves are of no use to him.


He Jixiang frowned and said, "How can it be possible to walk on water without entering the eighth level?"

Seeing that Lin Yi had already walked away, Hong Ying ignored Bian Jing and quickly turned around to catch up, leaving He Jixiang alone shaking his head and sighing.

 Autumn is crisp and clear.

 A homing pigeon came from the north. After hovering over the palace for a long time, it finally landed.

After Lin Yi saw it, he followed him to the backyard.

 “Your Majesty.”

Wang Qingbang handed a note to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi quickly opened it, found the corresponding words from the book according to the numbers above, and wrote them on the paper one by one, and finally they became two consecutive sentences.

 After reading it, he couldn't help but sigh.

The correspondence with Lin Ning was frequent. What he wrote were all about family affairs and caring about people. But the contents Lin Ning replied to him were all about court affairs, nothing more than who was promoted, who was unlucky, and who was lucky.

For example, the content of today’s letter is the same.

He threw the paper to Wang Qingbang and said with a smile, "Look, it's this kind of content every day, it's very boring.

Aren't Qi Yong and Yin Wentai of Ankang Prefecture not willing to deal with each other?

How could you be so kind as to speak for him? "

The responsibilities of the prefect and the prefect are the same, but because Ankang is the capital of the capital, the prefect is of the third rank and has a particularly high status.

You can't be in this position unless you have the favor of the Holy Spirit. You are qualified to challenge the Prime Minister.

Wang Qingbang said with a smile, "I have been here in Sanhe for many years, but I have never heard of Wentai. It's just that Qi Yong doesn't have good intentions."

Lin Yi asked curiously, "How to say?

 Others advocated dismissal, but Qi Yong and others insisted that he be exiled to Sichuan Province.

Even though I was demoted, it is better than losing my official position, right? "

Wang Qingbang smiled and said, "Your Majesty is pure and kind, but he doesn't understand the right and wrong here.

This is the cruelty of Qi Yong.

It would be great if Wen Tai was really dismissed. Then as long as someone in the court can vouch for it, he can be reinstated and the official can be restored to his original position.

 But it's different when you go to Sichuan Province. It's easy to go down from the third level to the sixth level, but it's very difficult to go up.

 The state has national laws, and every family has its own rules, even if it is a sacred or private matter, it is specially promoted.

 From the sixth grade to the third grade, it also takes ten years! "

“Ten years, grandma is a bear, how many decades are there in life?”

Lin Yi sighed and said, "This Qi Yong is too cruel."

 Politics is more complicated than he imagined.


 (End of this chapter)

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