I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 123:

Louis let out a small whimper, feeling a lot like the vicissitudes of life, but the sound of a bell is like a bell. Although the body is weak, he did not expect to find another way to develop the strange and lewd skills of the year to this point. With such great power, even if It was the old man who collided with the fire bomb = collide. I just felt that the qi and blood were flowing through, and the inner organs were uncomfortable. "

His words were meant for those who were watching here. The various national departments that can eavesdrop on the words here listened.

And the government departments of various countries who heard his words were all grinning, gasping, you old-fist blasting cloud bombs. It turned out that the blood was only surging, and the inner organs were a little uncomfortable. This is really too much.

As Louis's voice fell, he could only see the broken walls in front of him that were burnt by cloud bombs. The high priest of the deep diver walked step by step. I was just like Louis, and the appearance of this deep diver did not have any scars. The cloud bomb just now is not ordinary to it.

Many national departments who saw this scene also showed such expressions. Since the high priest of the deep diver has been able to fight the old man for so long, he is obviously not weak.

In fact, after Louis found out that the cloud bomb was attacking, the first thing he did was to shoot the legendary undead creature that he summoned away. The reason why he broke the cloud bomb in mid-air was also to prevent this Too many undead are involved in the explosion range of the cloud bomb.

Not as much as Louis has a godhead and can mobilize the power of demigods, the undead that summoned is barely even a legendary level, and it is not as good as the real legend. If it is directly involved in the core explosion range of the cloud bomb, Even if you don't die, you'll take a lot of damage.

Then let those who have been staring here see it, and it will definitely lift their spirits. Will decisively think that human weapons are harmful to these supernatural beings, and the damage is sufficient _ it is likely that one missile after another will come next.

And now too much of the explosive power has been given to Louis - the undead just rubbed a little bit on the edge of the explosion. The power of this might not matter to a legendary undead, but in the eyes of others it doesn't matter. Whether it was Louis or the high priest of the deep diver, they were both hit by cloud bombs but were fine.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa-

The high priest of the deep diver made a piercing voice, as if this were its words, and it roared at Louis. It stepped back vigilantly, as if it also knew that it and Louis would be inseparable in a short time. It might also benefit from those mortal fishermen, so I'm not ready to fight here

Louis let the high priest of the deep diver leave. He stood there with a hesitant expression on his face. After thinking about it, he floated away in one direction with his hands on his back. His speed seemed to be slow and fast. The steps are very small, but after one step is ten meters away, it is like a Buddhist magical power, or some kind of skill to shrink the ground into an inch.

No one dared to stop him along the way, and not even one dared to talk to him, and watched the old man's direction. The people in the United States Joint Operations Department were all stunned, because they found out that the old man was actually here.

After discovering this, everyone in the U.S.-Japan Joint Operations Department looked towards it unconsciously. Like an illusory shadow, the priest who lowered his eyelids and folded his hands in the sleeves in front of him. This priest's face is like a withered body, and his body is like a withered branch. At first glance, it makes people feel a little scary, just like a monster.

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This priest was standing there before -: Without saying a word, other people didn't dare to go over and talk to him. Now that the old man from China is also coming here, everyone subconsciously thinks that this priest is here.

It didn't take long for Louis to come to this US-Japanese joint army headquarters. It was located in the underground of a building and was quite secret, but under the power of magic, Louis also found it easily. Only in advance will use the red view technique to create a priest to fool them.

The soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces who were guarding saw (agbf) Louis coming to L. Their teeth were trembling and their legs were trembling. They wanted to let L go directly, but they felt that it was not in line with the responsibility of their own soldiers, so they just said in trembling words, Hug, sorry, this is a military center. No order is forbidden

They didn't care whether Louis could hear Dong's Japanese or not, they just said what they should say dutifully.

Louis ignored them, but glanced at them with eyes like a deep pool, and the dragon's might from the dragon directly made the guarding soldiers go limp, and the will to fight was gone.

If they have a firm will to resist. Maybe even a little bit against Longwei. But the battles before Louis had already made these soldiers clump together. As soon as Longwei came out, he couldn't bear it.

Passing over the guards, Louis walked into this secret base as if he had entered no one

The realm, go straight to the center of the command room

The US and Japanese high-level officials in the entire command room were standing by. In particular, the people from the American side had even more expressions on their faces, showing a look of wanting to cry in panic and nervousness.

America just blew up people with cloud bombs, who knows if this is someone coming to get revenge.

Louis walked into the command room without anyone else, and his moonlight ignored the others at all, but looked at the priest standing in the corner and said apologetically. "::I'm really sorry, old friend Fujiwara, I originally accepted your entrustment and came to exterminate those servants of the evil gods, but I didn't expect this to end like this. I and that evil **** sacrifice are also half-hearted. No one can do anything for a short time. "

After seeing the old man of Huaguo, the priest who always gave people a gloomy and stern expression, his skinny face seemed to be much gentler, he said slowly, "It's none of your business, old friend, I thought It's just that some mortals were bewitched by the evil gods and attracted the servants of the evil gods from the shore of the deep sea, but they did not expect that these evil demons had planned for a long time and even sent their high priests out.

"I just hate myself for not being able to return completely and to fight against my old friends together."

The priest said with some remorse. Then he looked coldly at the people from the United States-Japan Joint Department. He said coldly, "And there are still these idiots who have money in success and failure, and made you spend so much physical strength blocking that firebomb. If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't be able to affect the world now. I have already extracted their souls and put them in the fire. It has been roasted for thousands of years, so that it can't survive and can't die."

The words of the priest blocking the test made everyone in the United States and Japan feel cold. They found that compared to the kind and gentle Chinese old man, this priest even made people think that he was a demon. I don't know how the two met and became friends.

