Chapter 67 God? Me? (twenty two)

[Facing the supreme kingship at your fingertips...]

[That demon king and that god did not immediately choose to reach out. 】

[The remaining people in power, who were ready to surrender, looked confused. 】

【A little late? 】

[It’s okay, you can wait! 】

[And we can also take the opportunity to prepare for the arrival of the King of the World. 】

[But one day, two days, three days later...]

[But they received the news that Li Ye became the city lord of S city, and they couldn't help but feel a little depressed. 】

【What's going on? 】

[What about ruling everything you promised? 】

[However, I am depressed, but I don’t dare to do anything because of it. 】

[Also a little overwhelmed. 】

[Those city-states that are still managed by city lords are fine, and everything is business as usual. 】

[But the rest is more troublesome. 】

[Just as a country cannot live without a king for a day, the current city lord is similar to the position of king. 】

[In the absence of a powerful person like the city lord, it will probably lead to administrative chaos. 】

【I don’t know who to listen to...】

[As for the position of city lord, there are naturally many people in various city-states who are coveting it. 】

[But the events of the past few days are still vivid in my mind. 】

[So naturally they didn’t dare to go beyond half a point, and the situation was temporarily frozen. 】


[The succubus sister wearing a pure white dress, Si Qingwan, directly took the position of city lord of K city. 】

["If other people weren't watching, I wouldn't be so relaxed.\

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