I Don’t Want to Win Lying Down

Chapter 582: Do not accept it (one/three)


"What does he want you to do?"

Yang Xiaoman looked at Xu Mang and said with a dissatisfied expression: "We have just returned here, so let you go to his house... why should I take a rest for one night... Or I will tell him, 2 Grandpa should listen to me."

"do not!"

"I think... there must be something urgent." Xu Mang shook his head and said helplessly: "Then... I'm leaving now?"

"Hmm..." Yang Xiaoman pouted his mouth and nodded unhappy.

Seeing Xiaoman's unhappy look, Xu Mang kissed the other's cheek and said with a smile, "I'll be back soon."


Xu Mang left home and rode a motorcycle to the second grandpa's residence.

When he arrived at the door of Grandpa Second’s house, he knocked on the door. Soon Grandpa Second opened the door. After seeing Xu Mang, he said solemnly, "Why is it so slow? It doesn’t look like your style... Don’t have a hippy smile. Look like."


"The other party is awesome?" Xu Mang asked with a confused look.

The second grandfather nodded and said seriously: "The other party is a bit old, but...I have known each other a lot. I'm afraid you will lose my face."

Xu Mang: 囧



I saw the mysterious guest, who was about the same age as Grandpa Second, but his spirit was not inferior to him. The whole temperament seemed to be a standard scientist style. At this point... Xu Mang was almost certain.

"Xu Mang."

"Let me introduce you, this is the head of the Fourth Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Director Qin Zongqin." Grandpa Second said solemnly.

"Old Qin!"

"He... I won't introduce... You should be very clear." Grandpa Second said to Director Qin.


"No need, no need." Director Qin looked at Xu Mang and said kindly: "Xiao Xu...the first time you meet, don't be nervous...Although I came to you specially, it is not. What a big deal."

Xu Mang looked at him with a confused look. When did the Academy of Sciences have the Fourth Research Institute?

Why don't you know?


"Xu Mang?"

"Although you are in physics, you seem to have a deep understanding of materials science." Director Qin asked curiously: "I remember... you also developed epoxy-based composite materials?"

Xu Mang:? ? ?

Damn it!

He... how did he know this?

Regarding the epoxy-based composite materials developed by himself, this is a top-secret agreement, and he cannot disclose the least information to the outside world. Even Xiaoman does not know that he has studied epoxy-based composite materials. How did he know this? of?


"Is it surprising that I knew this?" Director Qin smiled: "Although I am the head of the Fourth Research Institute, I am also the head of the China International Nuclear Fusion Energy Center. Now I understand why I know epoxy Base composite material, right?"


"Oh..." Xu Mang nodded and asked kindly: "Director Qin... Is there anything you want to do with me?"

Words fall,

Director Qin took out a document bag from his bag and handed it to Xu Mang, and said solemnly: "This is a formal letter of appointment, and the China International Nuclear Fusion Center has officially hired you as a researcher."

Xu Mang took this bag of documents and was stunned for a full minute. He raised his head in surprise and asked, "Director Qin...but I'm very busy these days."

Director Qin smiled and said: "Of course I know you are busy, but you don't need you now. As long as you can stand up in times of crisis, there are no obstacles to the whole plan, but to be prepared... I hope you can prepare well in normal times."

Xu Mang was at a loss now, absolutely not knowing what happened, in short...he became a researcher at the China International Nuclear Fusion Energy Center, or a special researcher who didn't need to research in ordinary times, and then researched if something went wrong.

and many more,

Isn't this wiping ass?

Immediately after,

The three of them talked about something inconsequential, but the topic went to the quantum computer.

For quantum computers,

Xu Mang was still quite interested, and said to Director Qin cautiously: "Director Qin...Is the Chinese Academy of Sciences planning to set up a quantum computer laboratory recently? Is it missing a person in charge? In fact, he is very good at computers, plus I usually study theoretical physics, or..."

Speaking of which,

Even Xu Mang felt embarrassed.


"I reluctantly, came to serve as the director of the quantum computer laboratory." Xu Mang said.

Words fall,

The two looked at him in surprise.

"Xiao Xu?"

"Are you sure?" Director Qin asked curiously, "Aren't you busy? Why are you still free to be the director of the Quantum Computer Laboratory?"


"The second grandfather once taught me that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." Xu Mang said solemnly: "I think...I can."

The second grandfather did not speak, but looked at Xu Mang quietly.


"If you want, I can help you move around." Director Qin nodded, "But... are you confident to beat Google and IBM?"

Xu Mang nodded and said seriously: "I have conducted research...I think there is a possibility that can be defeated, because Google only uses the algorithm on the memory, in contrast...IBM puts a part of the data On the hard drive."

