I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 73: frustration

Chapter 73 Frustration

 Shaked his head, there was really nothing he could do.

  turned around and went to the study.

 Fortunately, I still have a calligraphy hand that I am proud of!

Hong Ying helped pull the paper, Lin Yi splashed ink, and soon he wrote a picture.

The more I wrote, the more energetic I became, and Hong Ying was a little short of paper.

Wang Qingbang walked in, followed by Xing Keshou, Shi Quan and others who rarely entered the palace. Except for He Jixiang who went out to suppress bandits, all the old men came.

Xie Zan smiled and said, "Your Majesty is so elegant."

Lin Yi said proudly, "What do you think of the word "I"?

 “If you are poor, you will live alone; if you are rich, you will have many wives and concubines.”

Shi Quan couldn't help but read out the poem on the paper, and said in a weird tone, "The prince has high aspirations."

 He took off this one and looked at the other one, "I always hated the village girl for finding nowhere, so I unconsciously turned to this one.

If heaven is sentimental, heaven will also grow old. If man is sentimental, he will die early. "

  I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

 But I felt a little rude, so I quickly turned my back.

Wang Qingbang laughed heartily.

Xing Keshou said with a smile, "Your Majesty is a great talent."

 I sighed in my heart because I didn’t use it in a serious way.

 Get rid of all those **** words and slang.

Lin Yi said modestly, "Okay, it's hard to reach the level of elegance with a small skill."

Shi Quan pointed at Lin Yi's handwriting and said, "I'm confused about something. How does the prince start and stop writing?"

Wang Qingbang kicked him, and he glanced in confusion. Seeing that Wang Qingbang didn't speak, he continued to look at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi is very pleased that finally a cultural person is willing to focus on "calligraphy" itself!

“I am writing this for you to read. Please correct me if there are any shortcomings.”



 In two lifetimes combined, I have been practicing for nearly fifty years!

Today I will teach you, the ancients, how to behave!

Let me show you what real calligraphy is!

Lin Yi rolled up his drooping sleeves, holding the pen with one hand hanging from his elbow, and dragging the elbow holding the pen with the other hand, and slowly started writing.

Bian Jing looked towards the roof.

Chen Desheng looked down at his boots.

 Cao Heng and Xie Zan pretended to have a conversation.

Wang Qingbang turned his back and teased the pigeons flying from the window.

 Only Shi Quan and Xing Keshuo watched Lin Yi write with concentration.

Lin Yi writes horizontally, presses down, and lifts the pen tip up; writes vertically, presses it again, and lifts the pen tip to the left.

 The two people looked at each other, dumbfounded.

 Is there anyone else writing like this?

 While in a daze, Lin Yi had already finished writing the word "下".

 What puzzled the two of them even more was why they deliberately raised the pen when they put it away "vertically"?

Lin Yi looked at the banner he had written, put the brush on the pen holder with satisfaction, raised his hands to Shi Quan and said, "You're showing off your shame."

Shi Quan finally understood Wang Qingbang’s intention of kicking him.

He had no choice but to point to the word "三" in "Sanhe Shanshui is the best in the world" and said, "I don't know why the prince drew a circle on this horizontal line?"

 “If you want to go right, go left first, and start writing against the front, which is called hiding the front.”

Lin Yi blurted out.

 Is there anything I need to ask?

Shi Quan pointed to the word "mountain" again and said, "Then this one is at the bottom, why do you have to lift it up?"

Lin Yi said, "Return to the front, there is no way to retreat, no way to retreat."

Xing Keshou said, "I wonder who the prince's lecturer is in the palace?"

Lin Yi said, "That old man Chen Yan is someone who spends his whole day doing things.

Although I am annoyed by him, I have to admit that his knowledge is still good. "

“Chen Yan is full of knowledge, so it would be great for him to teach the prince.”

Xing Jieshu continued, "It's just that this word doesn't look like what he taught me. He and I were admitted in the same year and have a close personal relationship. His name is also familiar to me."

Lin Yi said, "Of course he didn't teach me. I practiced it myself. He also thinks my calligraphy is good."

“The prince is indeed an extraordinary person”

Xing Keshu couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't know whether to sympathize with Lin Yi or Chen Yan.

 One is fooled, and the other is fooled by such a stubborn student.

Lin Yi said, "No, after asking so many questions, what do you mean?"

 He finally felt something was wrong.

Shi Quan finally couldn't help but said, "This is the first time I have seen Wang Ye write this way.

 When Your Majesty is writing, isn’t it tiring to lift your arms like this? "

Lin Yi said angrily, "Who said you're not tired?

 That’s why I often use charcoal pens, which are faster and less tiring. "

Especially when I was writing a long work, I ended up hating the brush a little bit.

Shi Quan said, "Then when the prince uses charcoal, does he also circle in circles like this?"

"You mean Zangfeng?" Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Of course not."

 “Then why do you do this when using a brush?”

Shi Quan couldn't describe it, so he simply gestured with his hands, "Your Majesty, for example, this horizontal line can go straight up and down, and this vertical line can go straight up and down, so why go around in circles?"

 “You mean that I wrote it wrong?”

Lin Yi finally understood what they meant.

 Everyone bowed their heads and remained silent.

Wang Qingbang kicked Shi Quan hatefully again.

He didn’t say anything, so it didn’t matter. Finally, Xie Zan bit the bullet and said, “Your Majesty’s words are perfect at the beginning and end, with smooth momentum and rich writing power.

 It's just that writing is about flowing and flowing. When Wang Ye writes like this, even if he is tired, the words he writes will inevitably be blocked. "

Lin Yi said dejectedly, "After all, I mean the same thing, but I wrote it wrong."

 He started practicing calligraphy in the orphanage. He is handsome and elegant, and everyone who sees him says good about him.

 After going to college, I learned from the teachers in the calligraphy club and watched online videos to figure it out.

This is how we are taught and learned!

 Later, I participated in a calligraphy competition and won a prize.

 Made myself more confident.

 After coming to this world, he thought he had a solid foundation. When it came to reading, reading, and writing in official teaching, he always followed his own rules.

Now, a bunch of old men suddenly told him that he was wrong!

 His three views were shattered.

 “Chen Yan, that old man!”

Lin Yi gritted his teeth.

Xing Keshou said, "Your Majesty, there is no need to be discouraged. Judging from your character, your spirit, strength, character, and lifeline are all perfect.

 Just this habit of starting and putting away the pen has changed for the better.

The so-called "Zang Feng" refers to writing it casually, rather than going against the trend. This is a bit deliberate on the part of the prince. "

Shi Quan also said, "As for writing, you can naturally stretch it as you please, no need to be rigid."


 Suddenly struck, Lin Yi suddenly felt a little less confident again.

Is it really wrong to study Ni Feng's calligraphy for so many years?

 A group of old men nodded hurriedly.

   Can't make their prince angry.

Lin Yi waved his hands helplessly and said, "Don't mention it in advance. What do you mean by just saying you guys come together?"

Xie Zan smiled and said, "Your Majesty, it's the end of the year soon. I wonder what gifts your Majesty has prepared for His Majesty?"

Lin Yi said, "Whether you give it or not, it doesn't matter. Can the old man still look up to me?"

 Stop wasting money. "

Xie Zan said, "Filial piety comes first among all good deeds. Your Majesty is the first vassal. How can you let everyone in the world take it for granted?"

 “Then you figure it out.”

Lin Yi walked away listlessly.

This day, I really suffered a lot of setbacks!

 ps: The night is so beautiful tonight and the wind is gentle. It’s a good time to vote.

 (End of this chapter)

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