I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 114:

"I tell you to talk nonsense, it's better not to have this kind of thing happen."

At this time, the head of the division came in. Seeing Gui Bin kicking himself, he wondered, "What are you doing? Why are you abusing yourself?"

"Ah, it's all right. There was a mosquito just now. I was fighting mosquitoes."

L Guibin smiled embarrassedly when he saw his bad things being seen by the leader.

The head of the division was suspicious, how could there be mosquitoes in this weather. But he didn't ask more and just said, "Get up and pack up - let's go to a meeting with me."

Gui Bin quickly stood up and put on his coat.

The two of them got up and walked to the conference room.

Naturally, they are not the only department working in this building. Incidents involving mysterious power, from politics to military, all parties attach great importance to it. Facing 'unknown events'

Experience. These people are really not qualified to participate in these meetings.

"The travel plan of the No. 1 chief has all been cancelled. Now he is sitting in Zhonghai to lead the overall situation, the Politburo Standing Committee has also gathered in Zhonghai, and the five military regions in the south, south, north, and west are also ready to fight at any time to deal with possible emergencies. Crisis. The base has even dispatched our aircraft carrier fleet. It is now being deployed in the East China Sea."

The head of the division - while walking. The other side whispered to Gui Bin.

"Isn't it? It's just war preparations.

Gui Bin was astonished when he heard the state's arrangement. He didn't expect that the top leadership was all ready. From top to bottom, he looked like he was too enemy

"No way, this incident is really shocking. Those deep divers, think about it carefully, do you have any ideas."

"The Deep Divers: According to Lovekraut's records, they should be _ intelligent races living in the deep sea"

Gui Bin's heart = blurted out.

"That's right, that's what the country is worried about. Although there is evidence that the deep diver who appeared in Tokyo appeared because of a mysterious ritual, we can't guarantee that there will be this group on the bottom of the sea in the waters near Japan. Existence. The role of the aircraft carrier fleet is to be the first line of defense. At the same time, if Japan sends a request for help, we can also support it."

"Although our relationship with Japan is not very good. But on the issue of the survival of the human race, as long as we don't stand on the opposite side of human beings, we have to make a statement-: And the combat readiness of the Wutai Military Region is because Japan is too close to us. If there are deep divers in China, we can control the overall situation as soon as possible, and don’t let the situation get out of control and become like Tokyo.”

The head of the department explained in detail to his capable officers. The two came to the conference room not long after they found a seat and sat down. Not long after, all the celebrities came in a hurry.

"Everyone knows the situation of the county body, so I won't talk nonsense, let's go straight to the topic."

One of the generals who presided over the meeting didn't say a single word, and he just started the main topic.

"First of all, I want to talk about the possible identity of this old man. Do you have any suggestions for the experts?"

Hear what was discussed in the meeting. Gui Bin just pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Chapter 17 Wuyou has eight extremes to determine the universe!

Who is this old man, is he really an antique who lived in the Ming Dynasty as he said, whether his words are true or false, and if he really lived more than 500 years old, is he left in the history books? Names and deeds, not only the government wants to know, but anyone who pays attention to the matter wants to know.

When Gui Bin heard the question between the generals at the head, he subconsciously sat up straight, and his eyes swept around.

This conference room is too big, enough to hold a mobilization meeting. Most of the people inside didn't know Gui Bin, but some of them were wearing military uniforms, some were wearing suits, and they were generally over fifty, even if Gui Bin guessed. These people present are definitely real high-ranking officials or dignitaries. Or they are important members of the military.

On the other side, there was a group of old people gathered. These old people were dressed in a variety of strange clothes. Some were wearing Taoist robes, some were wearing monks' robes, and some were wearing simple clothes. Old man in slippers. These people seem a little weird at first glance, but when you look closely, you will feel that they are very learned.

"These are some well-known Taoist monks and monks, including people from Taoist associations, martial arts associations, Buddhist associations, and religious management offices. As for the other old people, they are experts and professors in many famous schools and are famous in various fields. underestimate them."

The team leader whispered beside Gui Bin at the right time, telling him the origins of these people.

Gui Bin nodded without a trace, these people were considered strange people in ancient times. It is estimated that only the government departments can bring these experts and scholars together so quickly

"According to the video taken from all angles of the scene. I can't see any traces from the expression of the old man. Whether it is his facial muscles, eyes or the slight shaking of the corners of his mouth, I can't detect that he is lying, No, it should be said that his expression from beginning to end was very calm and calm, as if his emotions had not changed, even the most strictly trained special personnel could not do this. I even doubt that he is not human."

