Chapter 85 Xenophobia

Even though the delicacies of mountains and seas were placed in front of him, he didn't bother to take a second look.

 Can’t eat.

 “Your Majesty,”

Shan Yin said solemnly, "Really, you are a good person!"

 “Get out! Don’t talk such nonsense.”

Lin Yi cursed.

 He hates it most when others give him good guy cards!

 “Your Majesty,”

Shan Yin said dejectedly, "The world is so big, where can I go?"

Lin Yi snorted coldly and ignored him.

 It was my fault that I was chased by Ye Jinyu?

The further you walk into the forest, the tall mountains and giant trees are inaccessible to people, but they are a paradise for wild animals.

 When it’s hot, venomous snakes and mosquitoes are inevitable.

 Snakes basked in the sun outside the grass, and mosquitoes stayed and flew in the grass.

 Fortunately, those two idiots, Yu Shih and Cui Gengsheng, were both quick-sighted and quick-handed. When they encountered a venomous snake, they would just hit it with a hammer. Lin Yi couldn't bear to take another look at the horrible sight.

 Happily, when I go back next night, I will have a full harvest.

 The horses carried wild boars, wild deer, pheasants and wild ducks.

 Everyone is happy.

 Except for good causes.

 A man was sitting alone in a tavern in Baiyun City.

 After taking a sip of wine, always take a sip of soup with a spoon.

 For a native of Nanzhou like him, even eating porridge requires soup.

 When I was drinking to my heart's content, an old man suddenly appeared in front of me.

 “It turns out to be Mr. Xing.”

Shan Yin threw his hands at Xing Keshou and shouted, "Waiter, bring us some bowls and chopsticks, some wine and some food."

“A good gentleman does not need to be polite.”

Xing Keshou smiled and said, "I have been friends with your Shan family for generations, and I am even more like a brother to your uncle Shan Qi."

Shan Yin stood up, filled his glass with wine, and said with a smile, "Mr. Xing, do you want to be my grandpa and treat me as your grandson?"

Xing Keshu shook his head and said, "That's not what I meant. I am now a guilty person, how dare you do this?

Since you and I both work for the prince, let’s do our own thing. "

After taking a sip of wine, he took out a note from his sleeve and handed it to Shan Yin.

Zhen Yin did not answer, but asked out of curiosity, "What is this?"

Xing Keshou smiled and said, "I just forgot to give it to Mr. Shan this morning."

Shan Yin hesitated for a moment, then took it and opened it to take a look, his expression suddenly changed.

Looking at Xing Keshou, he said coldly, "Mr. Xing, where did you get this news?"

These old men have lived in Sanhe for a long time, how could they be better informed than him?

Xing Keshou said calmly, "Of course it's Princess Huaiyang.

The people of Taipingshan defeated Cao Datong and rescued King Yong. Such a big thing must have spread throughout the world. If you want to know the truth and falsehood, you will find out if you inquire carefully. "

 “So what about Taipingshan!”

Shan Yin snorted coldly, "My Shan family is naturally not afraid."

 Taiping Mountain and Dongchi Island are both out of Nanzhou. One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. For hundreds of years, there have been constant disputes, either over acres of land or salt.

 Countless of his ancestors died under the pestle of Taiping Mountain.

There are countless people who died at the hands of his ancestors in Taipingshan.

The previous sect leader of Taipingshan was killed by his cousin, the martial arts champion Shanjin in the twelfth year of Delong, after three days and nights of fighting.

 The two families are feuding families.

 With you and without me!

“Good Lord,” Xing Keshu said slowly and leisurely, “you are a smart man. Once King Yong gains power, Taipingshan will be able to save him.

 When the time comes, you are a good family member, so I don’t need to say much. "

“Mr. Xing, why do you need to provoke me so much?”

Shan Yin said angrily, "Do you really think I'm a fool?"

