I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 104:

"No I even suspect it's not an earth creature at all. It has a very strange endocrine system. It doesn't fit the biological definition at all. I don't even understand how it actually acts, and there's no obvious weakness in this monster when examining the corpse to find its guts It was hit by a lot of bullets in the head. But it still maintains its strong combat power and mobility, and it will die until its physical strength is exhausted."

The middle-aged man looked down at the report and nodded, "Is it contagious?"

"Based on experiments with criminals and other creatures, it's not contagious!"

"What happened to this A sample?"

"This monster first appeared in the home of a high school student named Songmura. We had an idea to suspect that it was related to that student. After drawing blood from his home, we compared it with the blood of this monster, and we found that the monster was That student called Matsunura mutated."

"You mean... this monster is human on A?"

"Yes sir. According to the classification L it is fully human and Matsumura himself!"

The chills rose in the hearts of everyone, and a faint fear shrouded their hearts. After swallowing, they looked at the twisted body of the monster, and they couldn't connect it with humans.

= A self-defense captain also handed in a report at this time, _ "This is the information we found in Matsunura's computer afterwards. We suspect it has something to do with him turning into a monster."

Taidao took another document. After looking at it, his pupils _shrinked ". Evil God sacrifice_"

"It seems to be a sacrifice to the evil **** now. Sir."

Oshima nodded, then looked at the men behind him and said, "Can you recognize what this monster is?"

These subordinates are all Japanese experts and scholars in certain aspects.

"Deep diver!. I think this is the deep diver, the servant of Cthulhu in the Cthulhu mythology""

"I don't think so, this monster isn't quite the same as the deep diver in the book.

Someone retorted.

"Idiot, Luo Go to Kratot, maybe he just saw Cthulhu in a dream. He got relevant knowledge because he saw the evil god, and then he wrote the story with his own pen. You think he has processed and polished it. The last thing - must be true? It's very possible that he recorded it wrong L"

The first person to speak stared fiercely.

The refutator opened his mouth, his face flushed, and finally he sighed, "Okay. You are right. The things in the book cannot be completely believed. The predecessors will definitely add their own annotations when they write it. We should use The real thing is the main thing.”

Seeing that his subordinates had no other rebuttals, Taidao said solemnly, "...Then, this monster is Cthulhu's servant, the deep diver, and this document also proves it, the evil **** worshipped by Songcun. Cthulhu! And!"

Chapter 5 S.H.I.E.L.D. and Dragon Group, the secret of immortality!

"Who are you? It's forbidden to enter here"

There was a screeching sound from far away.

Oshima frowned and looked towards the corridor ahead, and said solemnly, ".: What happened?"

Without giving him too much time to wonder, Taidao saw a group of Westerners walking in. Some of them were white and black, and they were striding towards Taidao.

Taidao's brows twitched when he saw these Westerners, and he immediately felt something wrong, especially when he saw that the guards here were only blocking them with words. But he didn't do it. He felt even more uneasy.

Sure enough, the first sentence the other party came to the ground was, _ ". We are the special investigators of the American Sleeve Shield. I hope you can provide the unknown organisms and detailed reports that you have obtained not long ago."

Oshima ignored the unreasonable request of the other party, but was stunned and said in horror, God, S.H.I.E.L.D?

The Marvel comics popped up in Taidao's mind for the first time. There is no way. Marvel has been too popular in recent years. If there was an organization in the past who claimed to be S.H.I.E.L.D. He was kicked by a donkey, but now such a group of people claiming to be special investigators of S.H.I.E.L.D., he really believed it.

You don't see any Cthulhu, the dragons are all coming out, so it is normal to think that there is such a thing as S.H.I.E.L.D. Maybe even Godzilla and Ultraman actually exist in this world!

As a Japanese, Taidao's various brain holes are still very large.

The white man in the lead blushed. He covered his mouth and coughed, ". We claim to be S.H.I.E.L.D., but it's not the S.H.I.E.L.D. in your impression. In fact, we have the same responsibilities as you. It is the special investigation department of the United States. As for why it is called God Shield, ahem.. you also know that our Mr. President always does strange things..."

The other party's words calmed Oshima, thinking of the other party's living treasure president, he was also a little smirk, who would have thought that His Excellency the President would directly name the department] S.H.I.E.L.D. But this name is quite appropriate.

But no matter what, as long as it's not really S.H.I.E.L.D. He doesn't want to fight Iron Man, Hulk yet!

After knowing that the other party was a mortal, Oshima became too daring, "Sorry, this gentleman! This strange creature, well, we call it a deep diver was discovered in our Japan.. for the sake of We also sacrificed several excellent soldiers and police officers by killing it, and we cannot hand it over to the American government just because of your words."

At this time, the median black man who claimed to be S.H.I.E.L.D. stood up. He said calmly, ".. According to the agreement signed by the American government and the Japanese government. We have the right to take this creature that may threaten global security away.

Taidao's face: very ugly, looking at the aggressiveness of this group of people, he gritted his teeth and looked at them angrily, but he was helpless.

No way, who said that America is Japan's father country? Japan, which is preparing for a defeated country, is not qualified to develop an army and some large-scale weapons, and the other party threatens with the pretext of global security. The military bases are heavy with various missiles and weapons are not decorations

But he was reluctant to hand over this unknown organism. It was probably the first alien or alien civilization organism discovered by the people of the earth. It is estimated that no matter which country it is now, it wants to get it and study it.

"Okay, don't embarrass others.. Oshima-kun, I know our request is a bit too much. It's better than this. Research on this deep diver. We also sent a scientific team from the United States to carry out with you. How?"

At this time, the white people headed out came out to make a round.

Taijima knew he couldn't refuse. The other party sings the red face while the other sings the white face. From the very beginning, they actually never thought of taking this unknown organism from Japan. They = the first thing they thought was joint research.

He said helplessly, "-: Okay. I will ask for instructions from above... But you also call it a deep diver?"

"After seeing the photo of this monster, our team of Chalijian brought in experts to study it. = To think that it is the servants of the Cthulhu mythological insect Cthulhu, the deep diver = a group of races hidden on the seabed. "

The white man's tone of S.H.I.E.L.D. paused for a moment, and he looked at Oshima, Yushudao, ... Oshima-kun. In the records of Cthulhu, the deep divers themselves are not particularly powerful. _A race that cannot be resisted by human beings, but they have one characteristic - they do not die unnaturally, that is to say, the deep diver is immortal."

Hearing the white man's words, Oshima's heart skipped a beat and he finally understood why these people were so anxious to want this deep diver's body.

Immortality, isn't this the dream of all human beings? Especially those in power and the rich, if they find out that they have immortality, they will go crazy

And this deep diver is the breakthrough

China, the magic capital, a mysterious office-

"S.H.I.E.L.D. of America met with the relevant departments in Japan."

The head of the lice threw the -= bag of documents in front of Gui Bin and smoked a cigarette himself.


Gui Bin picked up the file bag. asked suspiciously.

"It's a special department with the same responsibilities as ours, but it was named S.H.I.E.L.D. by that Mr. President."

The head of the lice said here

Also almost laughed.

Gui Bin's expression: strange, shook his head and said, "...If there is a S.H.I.E.L.D. in the United States, should we also change the name of the team leader?"

"What's the name changed?"

"It's called Dragon Group L"

"Are you able to spray water or fire, or are you a clairvoyant? Dragon group L!"

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