= The microexpressionist said first

"These videos are very clearly shot, and there is no post-production. From my observations, his skin does not look like an old man at all. L looks more like a newborn baby, which is really Incredible, not to mention his age, even if you find a nine-year-old child, it is impossible to have such good skin.

On the whole, this old man has no pathological features at all. Sorry, I can't find any medical observation methods to see what is wrong with him. I agree with Professor Li. He may not really be human. "

Said a medical expert who has made great achievements in both Chinese and Western medicine.

"There is no trace of cosmetic surgery on the outside. What's more, even cosmetic surgery can't do it.

"His accent should be from the north, probably from the capital. Some of his words are quite similar to the dialects and speaking styles of the Ming Dynasty that we studied. After that, the way he speaks is very close to the age of things. Said he was very up-to-date.

Experts and scholars, you speak my word. type of oversight. I used their professional knowledge and skills to analyze this old man, but no matter how I analyzed him, I couldn't find a reason, and I couldn't find any place that could be regarded as a lie. In the end, everyone was silent. The words, although all of them are full of inconceivable faces, but also come to a conclusion, this old man is probably true to what he said, he is an old monster who has lived for more than 500 years.

With this conclusion, the eyes of some dignitaries are glowing. Heart faintly excited.

For those who are at the point of power.. have untold wealth. His biggest extravagant wish is to grow a cow, even Qin Shihuang couldn't control this desire.

Of course, these people didn't dare to use force against the mysterious old man who appeared. Just because his performance was nearly equal to that of a modern division, or even stronger, was not something ordinary people would dare to covet. What's more, who knows whether there is a hidden supernatural force behind this old man, no one dares to disrespect him until the second: everything is checked out. Even if you have power, you must respect this power beyond common sense.

However, if you are strong, you can also use soft. As long as the other party is still human and has human desires, then maybe you can use other means of exchange of interests to explore the mystery.

The head general raised his hand to stop the discussion of the Taijia family. After thinking about it, he said, ".. After the old man left, the people at the scene immediately began to search everything around, but what made △ unimaginable was that the old man experienced He fought. He didn't even leave a single shred of secretions at the scene."


The crowd was in an uproar, the human body is always undergoing metabolism. In particular, the old man performed such vigorous exercise, but he did not leave any tiny structures on his body. From this point of view, he may have really surpassed the limits and scope of human beings.

"It's easy to see the punches he uses."

Suddenly, an expert from the Wushu Association spoke. It immediately caught everyone's attention.

The expert coughed lightly, but he didn't dare to sell off, and said quickly. "He uses 'Jiquan'. We discussed it together. There is no problem. He definitely uses 'Jiquan', just... :: Even his boxing posture is not standard."

After speaking, the expert smiled embarrassedly.

Louie's boxing is really not very standard because he's just learning and selling it now...

But others don't see it that way. everyone laughed

Voice. He joked, ".___That's because you're not good at learning, right? That's the real master. That punch is like a tank shell, which reminds me of a sentence, I am a person. Only the army."

"Are there any jiquan masters in ancient times who can compete with this old man?"

The general headed hurriedly asked

The people from the Wushu Association shook their heads and said. ".... to say that the most famous jiquan master in modern times is Li Shuwen, but the old man said he was from the Ming Dynasty. It is absolutely impossible to be Li Shuwen, and there is a difference of several hundred years.

It is said that it originated in the Ming Dynasty. It is mentioned in Qi Jiguang's writings, and Qi Jiguang lived in the Jiajing period. Second, it was created in the late Ming Dynasty by a Dao Shi, and third, it was an abbot named Zhang Yueshan in the Qing Dynasty. created.

The general was silent for a while before saying, "... When our staff started talking to the old man, he said his surname was Zhang."

"Crack!" (Nuo's good code)

The people from the Wushu Association clapped their hands and said excitedly._"Then this is probably right. Our ancient martial arts inheritance was basically dictated by the master. Therefore, the origin of a martial art is the most difficult to determine. There will be mistakes. This old man claims to be from the Jiajing period, and his surname is Zhang, so he is likely to be the founder of "Jiquan", and the origin of Jiquan happened to have several versions in oral. "

".... There is a saying that has been circulating, it is said that "Wen has Tai Chi to make the world peaceful, and Wu has Tai Chi to set the world". , This old man claimed to be refining Qi soil. His jiquan is probably the real jiquan, and the power it shows is obvious to all. Saying it is. "Setting the Universe' is definitely not a lie!"

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