Director Qin is not a professional in this area. After hearing Xu Mang’s explanation, he said with a confused look: "I don’t know what you’re talking about...or else, you submit a high-quality paper, otherwise everything will be fine. No, it’s really hard to get along."


"I'll go back right away." Xu Mang nodded and hurriedly got up to leave.

Director Qin and Grandpa Second came to the door just now, and Director Qin hurriedly said: "Xiao Xu...don't forget the contents of the file bag, don't forget to read it."


After taking Xu Mang away,

Director Qin looked at his old friend and asked helplessly: "Xu Mang is always so anxious?"


"This guy...usually lazy to die." Second grandfather smiled bitterly: "It's the first time I have seen him so caring, guessing...the truth is researching quantum computers, Lao Qin...you can help Xu Mang It’s up to my face to walk around."

"rest assured!"

"About quantum computers, there have been internal meetings for a long time, and there are only a few basic candidates, including Xiao Xu." Director Qin said: "But... his odds of winning are not high, and the others have. Related research and development experience, and Xiao Xu suffers a lot in this regard."

"So... I asked Xiao Xu to come out with a high-quality paper so that I could help him intercede." Director Qin took a look at Grandpa Second after speaking, "By the way... Why didn't I know Xiao Xu before? Is it your relative?"

The second grandfather smiled helplessly: "Actually... kiss."


When Xu Mang returned home, he did not rush to start work. He put down the bag in his hand and lay down on the sofa with a comfortable expression, thinking about quantum computers. Director Qin wanted to complete a high-quality paper... How to do this?




"When did you come back?" Yang Xiaoman walked out of the room and saw Xu Mang lying on the sofa with a tired look. He asked curiously: "What happened? Did the second grandfather arrest you again? Strong guy?"


"I got a researcher from the International Nuclear Fusion Energy Center." Xu Mang said with a smile, "But... I won a chance."

Yang Xiaoman threw himself into Xu Mang's arms and raised his head to look at him: "What opportunity?"


"I can't tell you, you have been online...Do you know quantum supremacy?" Xu Mang asked.

"I know."

"It's been hot recently."

"It seems that the Google Quantum AI team released a report through NASASTIprogram, using a programmable superconducting processor to achieve quantum hegemony." Yang Xiaoman said: "A quantum chip containing fifty-three qubits, random in state space In terms of sampling algorithm, it takes about two hundred seconds to execute one million times for an instance."

"In contrast... the current strongest supercomputing takes ten thousand years." Yang Xiaoman continued: "Am I right?"

Xu Mang looked at the violent airport in his arms in horror, and asked in astonishment: "How do you know such details?"


"My mother, I also pay attention to real-time, okay?" Yang Xiaoman gave a white glance and said silently: "You plan to study this? But how do you surpass the two mountains in front of you, Google and IBM?"

Xu Mang showed a trace of contempt, and said calmly: "Life and death are indifferent, just do it if you don't accept it!"

Just as the emotional temperature was gradually rising, Xu Mang received a call from Tong Min and the four of them, telling them to have dinner tomorrow night, but Xu Mang refused. He really didn’t have time...and to complete a high-quality paper. Eating...nothing appealing~www.wuxiaspot.com~night,


Xu Mang is reading this Google paper. From the article, Xu Mang knows that Google has adopted a new packaging technology-flip-chip soldering, and this technology makes it possible to arrange the qubits in a two-dimensional matrix. .

And this kind of matrix arrangement form of neighbor coupling is necessary for surface coding quantum error correction.

That's it!

Flip-chip welding of this specification...no!

Xu Mang was stunned, the flip-chip welding process is not difficult...the difficulty lies in the accuracy.

Ignoring this question for the time being, Xu Mang also discovered that the so-called fifty-three qubits actually have a total of 142, of which eighty-eight qubits work only as couplers, and the rest are fully functional. Qubit use.


One is broken.

And relying on the set of all possible quantum states of a quantum system composed of fifty-three qubits, getting two to fifty-three squares... it's terrifying!

Turned off Google News,

Xu Mang found a preprinted paper published by IBM on arXiv, and then saw IBM mad at Google, in the eyes of IBM... Google’s quantum hegemony is not yet true hegemony.

However, Xu Mang basically couldn't understand much of the content. This is a very pure algorithm analysis paper. It is estimated that even the code has not been written, but it still smashed the dream of quantum hegemony.

But one thing is for sure,

At present, Google and IBM are competing with each other in the world, and there is no third party to participate in it.

What do you mean?

Your American game?

Xu Mang was very upset. He decided to start researching tomorrow and be a good **** stick.


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