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Chapter 24 The Savior Alliance

Facing Chen Changzhang’s confusion...

Instead, Wang Zhongsheng asked: "Xiao Chen, this stone does have a very powerful ability."

"But tell me, why did the man from City S make such a big show of asking others to find him?"

"This..." Chen Changzhang hesitated for a moment and then said unconfidently.

"That person, maybe he doesn't know the specific function of this stone, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, even he couldn't believe it.

After all, if you don’t know the function, then why go to all the trouble to find it?

But if you knew in advance that the stone had such a powerful effect, how could you ask anyone to help find it?

With that person's ability, it wouldn't take long to search for him.

Why do you want to take advantage of others and ask for trouble?

Isn't it... that he's not afraid that others will use this to get kryptonite to deal with him?


Impossible, absolutely impossible!

So there is obviously a contradiction between the two points here.

Chen Changzhang couldn't understand either.

However, he felt...

Anyway, this stone can indeed embody props in fantasy works.

Kryptonite can’t be fake!

Therefore, there is no need to think too clearly.

But in order to respond to the old man's question, Chen Changzhang guessed: "The city lord, the one in City S may just know the existence of this stone..."

"I guess I only know that this stone has magical effects, but I don't know the specifics."

"Because you don't pay much attention to it, so you find it this way?"

"Besides, City Lord, we don't have to worry so much, anyway..."

Having said this, he shook the paper with the word [Kryptonite] written on it.

The meaning of the reminder is very obvious.

With kryptonite, you can threaten that one!

However, Wang Zhongsheng, who knew the situation, naturally did not think so.

He knew that kryptonite could indeed threaten the god, but it would also provoke monsters.

Day of destruction!

However, the existence of this monster is a very secret matter.

Even on the entire Blue Star, only a few people knew about this.

Wang Zhongsheng is one of them.

And therefore, he is also a "big shot" like the others...

Secretly, the partnership formed a loose alliance.

In this alliance, there are no rules or regulations.

There is only one purpose that we believe in, and that is:

Eliminate any possibility of offending "God"!

Well, it can barely be regarded as a protective organization.

Of course.

The guardian here does not refer to the one who guards S City!

Although they do need to eliminate "trouble" from time to time, the one they protect...

In the final analysis, it is just for your own survival.

Or should I say, mainly to protect the entire Blue Star.

And the reason why this alliance only exists is because a few people have a deep fear of it.

As for the name of the alliance?

At that time, one of them started a "Savior Alliance" in a joking tone...

Then, this name was unanimously accepted.

The depth of fear can be seen from this...

After Wang Zhongsheng recalled the past.

The old man looked at Chen Changzhang, but did not choose to reveal this matter.

All members of the [Savior Alliance] agreed that this "secret" is not suitable for too many people to know.

So they all made an oath: they would not tell this to the "second" person.

Unless, that person is a new member who is about to take your place in the alliance.

So Wang Zhongsheng just said inexplicably: "Xiao Chen, the one in S City is still a little secretive."

"In the future, I will tell you the specific reasons."

"But now you have to remember one thing: never have the thought of being an enemy!"


Unless, you have the power to completely "crush" that person.

It’s because of this idea…

That's why Wang Zhongsheng became so eager when he heard about the effect of this stone.

Only then did he calm down immediately after learning that the stone still had unknown conditions and restrictions...

But there is no need to say this.

After hearing these words, Chen Changzhang was still confused.

What secrets can there be about that person from City S?

But he also knew that the old man in front of him had no need to fool him.

And he also said that the reasons will be explained clearly in the future.

Having said this, Chen Changzhang naturally would not ask for trouble.

I can only hold my doubts and think slowly by myself.

And after seeing that he had no objections.

Wang Zhongsheng directly ordered: "Call S City and tell them that I will visit in person tomorrow."

"There is no need to explain the stone directly, just find a suitable reason first."


In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, the sooner the stone is delivered, the better.

If it weren't for the fact that it was getting dark outside, Wang Zhongsheng would have thought of going directly to S City right now.

But at this time, he thought of one more thing.


Wang Zhongsheng continued to speak and stopped Chen Changzhang who was about to go out to do something.

He asked: "How did you get this stone?"

"Also, where is that student?"

According to what was said before…

The original ownership of this stone should belong to this student named Tian Tian.

Of course.

Wang Zhongsheng naturally didn't care about this.

After all, although the current order is relatively stable, it is still a privileged society where the strong own everything.

As for everyone being equal?

This thing, even in the old days when "everyone is equal" was sung most beautifully...

At that time, weren't there still most people who wanted to be a master?

Even, such existence does exist.

But now, the era is dominated by the awakened ones as a whole.


The person who wants this stone now is the most powerful person on this planet!

Wang Zhongsheng has lived for decades and has experienced a lot.

I also personally witnessed the changes of the entire era, so...

Everyone is equal?

The strong have everything?

Of course, he would not be blind to which of these two truths was true and which was false.

However, the old man still wanted to make up for it as much as possible, so he asked with concern.

Just as he was thinking about how to compensate.

But the expression on Chen Changzhang's face revealed an embarrassing emotion.

After hesitating for a moment, he said: "That student's name is Ye Nantian, but now..."

"The person is already dead..."


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