I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 102:

Suddenly, Matsumura's consciousness was blurred. Colorful lights appeared in his retina. These colored lights converge on everything. into an extremely distorted color.

The thin boy in his sight and the buildings in the corridor also turned into a distorted scene. The corridor seems to be spinning infinitely. The head and feet of the boy in front of him have been separated, and his aggrieved and begging look that once excited him has also become terrifying.

The world can't describe how Matsumura feels right now. The world in his sight has been surrounded by carrion in recent years. Even his nostrils were filled with a disgusting smell, and there seemed to be a terrifying existence whispering in his ears, telling him obsessed but crazy knowledge.

Countless numbers of knowledge and answers flashed through Matsunura's mind, those math questions like a book from heaven. Those tongue-in-cheek English - at this moment, it seems like they all come through. He felt that he had become a scholar in other people's mouths.

He likes the feeling as if he can learn no matter what the problem is, as if there is no problem that can be difficult for him in this world - he fantasizes that he is standing on the pinnacle of life. Fantasizing that you have mastered the truth of the universe

Although the current body is uncomfortable, the endless twists and pieces of flesh fill his mind, causing his spirit to collapse. But at the same time that visceral pleasure made him want to laugh too much, and he was obsessed

"Matsumura-kun...you, are you alright?"

The thin boy grinned when he saw Matsumura in front of him, and saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth. His expression was twisted, his eyes bulged, and there were blue veins tightening from his forehead. Worry like a monster in a horror movie.

"Go away L"

Matsucura pushed the thin boy in front of him and pushed him to the ground. Then he stumbled and left here, stroking the wall.

He wants to go home quickly -- he wants to go home quickly to chant God's name...

In the endless trance, he suddenly became clear for a split second. Wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, he quickly ran home.

Matsumura recalls recent events

Since the dragon and Cthulhu appeared in this world. Occultism - has become a trend in the world all of a sudden. Some people visit famous mountains and rivers in search of so-called immortals, and some people say that they want to be reborn from nirvana. Some people suddenly come out and say that they have superpowers, and what is more, the sudden recovery of Feng Shi Huang and Tokugawa Ieyasu requires people to pay money to reorganize the Taijun.

Although these turned out to be fake and deceitful things in the end. But the upsurge of occultism has no meaning to stop, because the dragon and Cthulhu clearly told everyone. The world is not as simple as it seems.

And the most active among them are of course those religions. It doesn't matter if it's a government-sanctioned religion or a cult. All are popping up like mushrooms, and the most famous of them all. It is those sects that believe in demons and devils in the West, as well as various Cthulhu-based evil gods.

Because of the existence of dragons and Cthulhu. Let people believe in the truth of these two beliefs. Although the giant dragon is somewhat positive in various modern propaganda, it is in the real legend. The dragon has always been a symbol of evil

With these things in mind, Matsumura returned home, he quickly turned on the computer and looked at a JXI notepad. _

This is an online discussion group he joined when he was bored some time ago. The owner of the group is a crazy fan of Cthulhu mythology-he posted some methods of worshiping evil gods and praying in it. As a young man, Songmura, I was full of curiosity about these things, and with an interesting mood, I extracted them and did a prayer experiment myself.

At first he also thought these things were fake. It's something that the so-called group owner made up by himself. But gradually. He believed that these were all real, and he believed that he was the chosen son of destiny because he prayed according to the method taught by that group leader. He really got Wei Tai Shen's @ying!

Candles (Li Qianzhao) Animal blood strange twisted patterns, Matsunura skillfully placed these things on the floor of his home and then when the sun went down, before night fell, he knelt on the ground in the center of the twisted pattern .Pray to the gods again. Analyzing and begging the gods to give him endless knowledge.


"Long live, long live, Cthulhu Futan!"

Appeared. God's whisper.

The distorted and beautiful picture of L appeared

what. I am the greatest artist in the world!

Ah, that profound knowledge gave me a sublimation gram.”

what. Cthulhu, please give me power beyond mortals!

Under Matsunura's prayer, his body gradually swelled up, his skin turned gray-green, his body began to twist, teeth grew on his neck, and tentacles grew on his skin!

The gods answered his prayer. He gained power beyond mortals!

Chapter 3 Tokyo Rebellion

"Jingle Bell - One by One"

The telephone rang in the Japanese police's regional police station.

"Hi, hi! We got it."

The two policemen on duty received a call to report the case. The policeman recorded the content of the report on the paper, and the informant on the other side of the phone learned the information in detail.

"Okay, don't worry. We'll be visiting!"

After some extremely Japanese-style too hypocritical coping, the police at the police station hung up the electricity.

"what happened?."

A colleague who was sitting on the other side of the police officer on the phone asked

"It was a missing report - a student from a nearby high school went missing. L did not go to class for three days in a row, the school teacher called their home, and his parents didn't know."

"Need attendance?"

"Well, let's go to their house to see

The two policemen cleaned up a little and then walked out of the Jiaofan office.

On the way, the two went to the address given by the school while looking at the detailed information.

"Tsk, this is really scum! I used to bully my classmates at school, and I would fight when I was in middle school. I was always fooling around with unemployed people outside, and even his parents didn't want to live with him.. He rented a house and left him alone to fend for himself."

The police officer looked at the detailed information of the student named Matsunura and said with disgust.

"How could this kind of social scum disappear? I suspect that he just went out and fooled around with those bad boys. Maybe he is injured in a fight and is lying in a hospital now. I think we should go to the hospital to find it, not go to his house."

Another police officer said in disgust.

School bullying in Japan is extremely serious. Many people have been bullied more or less when they were in school, but because many of them are minors, school bullying cannot be completely filed, so that this bad thing always exists.

Those private schools with money A's are better, but in public schools. This is not uncommon.

"Forget it, even a scum who should die is within our scope of responsibility. Let's go to his house first."

The two police officers put away the information. speed up.

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at a place that looked like a simple tent built for me at the construction site. There are many such houses in Japan, which are small in size but full of internal organs. The main thing is that the rent is cheap, and many single people live here.

The two police officers walked up the stairs to the second (ga) floor and knocked on the door.

"Matsumura-kun, are you at home? We are patrolling police officers nearby. If you are at home, please open the door."

The police knocked on the door for a long time but no one responded.

"Forget it, I guess he's not at home. Let's go first."

"No, listen, there seems to be a voice inside."

A policeman put his ear to the door and noticed movement inside.

The two looked at each other and nodded, then took out the law enforcement instrument and placed it in front of them. And start recording, ... Police Station No. is on a mission. We _received a missing report call to XXBIX_ to conduct a routine search, and found something in the house.. ready to break in. "

After leaving enough evidence to prevent them from 'breaking into the people's treasures privately', the two police officers took a deep breath and made the last and worst decision in their life==Break into the house⊥

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