I, Doomsday, Beat Darkseid At The Beginning

65. The God Of Krypton, The Sun God Reou?

When Lu Yuan and Alice have been in contact with too many universes, when they almost traveled half the universe, they finally landed on a planet in a certain sector near the center of the universe

Traces of Kryptonians were found.

"This is impossible."

Alice immediately let out a whisper of disbelief: "Although one hundred thousand years ago in our era, the House of Elders proposed to explore the entire universe and colonize other planets. Negotiations, that plan has been terminated.

It was mentioned at the earliest that Krypton once had a confrontation with the Green Lantern Corps 100,000 years ago.

And the result was somehow negotiated, and Krypton revised that plan.

Then it was Lu Yuan who led the army to communicate with the neighbors in a "kind and friendly" way, and died in that battle.

It stands to reason that Krypton has never left its own galaxy until now, so how could there be traces of Kryptonians here?

Lu Yuan was also a little curious.

The reason why they confirmed the traces of the Kryptonians is because they saw a castle with huge amounts of floating in the atmosphere above the planet, which looks like a fortress.

That castle was not only built with super technology, but also had obvious Kryptonian civilization technology.

The most important thing is that there are 097 unique symbols engraved on that castle, which symbolizes only one meaning "that is the sun.

Or is it Fixed Star?

For Kryptonians, the sun is their most admired star, and the symbol representing the sun is also the common belief of all Kryptonians.

So it is impossible for them to admit their mistakes, unless it is really such a coincidence that this symbol is also worshiped on this planet civilization.

But how to explain the technology of Kryptonian civilization?

"Instead of thinking about it here, it's better to go and have a look."

Both of them are activists, they immediately broke through the planet's atmosphere and flew straight to the planet's surface.

They have already checked with perspective, and there is no one in the fortress castle, so maybe they can only go to the ground to find clues.

This is another planet similar to the earth, not only the air is full of oxygen, but even the life here is similar to the earth.

The people here are similar to the earth, and there are many similar animals and plants.

Maybe the creator is really lazy, because in the vast universe, there have been too many civilizations similar to humans and the earth.

So when Lu Yuan and Alice came to a certain city on the ground (dbbj) quietly, they didn't attract much attention, because they were very similar to the people around them

Lu Yuan and Alice exchanged glances again. Without being seen by anyone, they quietly randomly selected a "lucky audience" from the street, and abducted them outside the city.

The man didn't react until he was taken to a forest, and he was shocked: "Who are you?"

"Now is not the time for you to ask us questions. Let me ask you, what's the matter with that thing in the sky?" Lu Yuan scolded unceremoniously, and pointed to the sky fortress in the sky.

The man raised his head subconsciously, and after seeing the fortress, he said, "That? Isn't that the temple of the sun god Reou? What's the matter with you? Everyone knows the greatness of the god Reou, and his blessing illuminates the earth , He makes disease no longer bother people, He makes all hunger and poverty a thing of the past, He is our only faith."

"You mean the sun god Rui Ou?" Lu Yuan's eyes widened because of the name, and the aura that was accidentally emitted from his body almost killed the person in front of him.

Alice hurriedly reached out to touch Lu Yuan's arm to calm him down.

Alice knows why Lu Yuan is so excited. Krypton does have the legend of the sun god Reou, and even Reou is the ancestor of the Al family, and the Al family is the descendant of Ruiou.

But that is at least a legend 150,000 years earlier than Lu Yuan's time.

But why did the legend of Rui Ou appear here again? And look at the pious and swearing appearance of that man [Did he really witness the appearance of Rui Ou performing miracles?

"Have you ever met God Rui Ou?" Alice asked in a low voice, afraid of frightening the other party.

The man shook his head.

Just when Alice looked at Lu Yuan with a smile, she meant that it was indeed a misunderstanding.

The man said again: "When I was born, the God Rui Ou had already left this world and went to other worlds to save more people. But my parents once said that it was the blessing of the God Rui Ou that allowed me to be born smoothly .And when God Rui Ou left, he left ten of his servants, and they are still helping us."

"Oh? So where are those god servants now?" Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly [the words were already squeezed out between his teeth.

How dare you pretend to be the name of his ancestors? What audacity.

The man didn't know that Lu Yuan At the moment had reached the limit of his anger, so he continued to answer his question: "Servants of the gods often walk in various cities. Today, a servant of the gods just came to our city. I was about to to visit."

Lu Yuan nodded in satisfaction, turned around and left.

"Wait a minute," Alice suddenly called to Lu Yuan, showing a puzzled expression, and asked the question in her heart: "By the way, this person is too honest? We didn't even use forceful methods, and he didn't even know who we were. Who, is it really credible?"

That person didn't know how powerful and terrifying Lu Yuan and Alice were, and they didn't use any means, so why would he know everything and answer endlessly?

Instead, the man took the initiative to explain: "Because of the blessing of God Rui Ou, no one in the world needs to do bad things anymore, everyone will be good-hearted, and we will take the initiative to help those who need help, and we will not lie , if someone has questions, we will answer his troubles, if someone is hungry, we will give him something to eat, if someone is thirsty, we will give him water to drink, if someone is sick, we will beg the god Rui Ou Shenguang came to heal him. If someone dies, we will also pray for him, hoping that he can return to the embrace of God Rui Ou. Ah, great God Rui Ou, you are the only true God, the kindest and gentlest God .”

Lu Yuan and Alice were dumbfounded. They stared dumbfounded at the fanatic who had fallen into madness. For no reason, they couldn't help shivering.

It seems that Rui Ou in the believer's mouth seems to be the kindest god, but why do they think that this person has been bewitched by evil spirits, so he must be an evil god, right?

No normal god would confuse their believers, including the Olympian gods they had seen, and they would not do that. They would only show their great power to punish those who betrayed them, so as to deter others.

Only this kind of god who plays with people's hearts will engage in such little tricks.

Or is he really that religious?

"I want to see and see."

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