I, Doomsday, Beat Darkseid At The Beginning

50. The First Red Lantern Demon Atoshitas

Blood Slaughter, the lamp beast of the Red Lantern Corps, is also the embodiment of the red emotional spectrum representing anger, which is the original of the red emotional spectrum.

It was a terrifying creature that came out of the sun and set foot in the universe and starry sky. It was bigger than ordinary planets, more terrifying than many monsters and monsters in legendary myths, and more powerful than many mythical beasts.

It was surrounded by red energy, as if it had been in flames.

It has a pair of terrifying and sharp long horns, not like the curved horns of an ordinary bull, but more like a 'spear' like an antelope.

It is full of vigorous muscles, and it walked over with strides, and finally stopped in front of Lu Yuan, staring at a pair of eyes that were also filled with infinite anger, and let out a roar that seemed to shake the entire universe: "Intelligent life has been locked. Lu Yuan Al from Krypton. Anger boils in your heart. You belong to the Red Lantern Corps."

Lu Yuan put away the initial surprise, frowned, and roared in the same way: "You have said it three times, what kind of shit is the Red Lantern Corps, I don't take it seriously. And my anger is far beyond your imagination .”

In fact, Lu Yuan did not lie about this.

He didn't seem to be surprised why the Blood Slaughter and the Red Lantern Corps came to him.

It's because there's always been an anger in his heart that hasn't been vented yet.

He has never told Alice that he still resents what Krypton did back then, and that anger has always been suppressed in his heart.

But he knew better that although Alice would not stop herself from destroying Krypton, she would be sad.

So Lu Yuan has never thought about destroying Krypton, and he knows that Krypton will be destroyed by itself sooner or later.

But today seems to be an opportunity to activate the blood slaughter?

Could it be that the blood slaughter of cattle has been suppressed here before?

After all, anger is not a positive emotion, and the Red Lantern Corps has always appeared as a villain.

If this incident happened because of him, then Lu Yuan would be responsible for settling it.

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, ready to strike at any time.

But at this moment, the accident happened again.

A thought came from the 'devourer' behind the bloody bull.

"I, Atoshitas, a Lute star, would like to join the Red Lantern Corps. The hot blood and scarlet anger are taken from the bones of Weihan. The deep hatred boiled in the heart, and forged the road to hell for your generation."

That passage, which seemed like a poem, was the oath to join the Red Lantern Corps.

It turns out that to join these legions, you need to say the correct oath, and the oaths of each color legion are different.

In particular, the oath of the largest Green Lantern Corps has the most tricks, and almost everyone in the main Green Lantern has its own characteristics.

And the Rhythian named Atoxitas, after he finished his oath.

After Xue Tu Niu took a deep look at Lu Yuan, it suddenly turned into a blood-red energy again, with a red ring mixed in it, and turned back to the Fixed Star.

Lu Yuan turned on Super Vision and immediately noticed something strange on the surface of Fixed Star.

There, a tall muscular man put on a red light ring, and his whole body was immersed in the blood-like bright red energy.

There were four other people around him, but they were already dead, even turned into bones.

The people who can survive on Fixed Star are not simple originally, so the bones of those four people are still preserved.

Especially that Atoshitas who just got the Red Lantern Ring, as the blood-like energy finally formed a red Red Lantern Corps battle suit on the surface of his body, he revealed his true colors.

Atoshitas raised his head as if aware of it, revealing a ferocious face.

Unlike Moro with a broken mouth, Atoshitas has an obvious alien face, especially when he opens his bloody mouth full of sharp fangs, which is faintly chilling.

Suddenly, Mo Luo behind him finally came to his senses, and said subconsciously: "No, didn't the Lute star perish long ago? Why are there survivors?"

"Because I haven't taken revenge on you, the Green Lantern Corps, and those damned Asgardians," Atoshitas heard Moro's words, and turned into a bright red figure from the Fixed Star rushed out.

He came in front of the three of Lu Yuan, opened his mouth and let out a big laugh: "I finally succeeded. Sure enough, my prophecy is true. Only in this way, only here, only by gathering the common anger of the five of us, And at the cost of four of their lives, we finally turned on the power of the red light."

"And now, it's time for me to take revenge, the Asgardians of the universe, the Green Lantern Corps, and the damn Robot Hunters, all of which I keep in mind, and I will make you pay the price."

"Rute Planet, and the enmity of all living souls in Sector 666, must not end like this."

Atoshitas' voice became louder and louder, and finally turned into a roar, making no effort to conceal his hatred and boundless anger.

Lu Yuan frowned and reminded: "You have grudges against others, but why are you yelling at me?"

Atoshitas roared again: "Since you also have anger, why don't you join me? After my revenge is over, I will also help you to avenge your revenge."

Lu Yuan refused without any hesitation: "It's up to you? Forget it."

He didn't even care about the invitation to slaughter a bull, let alone Atoshitas.

He has already heard that the Red Lantern Corps of this universe has just been born, so that is to say, if Lu Yuan just accepted the invitation of the Bloody Bull Slaughter, he could even become the first member of the Red Lantern Corps, and even The Red Lantern Corps becomes its own personal regiment.

He nearly cut off Atrocitas' plan.

Since you didn't agree before, let alone now?

Atoshitas stared at Lu Yuan in front of him.

Lu Yuan naturally did not back down.

At this time, Mo Luo's broken reminder started again, saying: "Speaking of which, why do you want to seek revenge from us? Speaking of which, your Lute star and all the civilizations here were destroyed by the devoured ones? This Fixed Star is called the Devourer."

"Huh?" Atoshitas turned his eyes and attention to Moro, as if he had heard some joke, and laughed: "So that's what you recorded? Asgardians. Then I'll tell you what happened back then. Let’s see the truth, why is Sector 666 so dead? That’s because the Asgardians sent their mechanical army to destroy it with their own hands.”

The Asgardians of the universe, a group of people who claim to protect the universe, but they turned out to be the main culprit that caused the extinction of a large number of civilizations in the 666 sectors?

Not to mention that Moreau was stunned, even Alice showed an expression of interest.

"Tell me quickly."

Lu Yuan glanced at Alice: ....

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