I, Doomsday, Beat Darkseid At The Beginning

15. Get 'Help' From Green Lantern

Suddenly a fight broke out.

When Lu Yuan suddenly encountered a Green Lantern, the two immediately fought.

Why did it become like this?

That definitely means that Lu Yuan is not in the state now, and he rushed to the solar system to revive Alice, but he was stopped by the other party again, and his tone of speech must be unpleasant.

However, Green Lantern is the kind of guy who is not very strong, but has a big temper.

So the two clashed.

The birdman Green Lantern even used the green light ring to release a ball of green light, using Green Lantern's unique ability to conjure a cage and lock Lu Yuan up.

The green light ring represents the willpower of the green part of the visible emotional spectrum.

Specifically, as long as the willpower of Green Lantern is strong enough, the power it will exert will be stronger.

And the Green Lantern Ring can also be materialized through things Green Lantern imagined.

In other words, the bigger the brain hole of Green Lantern, the more abilities it can show.

Here is a brief overview: Flight Ability, visualization of various weapons and things, force field construction, phase shuttle and universe translation, etc.

That's why Birdman Green Lantern can do whatever he wants, turning the power of his Green Lantern ring into a cage.


"Do you think you can lock me up like this?" Lu Yuan snorted coldly, "Don't get carried away with me."

He was not willing to let go of Alice, let alone let go of Alice even for a moment, so he flew up and kicked her.

He heard a 'click', and his terrible big feet kicked the cage to pieces.

This time, Birdman Green Lantern was shocked.

Their Green Lantern Corps is known as the number one army in the universe, but what is the origin of this guy in front of him? What kind of ruthless person is this?

Lu Yuan didn't use Heat Ray to attack, he had his own purpose.


Arriving in front of the other party in an instant, Lu Yuan looked down at the bird man, put great pressure on him, and said slowly: "I give you two choices, either take me to the earth, or die."

The bird man still wanted to resist, but Lu Yuan's eyes slowly lit up, he would not be indecisive or benevolent, if this guy didn't know what to do, Lu Yuan would definitely kill him without any hesitation.

At worst, he snatched the green light ring, and then searched for the whereabouts of the earth.

The green light ring is also similar to half a smart computer, which also stores an encyclopedia, which records almost all the knowledge that the Oa star and the Asgardians know.

This also allows cosmic translation to exist in almost all languages ​​of civilization.

Definitely, including Green Lantern's experience will be automatically recorded, as the saying goes, there are advantages and disadvantages.

It's just that it is not so easy to become a Green Lantern, because the Green Lantern ring will be selected, which means that it is not the person who chooses the ring, but the ring chooses the right person as the owner.

Whenever a Green Lantern dies, the Green Lantern Ring will automatically look for a suitable person nearby, or fly straight back to Oa.

So once there is a war between the Green Lantern Corps of a certain scale and other forces, it will trigger a considerable rain of green lights. When the Green Lantern falls in pieces, the green light rings will also rain in pieces.

That was spectacular.

Lu Yuan had unconsciously conceived such a terrifying picture in his mind.

If the bird man in front of him is really not sensible, he doesn't mind making a scene.

"Earth? What is that?" Birdman showed a blank expression.

Lu Yuan frowned, thinking, isn't the earth famous? Simply put forward a new title: "That is a planet in the solar system."

"Solar system?" Birdman still looked at a loss.

Lu Yuan was furious, did this guy do it on purpose?

It wasn't until Lu Yuan gave more information, such as how many planets there are in the solar system and their general structure, that Bird finally retrieved the information in a cold sweat.

"It turns out to be the original galaxy where high level intelligent life hasn't yet been born. It's a galaxy in Sector 2814. It's not too far away from here. I can open the wormhole for you," Birdman suddenly cooperated.

This is because he has felt death threats more than once.

Lu Yuan At the moment doesn't know what he looks like in the eyes of others. He is more than three meters tall and is a terrifying giant with a cold expression on his ferocious face and crazy eyes that want to destroy everything. With a mouth full of sharp fangs, the bird man wondered if he wanted to eat himself.

He looks like a bird, but he is indeed an intelligent life.

In particular, the atmosphere and aura surrounding Lu Yuan made Birdman realize the reality. This is an existence that he can't afford to provoke, so why did he go out of his way to follow that message?

Isn't this a murder? An existence that can survive in the cosmic space with a physical body is not guarded by the power of the will of the Green Lantern like their Green Lantern, and it is definitely not something they can provoke.

The Green Lantern also cannot survive in space without the Green Lantern ring.

With their weak physique, as long as they lose the protection of the green light ring, they will die instantly in the universe.

He finally knew he was afraid.

"If you dare to lie to me, I know the coordinates of Star Xudar, and then I will let you know my real strength and means," Lu Yuan threatened.

Birdman swallowed his saliva, he was really scared, he was not afraid of death, but he couldn't hurt his home planet.

"I...I see, I will indeed open the wormhole leading to the so-called earth for you, you don't want a wormhole, right now," the birdman didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and quickly opened a similar wormhole with the power of the green light ring. The impulsive passage of the portal.

That's also their special Ability.

The Oua star is considered to be the center of the universe, the core of the universe in the sense of physical location.

But the universe is so vast, and the distance is so many light years. If there is no means, it will take a lifetime to go to Oa Star once.

A lifetime wasted on the road? How many generations of Green Lantern might it take to catch a trip?

Therefore, the green light ring can open the wormhole, allowing them to cross a long distance at a time, and it is not impossible to go directly from the earth to Oa star.

It's just that that would take a lot of energy.

The green light ring is not a panacea. In fact, it needs to be charged every day, which is very troublesome.

Lu Yuan glanced at the wormhole passage in front of him, and then at the birdman.

The latter made assurances again and again: "You have threatened me like this, I will definitely not dare to play tricks."

Only then did Lu Yuan nodded in satisfaction, and was about to walk in.

"Wait a minute, who are you?" Birdman asked behind him.

Lu Yuan paused, then said without looking back, "Doomsday."

Starting today, he chooses to abandon his former identity. He is no longer the Lu Yuan Al who sacrificed himself to protect Krypton. He is Doomsday, a terrifying monster that will bring destruction to all enemies.

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