I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 133:

But Qin Yaqian knew that the answer might need her to stop Cao Difu to find it. The big truck was getting closer, and fear flashed in her pupils wearing beauty contact lenses. No matter how mature she was, she was just an ordinary human being. Before facing death, the equality that all things will have, no one is superior.

The richest man and beggar in the world. Their ultimate destiny is death.

But only gods are immortal!

At this moment, Qin Yaqian didn't know whether her eyes == flowers. = A figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the car and the truck. _

Chapter 41 Looking for an Agent

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"Yeah ah_

The people around the terrifying car accident that was about to happen in the streets of the city of Modu screamed in horror_ And just when everyone thought that the next scene would be a car crash, an incredible figure appeared in the middle of the car and the truck .

With his hands on his back, Louis looked at the coming big truck with a calm expression. He raised his hand gently, which seemed to be slow and fast, which made people feel unbelievably straight. Then the palm that was like a baby without the dry skin of any old man lay in front of him like this



Incredibly, when the front of the big truck collided with that hand. The old man's body did not move even a millimeter away. The force brought by the collision was easily removed. The big front wheel made a distorted sound, and even began to smoke. It didn't take long for the front wheel to collapse and the engine It was all faulty, that one truck with a load of dozens of tons just stopped like this.

The driver who was driving the truck stared at what was happening in front of him. When he saw the old man in Chinese clothes, his pupils shrank, fear hit his heart, and he sat in the driver's seat trembling like that. Dare to move.

He was originally entrusted by people. Having obtained a sum of money that is unimaginable to ordinary people, all he needs to do is to crash the car in front of him in the current season under the arrangement of the other party. Let the person inside die and he will be fished out by his employer in a few years after he is in prison.

The script was supposed to act like this, but suddenly this old man, this mysterious extraordinary person who just showed his power in Japan, will appear in the magic capital!

"Murderers, people will always kill..."

Louis sighed lightly. He just looked away, and the truck driver felt his head swell. In the next moment, it burst like a watermelon, and the whole brain splattered yellow, white, and red, and the cab of the truck became extremely disgusting.

"Go, be saved"_?"

Qin Yaqian watched everything that happened at the scene in shock. After seeing the mysterious old man who suddenly appeared to save her, Qin Yaqian's eyes were bright. Her heart was hot, but after seeing the old man who killed him with just one look, and the scene was extremely cruel and **** , as a pampered lady, she immediately vomited.

Her bodyguard's face was also pale, and his face was full of joy for the rest of his life. Although he was horrified by this disgusting scene, he was much better than Qin Yaqian.

"Miss...: Miss."

Thinking of his responsibility, he hurriedly shouted.

.Since 4 I....I'm fine..."..

After clearing the contents of her stomach, Qin Yaqian reluctantly replied. She also doesn't care about the filth in the car. Just opened the door and walked out.

Qin Yaqian did not dare to get too close to the old man for fear that the smell on her body would offend the extraordinary person. After hesitating for a while, she learned the ancient etiquette from TV, and slightly lowered her head and dragged her skirt, "Thank you, little girl. Old gentleman, your life-saving En Yaqian can't be repaid, if there is anything that needs to be done by the little girl, Yaqian will be there."

After speaking, Qin Yaqian was a little embarrassed and twisted. I was afraid that the old man would also look at her with a murderous look, and as a modern person, she was really not used to such soft ancient words.

In fact, she said this with a sense of peace. Young people are always more curious about these mysterious things, not to mention being born in a wealthy family, she also knows that getting along with an extraordinary person will give her , bring great benefits to the family.

The eldest lady was even a little cranky. I don't think this old gentleman found out that he is a good seedling of cultivating immortals. Are you going to accept me as a disciple, so you will come to the rescue?

Louis didn't know that this eldest lady had dreamed of being a heroine in a novel, he just secretly complained about L, shouldn't she say 'I can't pay back. Only with one's own promise'?

Of course, now that Louis is playing an old man, it may be the most important reason why she didn't say so.

The person in front of her looks like a born eldest lady. If Louis in the past would still feel unattainable, it would be a blessing to be able to say a word to the other party, but for the current Louis, he absolutely thinks about it. No. Although this girl looks like a movie star, she is definitely a beautiful woman in the eyes of people on Earth, but it is nothing more than that to Louis.

Anything from his elf maid group is more beautiful than the girl in front of him. You must know his elf maid group. But they are all daughters of elf nobles, and the skin of the elf is completely free of any hair. Pore... It is a real creamy jade, not a description in Chinese language.

Compared with those elf beauties, the women of the earth are too vulgar, and the world of Saint Soron also has a beauty effect as the strength becomes stronger, such as Lisa Fuer's wolf girl who is close to the legend, but also heroic. A full-fledged beauty, Louis has so many races in another world that he has not played before, how could he possibly be interested in an earth woman.

Therefore, he said directly, "__...Alright, as you grow old, you just need someone to do two things. This old man sees that you are naturally noble, so I think you can help me solve some small things."

"...I don't like to owe people things when I grow old. This time saving you = life is a reward. As for the future, you don't have to pay more attention to it when you have a rich life of your own."

Louis knows very well that if he makes this less

The woman and the family behind her help themselves to collect supplies, and they can't hide it from the Chinese government. At that time, the government will definitely take more care of this family. This is even if Louis gave them a wealthy messenger.

In China, the only way to have a good relationship with the government is to have a future. It is useless to have money. Therefore, Louis has indeed sent a great opportunity to this kind of business family.

As for why Louis didn't go to the government directly, it was because Louis knew that there were always so many twists and turns in dealing with the government. He is not interested in acting and wrangling with those officials, or it is best to find a rich family to do things for him. At least oneself, as long as one sentence, the other party will act honestly

Qin (Nuo Hao Zhao) Yaqian was a little disappointed, so it wasn't because of my excellent foundation that I wanted to accept an apprentice.

But as the eldest lady of the Qin family. Of course she knew what Louie's words meant. It means that their Qin family can go to the next level and get closer to smaller places!

Qin Yaqian never thought that she almost killed L but got such huge benefits, as for the others. She feels that she may have more contact with this mysterious old man in the future. Even if she does not accept herself as a disciple, it is definitely enviable to give some pointers. So this needs to be considered in the long run.

There are daring people all around taking pictures secretly and uploading them to social networks.

Louis doesn't care about this either, he just wants to tell others that he has already arrived in China, and then he will contact with the government of China. After meeting, he will go to North America to carry out the final plan, to seize the one that will allow him to evolve again. energy source. . Then he will return to the world of Saint Soren, but he has no interest in continuing to play with the governments of various countries on Earth. _

Chapter 42 The organization decides to be your hero!

(New January, please make your own order. Fully booked, and tickets~)_

Magic City Office--

When Gui Bin came to the office of the head of the division, it was empty.

"Team Leader, did you call me something?"

"Gui Huizhi, the organization has decided. You will be the hero."


Gui Bin wondered if he had heard it wrong and asked in amazement.

"Cough.::: No, no. I mean you have a big chance now. The organization has decided that you will be the hero!_"

The office was filled with smoke, and Gui Bin looked at his boss with a dark face. Ye Cao said, "I heard what you said before. Well, can I refuse this task?"

"What do you think?"

"Okay:= I understand. Team leader. Just say what you want me to do."

Gui Bin sadly sat across from the desk of the head of the division.

"Come on one?"

The head of the department took out a pack of unbranded cigarettes, _...special offerings that can't be bought outside, if it wasn't for my promotion recently. Can't get this good stuff either. "

"I don't smoke."

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