I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 68: remaining hours

Chapter 68 The remaining hours

"Who are you!"

Yu Shi pushed away the hand on his shoulder with a slap!

Tian Shiyou was caught off guard, and a huge force came from his elbow. He couldn't avoid it, and he instinctively wanted to grab Yu Xiao's arm. What shocked him was that the opponent didn't move at all.

  For a moment, he watched his body retreating continuously.

Then with a pop, he was shot into the river.

 After struggling twice, I found that the water was only waist deep. I wiped the water on my face and looked at the tall and fat Yu Shi in confusion.

 This is a sign of goodwill, so why do you hit yourself?

 It’s hard to tell the difference between good and bad!

 No wonder everyone says this kid is a fool.

However, I was very shocked. Although I was pushed into the river without any precautions, I was at the peak of the fourth grade!

This kid is a third-grade kid who can hold on until he dies. Where does he get such strength from?

Moreover, I don’t have the power to backhand yet!

 This completely subverted his cognition.

 “Little Fatty, I hate it when people call him Little Fatty!”

Fang Pi took Cui Gengren with him, and he didn’t know where he came from. He looked at Tian Shiyou in the river and laughed.

 “You called him too!”

Tian Shiyou hurriedly caught the loophole in Fang Pi’s words!

I can't call him "little fat man", how can you call him "little fat man"?

Fang Pi wanted to put his arm around Yu Shiyou's shoulders, but he was too tall, so he had to put his arm around his waist and shouted to Tian Shiyou in the water, "You know so much!

Look at our faces, do they look like they were carved from the same mold? "

Tian Shiyou looked at them from a distance for a long time. One was as fat as a pig, and the other was as thin as a monkey. How were they similar?

Fang Pi said proudly, "The little fat guy is my brother, and we are cousins!

 How can an outsider like you compare? "

Yu Xiao also said happily, "This is my brother, I am his brother."

Tian Shiyou said angrily, "You two brothers are on the left and right, and outsiders can't tell!"

Going ashore, I took off my shoes, poured water, washed them, put them on again, turned around and left with my two brothers.

Shanyin raised his head, his neck was sore. After a long meeting, he made sure that there was no more bleeding, then he washed his face in the water, and walked towards Lin Yi with a sad face.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "You must be patient with your children and give them the warmth of spring."

“Prince, don’t worry, I am very patient and will not get discouraged easily.”

While Shan Yin was speaking, his eyes unconsciously glanced at the tall Yu Shi.

 He really underestimated the enemy!

He didn’t expect that this kid would take action as soon as he asked.

The most annoying thing is that I was still able to laugh at that time, but remained motionless and lazily hid.

What is the difference between a child punching a Qipin like himself and scratching an itch?

 Only I didn’t expect the consequences to be so serious.

 Now, my nose still hurts.

Lin Yi shrugged, ignored him, and continued to go to school.

 “This little fat guy has a talent for martial arts?”

Lin Yi suddenly looked at Hong Ying.

 “Keep the truth firmly in mind, have no distracting thoughts in your mind, forget yourself and the world.

Yu Ying's divine transformation is in harmony with nature and Tao. "

Hong Ying followed Lin Yi closely as he spoke.

“Why do these words sound so familiar?”

Lin Yi couldn't remember it for a moment.

Hong Ying said with a smile, "Your Majesty, this is from your novel. Fat Cat has been dumb and mute since he was a child, and was underestimated by others. But because he has no distractions, he can learn martial arts and become a master of his own generation."

“Your Majesty, I also want to hear the story of the fat cat!”

Yu Shi's voice suddenly came out from behind, startling Lin Yi.

 “How many times have I told you?”

Lin Yi said to Yu Xiaoxiao, "When you see someone, you must say hello first. Don't rush over suddenly. Do you know?"

Yu Xiao nodded sharply and said, "I understand, Your Majesty, I want to hear the story of Fat Cat."

“I’ll tell you when you do it, but now, don’t even think about it.”

 The former internet article author is still very proud at the moment.

He pieced together various unrelated characters and plots, and he still managed to reach such a large audience!

Even if you are not a prince, if you write novels in this world, you will definitely become a best-selling author with thousands of female fans.

Suddenly, he sighed again. If the book "Super Dad" he wrote before time travel was on the shelves, it would definitely be highly ordered!

This will come to an abrupt end. I don’t know how many readers are clamoring to send him razor blades.

 His departure is irresponsible to readers and a great loss to Chinese online literature!

 Thinking about it, I feel a little guilty and heartbroken.

 There are more and more people in the school. From south to north, from west to east, more and more people are sending their children here, certainly not to learn "literacy".

 One is to learn martial arts, especially those fishermen who are drifting on the sea. They are more eager for their children to learn more than one move or two.

 The second is for three meals. After all, I stay at home and only have two meals a day. Not to mention the wasted food, I am still half full.

Where is it like here, three meals a day, every meal is full.

Many people are older and want to learn martial arts, but they cannot enter the school, and the palace guards do not accept them.

 Fortunately, He Jixiang, Shen Chu, Bao Kui and others never shied away from teaching in the playground. Anyone with long ears, hands and feet can learn if they want.

Ever since a sixty-year-old woman who had never learned martial arts before gained strength, the whole Baiyun City was in a state of excitement.

The old woman before was stooped and unsteady when walking. A discerning eye could see that she would not survive the end of the year.

However, because her grandson went to school, she was responsible for picking him up and dropping him off every day. Watching the training on the playground, she followed the gestures out of curiosity, and the more she gestured, the more her body stretched.

The problem of back pain that usually occurs when it rains has magically disappeared.

This old woman was naturally very happy, and she actually practiced harder than the young man.

 It only took a few short months to enter Hua Jin easily.

Since then, my waist and legs no longer hurt, and I feel more energetic when climbing mountains.

Ming Yue came forward and hired her as a nursing mother in the orphanage, and she received monthly money.

 Everyone was stunned.

Anyone with a little knowledge of martial arts knows that without three to five years of diligent study and practice, how can one easily develop his strength?

 Some people even cannot enter Hua Jin throughout their lives.

Not to mention that this old woman is so old, she is already past the age of learning martial arts!

 This old woman is not a genius, this is simply outrageous!

There is a saying gradually spreading in Baiyun City that Prince He is from the royal family, so he naturally teaches advanced martial arts.

 Can high-level exercises be the same as low-level ones?

 Higher ones naturally have higher superiority!

As more and more people achieved breakthroughs, this idea spread more and more widely, and some third- and fourth-grade masters who had long been famous in Sanhe actually mingled with the crowd on the playground.

 For a time, the area around the school was overcrowded.

Lin Yi glanced at it from a distance, unwilling to squeeze in again.

I just hope that Bian Jing can repair the new playground quickly, so as to save these people from making noise around it, which makes him unable to sleep well every day.

  ps: It’s time to vote again

 (End of this chapter)

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