I, Doomsday, Beat Darkseid At The Beginning

85. I'm Going To Be A Superhero Again

The Asgardians of the universe can't be counted on anymore, because they are the ones who play tricks.

The Green Lantern Corps can't be counted on anymore, because they have been abandoned by the Asgardians in the universe, and even more than half of them were wiped out by Lu Yuan and Alice.

So, now we can only rely on Lu Yuan and Alice. Even Ion Shark has no choice but to choose to cross countless cosmic distances, and also has to choose to cooperate with them who have wiped out the Green Lantern Corps.

The Ion Shark has no choice. First of all, there are not many people who can choose. Although it didn't say in detail how powerful that Chulanman Huo Rong is, it can be known without thinking. A person who has lived for 10 billion years can still be alive and kicking The guy, and the power to manipulate the entire emotional spectrum, originally speaks for itself.

The second is also related to Lu Yuan and Alice.

"It is also because of your appearance that the Asgardians in the universe have seized this opportunity, and they believe that emotions are unnecessary and hidden dangers, so you have to take responsibility," Ion Shark had to put on his big hats in order to convince them up.

Lu Yuan definitely won't take the blame, and said with a sneer: "What? They still think that we humiliated them before? Didn't they claim to have eliminated all unnecessary emotions?"

Ion Shark said: "As long as the self-awareness is retained, it is absolutely impossible to be truly ruthless, otherwise 303 and they will not occupy the so-called holy place to show their superior side, and they will not always maintain their attitude towards the Green Lantern Corps." Suspicion, let alone...fear."

Although the ion shark represents the realization of will and is opposite to the yellow light representing fear, it can clearly feel that the Asgardians in the universe have fear in their hearts.

And what it says makes sense, since self-awareness is still retained, then originally is proof of emotion.

Otherwise why don't they send themselves to the incinerator?

"It's not impossible to help you," Lu Yuan said.

Ion Shark paused, almost died of anger, help it?

It is trying to say that for the lantern beasts, even if the universe destroys them, they will not die, but will return to the origin outside the wall of origin.

Even they are originally equivalent to every universe in the multi-universe, if they are unique, then wouldn’t other universes have Green Lantern?

Well, instead, it turned out to be helping it?

So who is it helping?

Lu Yuan didn't give Ion Shark a chance to speak, and continued: "But I have one condition, to help us master (dbfc) the method of origin power.

It is still the power of origin, and Lu Yuan, who has seen the power and necessity of the power of origin, will definitely not let go of this opportunity.

Different from their self-taught wild way, the lamp beast originally is the embodiment of the power of origin.

"Under the power of origin, they are all ants, and I don't want to suffer any more," Lu Wanlisi explained.

Only he who has personally experienced being suppressed by the power of origin is qualified to say this.

They are already strong enough, and because of this opportunity, Lu Yuan has touched the threshold of the seventh dimension, hoping to reach a higher dimension.

However, he was still threatened by the power of origin, and was almost disconnected by Yuga Khan.

Originally, they were at least evenly matched, but once the power of origin came out, everything was different.

So Lu Yuan couldn't miss this opportunity, and took the opportunity to make a request.

"You can let us become Ion Man respectively, and then take us to experience the true power of origin," Lu Yuan even thought of a way.

Ion Shark felt that he had been fooled, did he already have his own ideas when it possessed Lu Yuan to help him out of the predicament?

Even Alice thought it was funny, but she didn't feel sorry for the ion shark, because it didn't need to pay any price, it just let them enter that state by possessing them.

"Anyway, it's a matter of little effort, and since you are so respectful to that evil warrior, I think we also need some means to get close, don't we? Besides, we have mastered the power of Yuga Khan's origin, but we don't know how to do it yet." Go use it," Alice also chimed in, and she also looked at the ion shark with a malicious expression.

The ion shark flicked its tail and fled far away, not daring to get too close to Alice. I always felt that her eyes were full of swords and swords, and she really wanted to miss me, right?

They are all pure energy bodies, and they don't have real physical bodies.

Lu Yuan and Alice don't know how crazy they are now, the poor ion shark is threatened and lured by them, and after going around, how come it seems to be begging them?

Although it is true that it came to ask them for help, but it is a big event that concerns the entire universe, why not be serious and nervous?

"I understand, but you have to promise me one thing," Ion Shark suddenly raised a condition: "When you become Ion Man, you will have omnipotent means. I hope that after this matter is over, you Can revive all dead Green Lanterns.


The two exchanged glances noncommittally.

The ion shark may not know that those Green Lanterns killed by Alice with heat ray and omega ray are erased from the sense of existence, and it is difficult to revive them.

Unexpectedly, Ion Shark seems to have guessed their thoughts, and said: "As you said, the power of origin is nothing under the power of origin. So as long as you have enough beliefs, coupled with my power of origin, it is enough to turn those The dead Green Lantern is reawakened."

I have said it several times, Lanterns are originally the embodiment of the emotional spectrum, so their power is completely different from ordinary Green Lanterns.

Even Ion Man can achieve almost omnipotent power.

Originally, the power of the will is idealistic. How strong the willpower is and how rich the imagination is, the stronger and more unpredictable the power that can be exerted.

"make a deal."

Lu Yuan immediately agreed, this is not an embarrassing condition, it's just to resurrect those Green Lanterns who were killed once, if they still don't know what to do, then kill them again, it's not difficult.

The most urgent thing now is to use the power of ion sharks to make them truly understand the meaning of the power of origin, and the other is to stop the ambitions and plans of those little blue men who are killing them.

Do you want to assimilate the whole universe into a boring universe that has no emotion and even loses itself?

"Looks like we're going to be heroes again," Alice joked.

She knew that Lu Yuan didn't want to be a hero, neither of them had a superhero plot and that belief.

They are self-interested, and generally do not involve their affairs, and they are too lazy to participate, otherwise the earth will not become more and more chaotic.

In the end, they may have to participate in another big event involving the whole universe, which really backfired. .

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