I Don’t Want to Win Lying Down

Chapter 536: Blocked again

Xu Mang did not prepare for a speech or something. He couldn't help it... It happened to be his birthday last Saturday, and he forgot about it when he was excited and excited.

Seeing Xu Mang's innocent look, Philip didn't know how to describe him. On such an important occasion, this guy actually forgot, and forget it... even if he has to perform an unscripted speech.

"Xu Mang?"

"Are you usually so irresponsible?" Professor Philip said helplessly: "Do you know what occasion this is?"


"I'm used to being free and loose, and there are such low-level mistakes when I don't keep the balance. Besides... It doesn't matter if I act or not." Xu Mang said with a smile: "I will find the person in charge later and explain the situation. Soon, there will be a meeting, talk a fart!"

By now,

Perhaps this is the best ending.


Xu Mang found the person in charge of the Physics Association. Facing Xu Mang's request, although he was a little dissatisfied, even if it was no use to be dissatisfied anymore, things had already happened.

"Professor Xu..."

"We notified you very early..." the person in charge said with a sad face: "Now... you suddenly come to such a hand, we are quite embarrassed."


"It really doesn't work... I'll just say a few words casually, what is the future of graphene superconductivity?" Xu Mang said.

"May I?"

"No problem."

The person in charge thought for a while, decided to believe in Xu Mang, and asked him to talk about the prospects of graphene in the field of superconductivity.

The so-called speech was over. At this time, more than half an hour before the beginning, Xu Mang became a lonely man again. His lonely figure lingered in the crowd, it seemed a little out of place.

no way,

Surrounded by foreigners, a few people with oriental faces appeared occasionally, and only when I asked did I know that they came from the country of foot pot chicken.


"No one is chatting." Xu Mang came to the corner and sat alone with his mobile phone. The tragedy was that the mobile phone was already seriously low on battery.

Seeing that only 25% of the battery is left, Xu Mang's heart is like being pierced by a needle. In the end, he can't see the heart and put the phone directly in his trouser pocket. The original tingling feeling is only slightly. It eased a little.

"Professor Xu?"

"Are you alone?"


A bearded man appeared, standing beside Xu Mang, and asked with a smile.

"Who are you?" Xu Mang glanced at him and asked indifferently, "Is there anything to do with me?"

"I am Leiter from Brown University and I am also Ellie's instructor. You helped Ellie solve a problem before. I have seen the solution process. There are many things I don't understand. Please help me to answer them." Special said.

Xu Mang glanced at Leiter, and said blankly: "Which don't you understand?"

"Almost all..."

Xu Mang:? ? ?


Do you have to explain it to you from beginning to end?

To be reasonable... Xiaoman doesn't have this treatment, so do you have this condition?

"No time!"

"Understand by yourself." Xu Mang said grimly, "On this level...I have time to improve myself."

Words fall,

Xu Mang went straight away. In fact, what was angry was not the need to explain the problem to him, but the attitude of commanding people, which made Xu Mang very upset. The seemingly simple words did not mean to ask for help, as if to help him answer the question. As it should be.

Where to stay cool,

Don't wait!

at this time,

Looking at Xu Mang's back, Lette felt the fire in his heart, but he had no place to vent.

Damn it,

Why is there such a person as Xu Mang in the world? And he is still Chinese.

The meeting started,

The seats are arranged in a circular manner. The front are all big figures in the field of condensed matter physics, including Xu Mang, but he is a little out of tune with these big guys. Almost the first row is over six years old. Ten, only Xu Mang... more than twenty.

Facing this circumstances,

Xu Mang has long been accustomed to it, but many people can't accept it. Of course, if this position is changed to a European and American, it may be acceptable.

This is a heart disease,

It can't be cured.


"This June conference officially begins. The person in charge of this conference, Professor Patrick, will speak."


An old man started talking nonsense, Xu Mang listened for a while, telling how beautiful the world is, the world is beautiful...world peace, fighting for science.

Listen listen,

Xu Mang felt weak, as uncomfortable as if his soul was drained, especially uncomfortable and painful.


It's over...I'm going to fall asleep!

This can’t be blamed on Xu Mang’s lack of concentration, mainly because these people lack passion in their speech. The soft feeling is really unbearable. In the end, Xu Mang can only hold on to his spirit and listen to all the contents of this old man, his dream about world peace .

Immediately after,

It is the view on the current development of condensed matter physics, the so-called view is to determine some research directions.

It was the original taste and the original formula. Xu Mang spent half an hour at a loss. Hearing everyone talk about some messy things, they basically talked about their own things, without a unified plan.

