Chapter 78 Making Up

Yu Xiao said loudly, "Your Majesty, I'm not stupid, Dumb is the fool!"

Yu Shi pointed at Cui Gengsheng who was hiding behind Cui Gengren and sucking his fingers.

 “You are the fool!

Your whole family is a fool! "

Cui Gengren was unhappy immediately. Cui Gengsheng was his own brother!

 This is his only relative in this world.

“Dumb, don’t put your fingers in your mouth, how many times have I told you,”

Lin Yi said to Cui Gengsheng, "How old are you? Only children do this."

Cui Gengsheng's size is about the same as Yu Xiao's, but he looks stronger. At this moment, he is shirtless, and the tendons on his body are scary enough.

 But as soon as I sucked my fingers, something suddenly seemed wrong in my painting style.

 “Your Majesty, I am not a child!”

When Cui Gengsheng spoke loudly, his huge pectoralis major muscles trembled.

 “Put your hands down if you are not a child.”

Lin Yi understands the temperament of these idiotic and stupid children very well, so he has his own way to deal with them.

After Cui Gengsheng heard this, he reluctantly took out the finger that was stuck in his mouth.

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction, and then asked Cui Gengren, "Is your eldest brother turning sixteen at the end of the year?"

Cui Gengren said, "She is sixteen, two years older than me."

Lin Yi said, "After that, you can move out of the orphanage. Now you can find a place to build a house, and then go to the workshop to learn blacksmithing."

It would be a pity not to forge this body of tendons.

Cui Gengren said unhappily, "My brother doesn't know how to blacksmith!"

 “Fart, who is born to be able to blacksmith?”

Lin Yi said angrily, "You have to learn if you don't know how to do it. How do you expect me to support him for the rest of his life?"

 What does this king owe you? "

Cui Gengren said unconvinced, "Your Majesty, I can support him!"

“Stop talking nonsense, since you two are brothers, you should make long-term plans for him,”

Lin Yi said angrily, "Can you promise to guard him for the rest of your life?

Don't brag about this. When you get a wife in the future, you still don't know who will be in charge. "

Cui Gengren said, "I don't want a wife!"

“You idiot,” Lin Yi glanced at him with disdain and said more impatiently, “You are only ten years old and you know nothing. Just listen to me and quickly find land to build a house.

 If you need anything, go to your sister Mingyue. "

"All right."

Although Cui Gengren is young, he is not completely ignorant. They really cannot expect the prince to support him for a lifetime. Regardless of whether his brother is a blacksmith or not, he needs to move out of the orphanage.

Lin Yi glanced at the grinning Yu Shi again, and then said, "How old are you, fifteen or sixteen?"

Yu Xiao said, "Your Majesty, I am fifteen!"

Lin Yi said, "Go back and find Fang Pi. You two brothers should also discuss where to build a house. You have to move out too."

Yu Xiao said, "Your Majesty, I also want to be a blacksmith!"

 “Want to be a blacksmith?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "That's good. You two can go to the workshop together and use it as a means of making a living from now on."

 As for whether the two of you will be bullied after going out?

 It’s completely overthinking. Not only are the two of them big and strong, they also have great skills.

Lin Yi had seen with his own eyes how Yu Xiao could lift a wild boar weighing several hundred kilograms with one hand, no different from lifting a rabbit.

Everyone in Baiyun City knows that these two wild boys cannot be messed with. How can anyone dare to bully them?

 It’s good if they don’t bully others.

 Unless the other person is stupider than the two of them, they have nothing to do but seek abuse.

 The construction of the bridge across the Xijiang River finally started during the dry season.

Stones and wood were piled up like mountains. Bian Jing recruited almost all the laborers available in Baiyun City, and people carried them on their shoulders, creating a scene of enthusiasm.

The Xijiang River is one hundred and fifty feet wide at its widest point. Even if Bian Jing had great ability, he would not be able to build it according to the current situation of Sanhe.

 However, he used a clever method to connect the two banks through the island in the middle of the river. In this way, even the widest part is only more than 20 feet.

On the road from Sanhe to Nanzhou, they built bridges over mountains and rivers. They had accumulated a lot of experience and trained a group of craftsmen. Therefore, building the stone bridge in front of them was not a big deal for them. What difficulty.

The only shortcoming is that the two lines of construction are starting, the manpower is insufficient, and the population of Baiyun City is too small!

Even many old men and women were sent. Anyway, two coppers a day, including food, was better than sitting idle at home.

However, it still does not delay them from learning "martial arts".

 The playground is still crowded in the morning and evening.

 The kapok flower has only been in bloom for a few days, all the flowers have fallen out, and the leaves have not yet grown.

 For the first time, Lin Yi used a satin quilt when sleeping at night.

Even Da Heizi and Xiao Huang refused to sleep outside and went into the house.

 “I’ve gained a lot of weight.”

Lin Yi touched the yellow dog's soft hair.

 I remember that when I picked it up, it was just a little meat ball, but I didn’t expect that it would be stronger than a **** child now.

Mingyue said with a smile, "That little girl Hong An is very diligent in feeding her. She is reluctant to eat the meat, so she keeps stuffing it into her mouth."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Are you still practicing Kung Fu?

How is the level?

 Sooner or later you will have to surpass your master. "

“Your Majesty, I practice every day.”

Hong An stood there with her head lowered. If you didn’t look carefully, no one would think that she was a lame girl.

Zixia said, "Your Majesty, Mr. Hong's eyes are still poisonous. This girl is really a good candidate for learning martial arts.

It only took Mingyue and me a long time to master the kung fu that Sister Wen taught us. She could perform it decently at a glance. "

Lin Yi held the tea cup, took a sip and said, "How many products are there now?"

Wen Zhaoyi put the child in her arms on the ground, glanced at Hong An, and then said with a smile, "She is only eleven years old, and she is already in the fourth grade now."

Lin Yidao, "That's not bad."

Wen Zhaoyi rolled her eyes at him and said, "It's not bad!

People used to say that I was a genius, but when I was eleven years old, I was still a third-grade student. "

"so smart?"

Lin Yi couldn't believe it, "Where's that little kid Fang Pi? He's been chased by Hong An all day long. He should be pretty good, right?"

Ming Yue said, "Fang Pi, this kid, has good talent, but he is a bit unstable. It will be good if he can regain his strength by the end of the year.

The one who is making the fastest progress right now is Yu Shi.

 Mr. Hong taught him the skills of Tie Bu Shi. I don’t know how far he will be able to reach in the future.

There is also Ah-Dai. Although he is a brother to Cui Gengren, he is much stronger than him.

 Everything that Mr. Hong teaches can be mastered and mastered as soon as it is learned.

It's a pity that they learned martial arts late, otherwise they would definitely be in trouble now. "

 “Foolish people are blessed with foolishness.”

Lin Yi was actually a little envious of these two silly boys.

He remembered what the aunts used to say to comfort them when they were in the orphanage: What God lacks for you in one place, he will surely provide for you in another place.

 (End of this chapter)

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