I, Doomsday, Beat Darkseid At The Beginning

32. Husband And Wife Doubles, Hit Five

When Lu Yuan slapped the praying mantis, which claimed to be immune to almost all attacks, and was seriously injured and vomited blood, the other dark elites were shocked.

But they still attacked.

They were not easily defeated, and still retained their belief in avenging Darkseid.

They did that too.

But when they rushed straight to Lu Yuan, they were blocked by a beautiful figure.

Don't underestimate Alice. Although she is a woman, she was also a female general and Lu Yuan's former guard.

Her combat power was once stronger than Lu Yuan's.

"A man who wants to hurt me? Have you asked me?" Alice yelled fiercely and rushed forward.

Even if she was facing four enemies, she was still not afraid. She was by no means the kind of little girl who would hide behind Lu Yuan, but a powerful female warrior who stepped forward to protect Lu Yuan's back.

In an instant, Alice took the initiative to break into the enemy's encirclement, but in this way, she rescued Lu Yuan.

The dark elites can't surround Lu Yuan if they surround her, which allows Lu Yuan to catch up with Mantis and stand condescendingly in front of Mantis just like he did against Kanter before.

Mantis was struggling to get up, which made him look like he was kneeling down to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan didn't care if he meant it or not, and he didn't bother to take advantage of it.

Taking a step forward, Lu Yuan pressed the mantis' head with his left hand.

Mantis wanted to struggle, but Lu Yuan's power was not something he could resist. Mantis even had the illusion that even Darkseid had never given him such a powerless and hopeless feeling.

The strength of Mantis is second only to Darkseid, so he is one of the few people who can compete with Darkseid without being instantly killed.

But not even Darkseid can make Mantis despair, although he does respect and fear Darkseid.

Only Lu Yuan, only when he faced the monster in front of him, felt the real irresistible force for the first time.

The mantis wanted to raise its head, but Lu Yuan didn't allow it, so it could only look down at Lu Yuan's scary big feet feebly, and only one foot could be seen.

Suddenly, Mantis had a realization that he could only stop here.

Slowly, Mantis closed his eyes.

The next moment, Lu Yuan, who had already raised his fist high, smashed it down with all his strength.


The earth trembled again, worse than the previous one.

Even the Twelve Gods and the Earth Alliance Army who were watching the show were shocked, because they guessed a terrible thing.

"His physical strength doesn't seem to be weakened at all?"

"No, even his strength has become stronger."

Ares stared at Lu Yuan's back, even as a God of War, At the moment would never want to challenge such a monster.

Someone also approached Ylango and asked in a low voice, "Friends in green, do you know where they come from?"

Arango secretly asked about the Green Lantern ring, but was told: "According to the records of a certain Green Lantern in the 2813 sector, I once encountered a monster that escaped from Krypton, which is said to be called Doomsday. Later, Doomsday was used by other The solar system sent to Sector 2814 should be him."


The name was finally heard on Earth.

"it's him."

The twelve main gods exchanged glances with each other.

One hundred thousand years ago, it was Helios, the previous sun god, who contacted Lu Yuan.

It's just that Helios probably didn't want people to know that he was a little guilty at the time, so he didn't record the things about Lu Yuan in too much detail, and let the Greek gods know nothing about this person 'under his nose'.

If it hadn't been for such a big war that broke out suddenly today, Lu Yuan and Alice would still be living their happy life hiding in the deep mountains and old forests.

Not to mention these spectators.

On the other side, Lu Yuan's shots were crisp and sharp, when he killed Darkseid, when he killed Kanter, and now when he killed Mantis.

The praying mantis was dead, and when Lu Yuan raised his fist, there was nothing left in front of him, only a terrifying deep pit with cracks spreading around it, like a spider's web.

He nearly smashed the earth into pieces.

Turning his head, Lu Yuan looked towards Alice.

And this look made his eyes tear up.

I saw that Alice is now surrounded by four dark elites, the magical Grace and the glorious Godfrey needless to say, as well as Dr. Chaos and Mortera.

The magical Grace and the glorious Godfrey's Ability are masters of manipulation. They can distort the will of others, making those who are not as powerful as them forget who they used to be, and be brainwashed to serve Darkseid unconsciously.

Mortera needs no introduction, one hand can put a person to sleep and the other hand can make a person die.

There is also Dr. Chaos, who has a magical power that does not know whether it is Psychokinesis or another super-ability.

At the moment, they are working together to control Alice.

Alice is powerful, but after all, she has to face four powerful enemies at the same time.

The dark elite is also not to be underestimated.

I saw that Dr. Chaos was doing his best to control Alice's actions with a kind of energy, and the magical Grace and Glory Godfrey were also doing their best to control Alice's will.

There is also Mortera, who is touching Alice with two terrifying auras at the same time, either to make her fall into a deep sleep so that the control master can control it, or to let her die.

Seeing that Alice is in trouble here, although she is struggling hard, it also caused a lot of trouble for the four dark elites, almost out of control.

At this time, Lu Yuan came, and only took one step to get behind Dr. Chaos, patted his shoulder with one hand, and asked, "Hey, what are you doing to other people's wives?"

His tone was flat and his expression was expressionless.

But Alice knew that this was Lu Yuan's most angry performance.

The more expressive he is, for example, he seems to be furious, the more he doesn't take it to heart, otherwise he would never show it so easily.

It's just that the more calm he is, the more it shows that he has everything in mind, but Lu Yuan is extremely cautious about some things.

The gang is done.

Alice knew that she didn't need to do anything herself, so she simply gave up resistance.

Now that he's here, she can do nothing.

Dr. Chaos turned his head subconsciously, but before he could see Lu Yuan behind him clearly, he felt that he didn't know anything when his consciousness was gone, as if his consciousness had flown away.

In fact, it was not an illusion, but his consciousness (head) really flew away, and was slapped away by Lu Yuan.

Leaving the headless corpse on the ground, Lu Yuan looked at Mo Taila beside him.

The latter had already reacted, and in a flash, two groups of terrifying auras enveloped Lu Yuan's body.

When he saw that Lu Yuan had accidentally hit his trick, Mo Taila sneered and said, "It's nothing more than that."

"Indeed...but that's all."

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