The jump from metallic materials to superconducting materials in an instant is overwhelming.

at first,

Xu Mang was still interpreting the previous new magnetism of metal materials, but the next second... the channel switched to superconductivity.

At last,

Xu Mang’s turn,

Since everyone followed the routine, Xu Mang also chose the routine, holding the field of graphene superconductivity, and talked about it, mainly about the future of normal temperature superconductivity. How to achieve normal temperature superconductivity, according to Xu Mang’s explanation... .Material structure is the key.

Many people are still very concerned about Xu Mang's speech. How to change the material structure has become one of the topics of many research institutions or universities.

at last,

This so-called June meeting ushered in the highlight, but Xu Mang was very upset by this highlight.

Technology sharing,

In the future, a global organization will be established, in which members will have the right to enjoy other key technologies.

This is a good thing,

But in so many countries, Xu Mang is the only representative of China being turned away. Although there is no reason, it can be known from their words that they are afraid of being stolen.

Faced with this situation, Xu Mang was very angry. The United States and the old rival Russian Federation have united. Accepting China should not be a problem, but blocking China from participating in this organization is simply unreasonable.

Xu Mang glanced at the representative from the Russian Federation, a bearded, rough man, and basically knew the answer from his expression.

Although the Russian Federation has no clear opposition, in fact they are very reluctant in their hearts. In this field...Although they occupy the field of superconductivity, only this field is the advantage, and other fields are still lagging behind. .

In this case, the United States and the Russian Federation have no reason to narrow the knowledge gap with China. They hope that the gap is getting bigger, not smaller.

I don’t want China to get involved in high-end technology,

in other words,

Was blocked...

Except for Xu Mang's previous views on normal temperature superconductivity, he did not speak during the whole process. Watching this group of people perform, Xu Mang had nothing to say. This situation is exactly the same as the original international space project, and it is completely a replica of the international space station project. .

Developed countries should not let those high-end technologies flow into China to prevent China’s heart disease... it cannot be cured. This is a terminal illness that has long been dying.

How to do?

Xu Mang was thinking about the future, and once the agreement was decided, he went back to the past.

Thinking about going,

There is a way to be full of mind...self-reliance


This disgusting meeting for Xu Mang was over. There was no gain, but he accidentally got a notice of rejection. Just as Xu Mang was about to return to the hotel, he met Professor Philip who came to look for him.

"Xu Mang..."

"This is the decision of the conference, and there is nothing I can do." Professor Philip said: "You should understand many things, and I don't need to explain too much."

"I know."

"Blockade... I've long been used to it." Although Xu Mang was very upset, he still had an indifferent expression on his face. He said calmly: "The International Space Station project shut us out. So the trick is repeated...really...I'm used to it."

"But..." Xu Mang smiled, "I'm still... there is no problem!"

Words fall,

Xu Mang left the venue alone.

Seeing the lonely figure drifting away, Professor Philip didn’t know how to speak for a while. He was one of the few people who opposed this proposal, because Professor Philip knew that blocking China was useless, and the result of the blockade inspired them. potential.

Especially after Xu Mang, no one can predict what will happen in the future. Maybe it was all smooth sailing in the early stage, but in the future, it is uncertain.


This meeting undoubtedly angered Xu Mang.


There are also people in the stage of excitement, Cambridge, MIT, Oxford and Brown, these four universities are very excited.

After all, the old enemy is.



"Xiao Man... we were blocked again, yes... the same as the previous International Space Station project, we were turned away directly." Xu Mang was calling Xiao Man with an angry expression on his face.


"What's the situation?" Yang Xiaoman asked suspiciously, "Didn't you attend some international June conference? Why did it happen all of a sudden?"

"Don't mention it!"

"A global organization has been established, and members of this organization will have the right to enjoy other key technologies." Xu Mang said grimly: "Basically all the countries present participated, but we were rejected."


"That's the case again?" Yang Xiaoman frowned and said helplessly: "What should I do?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"Anyway, I'm used to it..." Xu Mang said calmly, "It's a big deal, it's really the same..."

Yang Xiaoman was silent for a while, as a result, Xu Mang's pressure increased a lot.

Slight pain~www.wuxiaspot.com~When will you come back? "Yang Xiaoman asked.

"Forgot the plane ticket you bought?" Xu Mang said with a smile, "Tomorrow at six o'clock in the morning."


Yang Xiaoman was silent for a while, and said silently: "Idiot... don't carry anything alone."


"Let’s talk about it when I come back. Actually, it’s not a big deal. We are not blocked once or twice." Xu Mang suddenly had an idea and said with a smile: "I have a bold idea...Wait for my return and You said."



Yang Xiaoman felt something bad.


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