Peggy glanced at Lu Yuan, suddenly showed a wicked smile, and pulled Natasha away: "Let's go there and talk, and let these stinky old men stay on the side."

Natasha was at a loss. She had also heard about Peggy, but she had been out on assignments recently, and this was the first time she had come face to face with her.

Subconsciously, Natasha looked at Lu Yuan for help.

Lu Yuan looked at Steve.

Steve shrugged: "It was Peggy who said that she suddenly regained her youth and always has to make a report."

Why did Natasha ask Lu Yuan for help? It must have been known that Peggy's rejuvenation was related to Lu Yuan, and she even knew that Peggy and Steve once lived in Lu Yuan's house.

Don't forget that Lu Yuan's villa was prepared for him by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even if Lu Yuan didn't want to think about it, he realized that there must be S.H.I.E.L.D. eyeliners staring at him nearby.

Natasha saw that Lu Yuan pretended not to be able to see, pulling Steve and Dr. Banner there to chat, gritted his teeth, and an unreliable man.

But she also wondered what Peggy wanted to say to herself.

As a result, Peggy took Natasha aside and whispered to her, "That man is very troublesome. As far as I have heard, he often brings women home. You have to be careful."

Natasha wanted to say what it had to do with herself.

But for some reason, she unconsciously squeezed her fist, and a certain flame rose up in her eyes.

On the other side, Lu Yuan didn't seem to know what was going on, with Dr. Banner on the left and Steve on the right. The three came to the edge of the aircraft carrier and looked at the sea below.

"Attention all units on deck, it's about to take off."

Suddenly, the aircraft carrier suddenly changed, four huge propellers were deployed from the four directions of the aircraft carrier, and the aircraft carrier slowly flew up from the sea.

So this is still an amphibious aircraft carrier?

Even Dr. Banner was surprised. Has technology been so developed now?

The huge aircraft carrier shot straight into the sky. When it reached a certain height, it even turned on a layer of armor based on a certain principle, and the whole entered a state of invisibility.

After that, Coulson came to find Lu Yuan and the others, and brought a few 'hillies' to the control room.

Fury was already waiting for them.

"How? Our technology is not bad, right?" Fury asked slyly.

"You just asked us to watch this?" Lu Yuan angered when he came up.

Fury stopped talking and started explaining the situation to Dr. Banner.

Natasha silently came to a computer that was searching for news about Agent Patton.

Now the operating room is divided into several parts.

The first is naturally the operating system that maintains the aircraft carrier's flight direction, as well as the invisible console.

There is also a part of the search for the gamma rays of the cosmic Rubik's cube.

Then there is the search for information about Loki.

In fact, some computers are searching for other related people, but they are ignored because they are not important.

Lu Yuan came to Natasha squatting behind and comforted: "Don't worry, Barton is fine, don't forget that I have a good relationship with him."

Natasha sighed: "If you really think that Patton is your friend, I think you can find Patton's whereabouts now, right? Just like you can know where I am anytime, anywhere."

Natasha Bingxue is smart, it's not that she doesn't know what Lu Yuan wants to do, he wants to chase him.

So she was surprised that Lu Yuan could easily find her several times, and later regarded it as his ability.

But now, Lu Yuan's attitude towards Barton and Natasha are completely different. He could have found Barton's whereabouts.

But Lu Yuan didn't do that.

Yes, for Lu Yuan, what he encounters now is not a problem, as long as he wants to.

"Natasha, please take Dr. Banner to his room. Dr. Banner wants to help us find the whereabouts of the Cosmic Cube and Agent Patton as soon as possible," Fury called over there, after explaining the situation to Dr. Banner , Dr. Banner seems to have thought of something.

Natasha took a deep look at Lu Yuan, then walked past him.

Lu Yuan shrugged and looked at Peggy.

Don't look at Fury as the director, but Peggy's status is special, and even Fury has to give a bit of thinness.

There are too many people now, and Lu Yuan didn't ask her why she said that, but turned around and glanced around.

Then he couldn't help but muttered in his heart: "Damn, more than half of them are hydras, what's wrong?"

Seeing this, Lu Yuan was really startled. He discovered that more than half of the people were Hydras, and there were not many people in S.H.I.E.L.D.

But this time Hydra has learned to be smart, and no one has tattooed on their bodies anymore, lest they be found out again.

Later, Lu Yuan still found the opportunity to question Peggy alone, why did she say that? Why did you say that to Natasha?

Peggy said amusingly: "One is to let her know who you really are, you playboy. Of course, the other is to repay you for helping us. If she really cares about you, I think she has to be Tension."

Well, just pretend she's helping yourself.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "I found a target that matches Loki's appearance.".

141. Loki's Active Appearance

For some reason, Loki appeared so suddenly. He couldn't have known that S.H.I.E.L.D. was trying to track him down.

But he just came out.

"Captain, it's up to you," Fury certainly didn't miss the opportunity, and immediately gave the order to attack.

Including Natasha also attacked together, she and a pilot were responsible for flying the plane to send Steve~ over.

"I'll go too," Lu Yuan sighed. Since Natasha is going, he's dealing with a dangerous guy like Loki. Of course, he can't just sit back and ignore it.

This Fury.

Lu Yuan thought that this was deliberately arranged by Fury.

As a result, Fury blocked Lu Yuan's initiative: "Lu Yuan, you stay."

