I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 88: The shining one and the prince

Chapter 88 The Shining One and the Prince

Taking the example of old men like them, if they had any escape route, they would not choose Prince He!

They are dying, powerless, and guilty. Even if they have talents, they have nowhere to display them. Apart from the sudden appearance of Prince He, do they have any choice?

 Fortunately, their situation with Prince He is not as bad as the rumors say.

 Even the situation before them gradually made them feel a little relieved.

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "It's agreed first, he can do whatever else he wants, but he has to be responsible for raising the school and orphanage.

 Also, don’t let him touch me regarding the salt industry and shipping. The three are difficult, so I need to keep more private money. "

Xie Zan said, "Your Majesty, you can rest assured that good people are not unreasonable people."

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Yes, it's up to you to decide whether it's good or bad. What I want to see is the result. If something unexpected happens, you will definitely see it better."

Everyone laughed, no one cared about his threat.

They now know this Prince He very well. Despite the fierceness on his lips, he is actually a good old man.

The sun was shining brightly, and the people in Baiyun City only cared about their own lives, and the court thousands of miles away had nothing to do with them.

 Vehicles traveling from south to north have blocked the road.

Who told Baiyun City to have only one road like this?

An old man with white hair stood on the bullock cart, swung his whip and cursed angrily, "There is no Yin Gong!

 Go to the right! "

 As soon as he opened his mouth, it was Laosanheren.

Opposite him was a row of caravans. Sitting in front was a chubby young man. When he was about to speak, he was overtaken by a majestic middle-aged man standing on the ground.

 “Old sir, please come first!”

The middle-aged man took the horse's rein from the coachman's hand, pulled the horse to the other side of the road himself, and shouted behind him, "Go to the right, don't block the road."

The convoy quickly made a way out. The old man snorted and flicked his whip, and the bullock cart slowly passed in front of them.

The chubby young man said dissatisfiedly to the middle-aged man, "I asked you to be escorts, but I didn't want you to take me with you and suffer!"

The middle-aged man cupped his hands and smiled bitterly, "Young Master, this is your first time in Baiyun City.

 Maybe they don’t understand the rules here. This place is different from our Nanzhou. The black men, the militia, are very fierce.

 If you cause trouble, you will be in trouble.

 The old master entrusted you to me because of his trust in me, but I don’t dare to put you in danger. "

The most heinous thing is that almost everyone in Baiyun City, from toddlers to gray-haired old women, practices martial arts.

Just like the humble farmer just now, once his aura dissipated, he turned out to be a second-grade man!

Even more powerful than him, the chief **** who travels around the world!

 Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend!

If he were not constrained by his livelihood, he himself would like to stay in Baiyun City to study the so-called "royal skill" - Huiyuan Gong.

 Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity.

Only by occasionally taking advantage of the opportunity to stay longer in Baiyun City, I could take a second look at the school playground and learn a few tricks.

 “If you want the fish to land, you have to exchange them for food.”

Sitting by the river, Lin Yi sprinkled a handful of corn kernels into the river from time to time.

 After saying that, he slowly pulled up a crucian carp weighing more than seven kilograms, which almost destroyed his bamboo fishing rod.

 Now, he basically doesn’t fish at home because there is a bamboo strip fence placed at the water inlet and outlet of Hewang Mansion, so fish from outside can’t get in.

He planted lotuses and raised goldfish. The grass carps outside would eat them when they saw green, causing harm to them.

 Suddenly three big catfish were caught one after another, which stunned him.

 This is his first time fishing, and he has never seen it before.

 “This is a bombing den, the whole family is neat and tidy?”

 Lin Yi carefully removed the hook and put the fish into the barrel. He said to Bao Kui, "Catch a few river mussels and let's go home and raise them together, otherwise the fish won't be able to give birth to cubs."

Bao Kui asked curiously, "Your Majesty, what does this fish's failure to give birth have to do with the river clams?"

 “Don’t you know this?”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "The cubs of the catfish are raised in the belly of the river clam."


Bao Kui couldn’t believe it and said with a smile, “This river clam must be a fool.”

 “Survival of the fittest, where are the true fools?”

Lin Yi frowned again and said, "You can't keep this river mussel at home. If it gives birth to babies, put it directly into the fish's gills or eyes. It might cause the fish to become inflamed and its scales will rot."

 The few goldfish I have cannot withstand the disaster.

Take them all back and raise them individually in a large tank. "

 After speaking, he sighed again.

If you had good legs and feet in your previous life, even if you didn’t become an online writer and raised fish yourself, you would still be a top king.

 After all, an outstanding person like him cannot hide his light wherever he goes.

 Qin Hu hurried over and said loudly, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty"

Bao Kui kicked him and said angrily, "If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have anything to say, let it go!"

Qin Hu grinned and said, "My lord, guess who I saw?"

Lin Yi said, "Do you believe I threw you into the water?"

Qin Hu hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, I saw Ge Laoshan!"

Lin Yi frowned and said, "That bandit leader from Fulongshan?"

There were not many people he had come into contact with who left a deep impression on him, and Ge Laoshan was just one of them.

“Exactly,” Qin Hu said, patting his chest, “My lord, do you think I should take someone to arrest him?”

Lin Yi asked, "He was robbed in Sanhe?"

Qin Hu shook his head and said, "That's not true, it's just that this guy stopped being a bandit and actually brought several carts of tea over and started selling tea.

 I saw with my own eyes that he was taken to Wang's house and exchanged for a lot of silver. "

Lin Yi said, “Since he has not committed any crime, we must give him a chance to change his ways.

Of course, just in case, you should keep an eye on it. If there is any accident, you are the only one to ask. "


Qin Hu was helpless, why did this matter fall on him.

He is very confused, but this prince is a confused person

 It makes no sense at all.

 Let's not argue too much and just follow Ge Laoshan.

 Otherwise, if Ge Laoshan really does something happen, he won't be able to explain it to the prince later.

There are many shops on the roadside, and they have even extended to two miles away from the main road. Rich and wealthy households have built many auxiliary roads along the main road that are wider than the main road.

 There are even many unbuilt houses.

The most high-end restaurant in Baiyun City is called Jinfu Restaurant. It is also the only two-story restaurant in Baiyun City.

  I originally wanted to build it on the roadside, but when I applied to the Metropolitan Commander’s Office, I was rejected directly.

They all commanded the envoys to give them a piece of land a hundred feet away from the main road.

 What was originally a bad thing has now turned into a good thing, because the place is big enough and open enough, no matter how many carriages come, there is no need to worry about parking.

 (End of this chapter)

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