I, Doomsday, Beat Darkseid At The Beginning

38. The True Face Of The Omega Effect

After lunch, Lu Yuan helped Alice pack her things.

Lu Yuan is not the type of uncle. His wife is in charge of washing and cooking (in fact, there is no need to wash clothes, they are already invulnerable to dust and water), and he is in charge of cleaning up the dishes.

Definitely, Lu Yuan usually puts things in the dishwasher and presses the button to wash them automatically.

Although the couple's small home is in a virgin forest, but with their fifth-dimensional realm, not only is this small villa decent, but even all the furniture and facilities inside are complete.

There are even computers and TVs, not to mention refrigerators and washing machines.

The only pity is that there is no way to solve the problem of electricity on the earth, not to mention the network signal.

Lu Yuan can solve the power system inside this small building, but there is no way for the signal. You can't make a satellite signal yourself, right?

The point is, even if you have satellites, what would you watch if no one filmed for you?

After tidying up, the couple came to the laboratory.

There was no such laboratory originally, it was specially prepared for Darkseid.

There is everything in the laboratory, all kinds of equipment that even Lu Yuan himself does not know what to call and how to use, he has prepared all of them.

If you want to ask how he did it, the reason is actually very simple. He just reproduced the many devices he had experienced and used on him.

"Can it still be like this?"

Alice shook her head dumbfounded and speechless.

When she first learned that the truth was like this, she was speechless.

She also wondered when Lu Yuan became a scientist.

It turned out not to be.

No wonder she never saw Lu Yuan use those instruments. He usually observes with X-ray and microscopic vision.

Today, they will conduct a more detailed research thoroughly.

Darkseid has two eyes, which are now placed in two tight containers.

Because it is not for collection, it has not been soaked in formalin.

Definitely necessary disinfection has been done, without damaging the integrity of the nerves and eyeballs.

"You come to observe one, I'll observe one, then compare, and finally observe the brain," Lu Yuan said, taking one of the eyeballs and walking to the side console.

He didn't see any equipment prepared by him, he directly held the container, then lowered his head and leaned over it, and began to watch.

That's right, he was just seeing with his own eyes.

So those instruments are really just a decoration?

Alice shook her head, didn't say much about his hobbies, and also picked up another container, and began to enter the perspective of microscopic vision to observe Darkseid's second eye.

In fact, they don't really need any equipment, because their microscopic vision is higher than the power (degree?) of any microscope.

Coupled with the vision of X-ray perspective, whether it is detecting from the surface or penetrating the interior, there is no problem at all, and there is no need to worry about X-ray radiation.

Suddenly, Lu Yuan raised his head and looked at Alice.

Alice also put down the container in her hand at the same time, showing a surprised expression.

"Although I don't know if it's the power of the Omega effect, but there is still that power in his eyes," Lu Yuan said after talking about his discovery, and immediately returned to new observations.

And Alice subconsciously looked at another container not far behind her.

There is a huge amount of brain tissue in it, which was excavated from Darkseid's head, and it is still in good condition.

"The function of the eyes is only to transmit the pictures seen to the brain, but it is actually the brain nerves that actually make judgments and analyze the pictures," Alice said without turning her head.

Lu Yuan heard what she meant, and agreed without raising his head: "I definitely know that there may still be real Omega effect power left in his brain tissue. But this is not the first time we have contacted each other. , so start here first."

It's not that he doesn't know, but he wants to be more sure.

That's why it took until today to analyze Dakseid's eyes, and his brain had to wait until the last link.

Alice shrugged and continued to help him observe the other eye.

Both of them are not ordinary people, and there is nothing taboo about observing one eye, and they will not feel horrible. They have killed everyone, and they are afraid of the person they killed?

But as Alice said just now, the clues they found in the two eyes are really limited, and they can only trace the power of the omega rays used by Darkseid.

However, that power to the nerve endings of the eyeballs was interrupted.

It seems that if you want to further understand the power of the Omega Effect, you can only discover it from Darkseid's brain tissue.

Lu Yuan had no hesitation at all, so he immediately brought the container and observed it with Alice.

Not to mention, it really made them discover the existence of the Omega Effect.

It was a mysterious power, and even for them, that power was considerable.

"That's a multi-universe power, and it may even be related to the power of origin," Lu Yuan judged from the perspective of the fifth dimension.

If it was before, he still couldn't understand the true face of this power.

But now it is different, he can actually see that the Omega Effect also belongs to the power of origin, at least it is inextricably related to the power of origin.

The power of origin is closely related to the wall of origin, and even the infinite multi-universe is constructed by the power of origin, including the origin of all life, that is, the life equation, which is also a kind of power of origin.

There are many types of forces of origin, all forces of the emotional spectrum, visible and invisible, and all mystical forces that come in from within or from outside the walls of origin.

Anything connected with origin should not be taken lightly.

For example, Yuga Khan has such a transcendent status and power precisely because he has mastered a part of the power of origin.

Everything has to do with the power of origin.

But today, the power of the Omega effect they perceived was actually linked to the power of origin.

At least, Darkseid can become a multi-universe existence through the power of the Omega Effect.

The Omega Effect is not just Omega Rays, but actually has more power. In addition to the resurrection mentioned above and the true obliteration of life, it can also open the door to other multi-universes, and it can also break others into the universe. In the space-time turbulence and space-time cracks.

Perhaps Darkseid has not fully grasped this power yet, so he is impatient to find the anti-life equation?

Or maybe he was killed by Lu Yuan simply and neatly before he could show the full power of the Omega Effect.

In short, this power cannot be underestimated.

But now, this power has been mastered by Lu Yuan.

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