"Huh?" Lu Yuan was stunned, shouldn't he let him help arrest Loki?

Fury thought that he secretly glanced at the direction Natasha took Dr. Banner to before, but he actually let Lu Yuan see it on purpose.

Lu Yuan understood at once, and said with a sneer, "You are really insidious."

Why do you want to leave Lu Yuan to watch the house? He wasn't looking at home, it was the Hulk Hulk.

What if everyone left and the Hulk suddenly lost control?

Fury knew that Lu Yuan could defeat the Hulk very easily.

So he left Lu Yuan, which was putting a safety bolt on the Hulk.

Lu Yuan said that he was insidious. On the surface, he seemed to completely trust Dr. Banner, but in fact, there was still room for this in the mainland.

A duplicitous guy.

Fury didn't care, anyway, he was such a person, not emotional, but a little ruthless.

There was no way, Lu Yuan could only tell Natasha to be careful.

Natasha ignored Lu Yuan, started the S.H.I.E.L.D. Kun-style fighter with a pilot, and pulled the heavily armed Steve away.

S.H.I.E.L.D. also prepared equipment for Steve in advance, still his old battle suit.

What to say? Have you ever seen anyone wearing national chess on the battlefield?

Watching the Kun-style fighter jets away quickly, Lu Yuan could only stay on the aircraft carrier boredly and accompany the old guy Fury.

This guy has been a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. as early as the Captain Marvel period in the 1990s. So many years now, I don't know how old he is.

Lu Yuan didn't bother to look at a big man, so he ran to a console next to him and asked a heroic-looking female agent, "What's your name?"

The latter glanced at Lu Yuan and said with a light snort, "My name is Hill, I know who you are, but you don't have to waste time on me, that's impossible."

Lu Yuan spread his hands: "Did I say anything? I was asking if there is any free computer. I am free anyway. Can I hit the little bees?"

Beat the little bee, a very old game.

Hill looked at Lu Yuan speechlessly, and turned back subconsciously to ask Fury for instructions with an inquiring look.

Fury nodded. "If that would keep him quiet for a while. Actually, I liked your initial attitude better."

This means that when Lu Yuan first contacted S.H.I.E.L.D., he was extremely arrogant and cold.

He seemed to be cooperating all the time, but in the end he left a warning that if S.H.I.E.L.D. dared to go too far, he would not be so easy to talk about.

Well, although Lu Yuan gave a lot of face later.

"By the way, didn't you invite Tony?" Lu Yuan asked Fury while Hill was trying to find an old game like Little Bee.

Of course, Fury couldn't have missed Tony, and he knew that Lu Yuan was testing. He couldn't help laughing and replied, "Don't worry, I've asked Tony to help, Natasha is fine."

Lu Yuan was really relieved, actually because he knew that in addition to the place where Loki was found, including Patton was also nearby, he also brought a team of brainwashed agents.

One is in the light and the other is in the dark. If Hawkeye wants to carry out a sneak attack, Natasha will still be very dangerous.

Because the two of them are old friends for many years, and they are familiar with each other, Natasha is very dangerous if Hawkeye kills them.

And Steve.

It's not that Lu Yuan doesn't believe that he can't beat Loki. In fact, Steve can beat anyone, and it's unpredictable with Loki.

Better to trust Tony.

In the end, Hill finally found the old-fashioned game for Lu Yuan, and Lu Yuan also obediently played it with his computer aside.

During the period, Coulson also came over and briefly said a few words to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan also asked Coulson if he had successfully asked Steve for an autograph.

Almost everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. knows that Coulson is a huge fan of Steve, and even Lu Yuan has heard of it.

When Steve announced he was joining S.H.I.E.L.D., he nearly passed out with excitement.

emmm, this is what Natasha said, whether it is true or not is debatable.

On the other hand, for some reason, the capture of Loki went very smoothly.

Because Loki not only showed up on his own initiative, but also appeared on the street as if he did it on purpose, and even asked people on the street to kneel for him.

It's crazy to want to be a king, this guy is about to go crazy.

At the critical moment, Natasha and the others arrived, and Steve rushed down ahead and fought with Loki.

The result was as expected by Lu Yuan, Steve and Loki, the mage, were half-to-five in the melee battle, and were knocked down by Loki a few times.

Although Steve quickly got back on his feet, he did lose out for a while.


Before Lu Yuan was worried, Tony arrived in time as Iron Man.

Then Loki immediately surrendered.

To be honest, it was more like he deliberately wanted to be arrested.

At least Steve thought so.

Then later, on their way back, they also encountered the intrusion of Thor, the **** of thunder.

It turned out that Asgard also knew the news that Loki was going to the earth, and also received news about the space gem, so Odin sent Thor to the earth again, one was to bring the space gem to Asgar. To go, one is to thwart Loki and take him back.

It seems that the old guy Odin also peeped at the Infinity Stones.

Then Thor kidnapped Loki from the plane, and the two brothers exchanged affectionately.

But Tony and Sol were not familiar with each other, and the two sides fought for a while.

In short, as every superhero comes on stage, they have to show it, don't they?

Only Lu Yuan maintained an indifferent attitude, squatting in the corner and playing the game of bee bee silently.

And Fury secretly saw that from the beginning to the end, Lu Yuan never died once, and now he has reached the last level.

In fact, it is a mystery whether there is a real level in the game of playing Little Bee, at least the author has not played it.

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