Xing Keshou said, "Young Master Shan is young and already in the seventh rank. He is naturally extremely talented."

Shan Yin was silent for a while, taking several sips of wine without taking a sip of soup.

After a while, he said, "I naturally dare not deceive my uncle about this important matter that is vital to the life of the whole clan.

 When I entered the capital, I must have reported truthfully.

 As for how the uncle makes a decision, he has his own reasons. "

Xing Keshu stood up and cupped his hands and said, "That's good."

After Shan Yin watched Xing Keshou's figure gradually disappear, he stood up quickly, threw a silver coin on the table, jumped on his horse, and headed north.

 There is more than one martial arts instructor in the school, Shan Yin. If he is missing, it will be a lot, and if there is more of him, it will not be much.

No one told Lin Yi, so Lin Yi naturally didn’t know.

 “You are so brave!”

How could such a thing be deceived by Hong Ying?

His eyes were red and he was gnashing his teeth at Xie Zan and the others.

Xie Zan straightened his back and said coldly, "Manager Hong is a smart man, why should I say more."

Chen Desheng also had no expression on his face and said calmly, "Mr. Hong, don't miss the prince's important event. I hope you can take care of yourself."

Bian Jing clasped his hands behind his back and said nonchalantly, "If you don't like it, I will kill you if you dare. I hate you for being so self-righteous."

The old men ignored Hong Ying and turned around and left.

Ming Yue looks at Zixia, and Zixia looks at Hong Ying.

 Hong Ying closed his eyes.

  Long time.

 Not a word.

 The wild geese return north.

 “Moms, they are all a bunch of heartless people.”

Lin Yi scattered the beans all over the yard, but not a single one of them would fall.

 I think back when I came to Nan, people came into his yard in groups!

It was nothing like now, except for the occasional pigeon calling at him, no one paid any attention to him.

 Liang Gen’s fleet returned.

 Once again caused a sensation in Baiyun City.

 Three ships go out and three ships come back.

People in Baiyun City are spreading rumors that the Liang family brought back countless gold, silver and jewels from Nanyang.

Lin Yi started the second auction of navigation licenses, with the starting price being one hundred thousand taels.

According to his idea, he won’t sell it for a penny less.

Qiu Wujin raised his placard and directly quoted 150,000 taels.

 The price will be increased by fifty thousand taels.

 This is something no one would have thought of.

 The wealthy people in Sanhe are not his Qiu family.

This time, the richest man in Sanhe listened to Wang Xing, whom he called his "rebellious son", and got the license for 300,000 taels.

 Thirty thousand taels more than the first time!

 Ten times more!

 The happiest person besides Lin Yi is Bian Jing.

 Money is as much as you like!

 The last section of the road leading to Nanzhou was finally completed thanks to the efforts of nearly 30,000 people from Nanzhou and Sanhe.

 Looking at the bumpy mountain roads in Nanzhou.

 “Nanzhou is nothing more than that.”

 These were Bian Jing’s last words after he finished the work.

 The roads are smooth and more and more people are coming from Nanzhou to Sanhe.

 Take care of the family, take care of the old and support the young.

 As long as they have something to eat, they can do anything, even for free!

 Gradually aroused dissatisfaction among the people of Sanhe, even the outsiders who had just settled here.

 Who can be happy if a job opportunity is robbed?

 It is natural to exclude outsiders.

 The newly arrived refugees are facing increasingly difficult times. They have been hit by a double blow, both mentally and economically.

Even with his eyes closed, Lin Yi could feel this xenophobic trend.

 Suggested directly: Here comes the Sanhe people.

 Slogans painted with lime can be seen all over the streets and alleys of Baiyun City.

At the same time, there is another regulation issued by He Wangfu: those who work in agriculture and industry should be promoted if they are capable, given generous salary, and allowed to do whatever they want.

 Different from other regulations, those who violate this article do not need to go to a labor camp.

 (End of this chapter)

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