"Now life is in danger of hanging upside down, and it is difficult to be wiped out. I thought it would be a joy to return to my homeland again. How could I think that this is not the prosperity of our way, but the era of evil and chaotic times."

The old man of Huaguo sighed faintly, as if he was worried about the disasters and calamities in this world to the point that he was really worried about the world before the world and was happy after the world's happiness-

Chapter 29 How can I pretend if you don't ask me!


The Japanese Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers, as well as ambassadors from other countries, all came to this US-Japan joint operations center, except for these political figures. There are also representatives of some Japanese chaebols who also came here

As the top of the pyramid in Japan, these people are almost the real power figures who really rule Japan. If you wanted to see any of them in the past, it would be extremely difficult, and you need to lower yourself and take the initiative to go to their official residence.

But now these big people are all respectful, even groveling and coming at the fastest speed, just want to have some relationship with these extraordinary people

These high-level officials in the Japanese political and economic circles are completely taking the third type of contact policy to deal with the strengths of these extraordinary people like Louis in these government agencies and even in the hearts of the earth, and they have nothing to do with aliens. two.

"Two gentlemen, can you explain to us mortals: - the origin of these monsters, and what they are going to do?_"

The prime minister, who shares the same surname as Japan's most famous Onmyoji, almost put his identity very low, and asked respectfully with respectful expressions that are extremely rare even in modern Japanese society.

Representatives of other listening countries also pricked up their ears, wanting to explore one or two.

The Prime Minister of Japan secretly looked at the old man who was wearing a Japanese-style priest's uniform with a haggard face, but his heart was: - hi. Is there any famous person named Fujiwara in Japanese history? priestly.

To say that the surname Fujiwara can be said to be a real noble in Japan, from the beginning of the Japanese Asuka era to a long period of time. This surname is linked to the meaning of nobility. In history, there are countless names A with the surname Fujiwara, and his history is average. It is impossible to guess who this old man is in history, or that he has not left any traces in history.

_'This old Chinese man said that he belonged to the Ming Dynasty, and it has been more than 500 years since then. The priest is probably about the same age as him, or at least a few hundred years old. ,

Thinking of this, the Prime Minister also looks complicated. Longevity is what mortals dream of most. The poor yearn for wealth and power, while the wealthy and powerful seek longevity. Even the ancestor of China, Qin Shihuang, cannot Exemption.

As for the fact that this old man of China can live forever by practicing Jiquan, no one believes that this is just a set of boxing methods against the enemy. Presumably this old man has another set of Qi-raising gong. In other words, the knowledge of Huang Lao can make people live forever.

Even if this immortality cannot be truly immortal, as long as it can live for another hundred thousand years, it is enough to make people jealous.

Here, the special envoy of Chalijian found himself unable to speak. As the world's only superpower, when the United States can't even say a word on such an international event, but they are helpless in the face of these extraordinary people, especially their own side has also provoked others. It's thankful that people don't come to retaliate They could only stand on the side in dejection.

The Prime Minister of Japan is also proud of himself at this time. Don't look at Japan's beauty and strength, but that is impossible. Japan can't afford it. As a sovereign country, who wants other countries to dictate their own policies and military affairs.

The prime minister felt very close to these two extraordinary people. The main reason is that the priest created by Louis used illusion as a profession of Japanese scholars. The Japanese will naturally feel that this priest is standing with himself. in a camp.

This is also the purpose of Louis creating this priest. What he wants is to make you have a good impression. Only when you have a good impression can we communicate, and many things can be explained clearly.

"'The priest said that he couldn't return yet, so he couldn't make a move, but it is estimated that it is only a matter of time before he can make his so-called return. Judging from the relationship between this priest and the old man of Huaguo, his strength is definitely not bad. Where to go.'

The representatives of all parties in Japan have small calculations in their hearts. If the previous governments were very hostile to these supernatural beings who suddenly appeared. Then, with Louis' previous performance of the iron fist carrying the cloud bomb, the attitude of the forces of all parties towards the extraordinary people changed suddenly.

These extraordinary people are incomparable, this has become a consensus, and as long as these extraordinary people don't make things too much. If you don’t play anything about overthrowing the regime, massacre and destruction, then the government will provide them well if it’s too bad. This modern civilization lacks everything. There is no shortage of entertainment. It can definitely make you serve [more comfortable than the ancient emperors.

And if you can get some benefits from these extraordinary people, you can live five or six hundred years without asking for anything, as long as you can live another fifty years, for these officials and rich people, then Will also force red eyes willing to fight for.

The priest didn't speak, and kept his aloof personality, while Louis's personality was very kind, and when he saw this group of people, he explained, "These monsters you call the deep diver are all servants of the evil god. And that evil **** is a demon from outside the realm. Xiu's will will come to the world where all living beings exist, and any living beings that come into contact with him will go mad, go mad, and become depraved."

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"As for the behavior of these deep-rooted ones, as you can see, they want to use blood sacrifice to summon the will of the evil **** to come as long as it comes smoothly.

Bringing huge disasters to this world, but also making the evil gods pay more attention to this world. It is very likely that the world will be madly corrupted by it. "

"It's been a while since I was old. In the sea area that you now call the Pacific Ocean, there have been traces of evil gods not long ago. Those must have been made by these deep-sea scuba divers. They used that sacrifice. What benefits should be obtained. Guess there is now a larger plan.

Louie explained the things he made up to these people in detail. By the way, he also rounded up his previous story of robbing a freighter in the Pacific Ocean. In the case of unequal information , Even if they don't believe this lie, they have to believe it. Because these people can't prove it's a lie!

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