I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 130:

People believe in gods who can't be seen and can't be seen and better be able to fantasize about, not those who can meet every day. God who serves the people, that reduces the mystery of God.

Therefore, like a **** like Torch Dragon, Louis pretends to be a phantom, and disappears immediately after solving the problem. Waving the sleeves without taking away a cloud is the demeanor of gods and bosses. Attractive and reminiscent

"Korea is really miserable."

Louis looked at the news on the Internet and clicked his tongue.

The destruction of the U.S. base in Okinawa is simply irresistible news, and it is now known all over the world. Coupled with the recent closeness between Japan and China, Japan used the US privately to throw cloud bombs in Tokyo in the name. The United States is prohibited from continuing to build military bases in Japan.

The current situation in East Asia is so turbulent that even the United States cannot see through it. There is no way for American Dad B to find his second son, South Korea, in East Asia, and inject a large amount of money to expand the US military base in South Korea. Dad = It is miserable to be a son. The power and prestige of the Korean government have been greatly reduced, and even many people in South Korea have marched to say that the government is betraying the country and seeking glory.

No one knows that this turmoil that caused the whole world to shake was actually caused by an individual, and Louis undoubtedly became the heart and protagonist of the earth.


Three days have passed, and Louis used the phantom disguised priest to excuse himself temporarily unable to stay in the world for a long time, thus disappearing. Before disappearing, the Japanese government was asked to wait for his return, which naturally made the Japanese side excited.


Louis knew that he took advantage of the characteristics of Japanese culture and temporarily fooled the Japanese government. After that, as long as he gave Japan a little sweetness, he could make Japan do many things for him. As a Chinese alchemist, he naturally wanted to go to China. Go fool the people there and get what you want.

"My lord. Wasabi has been prepared for you, but it's a bit big. Where do you want to send them?"

The Japanese government's work efficiency is still very high. Although not all Japanese wasabi have been searched in three days, the amount collected is also piled up.

The Japanese also have their own careful thinking. They feel that Louis can't take so many wasabi with him. They absolutely need the help of modern machinery. As long as they know where Louis wants to send the wasabi, they may know something about transcendence. the secrets of the world.

But Louis didn't give them this chance at all, just laughed and said, _Don't bother you. It's hard to get old to move these things away. "

After all, he was just using his sleeves, and under the stunned eyes of the Japanese and Chinese who came together, it can be said that the wasabi that had piled up the entire warehouse disappeared like this strangely.

"The universe in the sleeve?"

Some Chinese people swallowed their saliva and exclaimed, and the first thing that came to mind was the immortal arts recorded in "Fengshen Romance" and "Journey to the West".

Chapter 38 True God Can Change Civilizations and Ideologies

A new one, please customize. Moon fat flowers. Thank you everyone") 1

(Before, it seemed that there was a BIG that was considered ill-conceived, so let’s pretend it doesn’t exist.


"The universe in the sleeve? Although it is slightly different from what you understand and what you understand, it is not wrong for you to think so."

"Okay, I would like to thank you for your help. This sacrifice will exhaust my energy and energy.

Great, don't bother anymore. If you have anything else to do, just wait for my old friend to return to this land, and then you can go "find him."

After all, Louis waved his hand but ignored the sluggish Zhong Er △. actually lift

Just go with your feet.

"please wait"

The Japanese and Chinese personnel present at this time realized that something was wrong, and they wanted to keep Louis just when they turned their heads to look. It turned out that the figure of Louis had disappeared. As if it never existed -=

"This is really the same as the traveler recorded in the ancient wild insect novel."

I think it's more like those ghostly celestial beings.

Although the person claims to be refining Qi soil and Fang soil, but now it seems that this is not the same as Xian A's immortal art. I thought Fang Shi was just a deceiver to practice pills in ancient times. I didn't expect it to be so divine, whether it was the candle dragon that was sacrificed before or this universe in the sleeve. "

The Chinese personnel were amazed. Although they were just as disappointed as the Japanese staff, bitterly said nothing. Speaking of which, this Shi Youguo will come when he acts, and he will be right when he says he will go, but he is right.

People behave in a very similar way. to also

Be prepared in advance.

At this time, a Japanese related person brought a laptop with the video just recorded. = Group of people standing in front of a computer. Watching the old man just waved his sleeves and took all the wasabi from that library. They put them frame by frame, but they couldn't find where the wasabi went.

The old man disappears in the last video

Shi Ye is extremely mysterious. He took two steps forward and the entire figure gradually disappeared.

"I don't think there is any need for research. This is obviously beyond the means of our current scientific observation. Perhaps it is better to understand it with theoretical knowledge in those novels and animations."

Some people couldn't help but say, others nodded slowly after listening. I don't think it's said.

What does your country think?"

Some Japanese personnel asked.

"We have already reported it. It is estimated that the above is still exploring, but from my personal point of view

The above is just a process. The meeting of the top leaders of the two countries. It should be agreed soon. "

A Chinese hurriedly replied

And in the collection of hot wind and clouds change Xu

Many people don't understand it. The governments of various countries have also raised their vigilance, and they are somewhat unclear about the alliances and enemies they may hook in the future.

lo, the strength shown by these superheroes is really terrifying. Their will is enough to affect the country's policy direction. For example, in the past, although the earth was dominated by globalization

, has lost the thinking of the Cold War. But in essence, the opposition between socialism and capitalist countries exists.

With some of the secret news they brought, many countries had to take into account the opposing relationship between the extraordinary.

This is also an opportunity for China, although China and Japan have some historical problems that are difficult to solve. But in fact, for modern China, its real opponent is no longer Japan. But America.

It is precisely because of the influence of the United States on Dongbao Island and other regions in East Asia. It made Hua Guoren unable to solve many problems. and now beautiful

, especially America's most important younger brother in Asia, Japan, and it's not tied so tightly, this is the most important opportunity for China

Of course, there is still a big gap between China and the United States in terms of economy and technology. So the words "super beautiful" can only be said by a stupid little pink, that is not something that can be done in a short time.

What China needs most is time.

Molecular terrorist activities against the Pentagon. Let the United States focus all its attention on counter-terrorism, and this has given China more than ten years of gold-like development news. And China's current economic development is borrowing these more than ten years of time and huge amount of time. Too big demographic dividend


Originally, as the United States began to comprehensively target China, it made China difficult in international politics and economy. However, with every country in the world, these extraordinary people appear,

Japan pulls its own chariot. It is undoubtedly the best choice at this stage.

If you like God Station, remember to collect it, and recommend it to more book friends.

Arrange the magic runes in advance. Then use the ability of the divine tool 'God's Crown' to put those wasabi in his 'God's rudiment' worm. This is the true face of the universe in the gods.

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