I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 147:

"Yes, I have asked people to explore before. There is a large coal mine in the north of the Dragon City. It is very easy to mine. The Saint Soren Mountains are indeed the central segment of the continent, and this place is really rich in resources."

"However, if these things you call coal are burned, they will produce some poisonous gas. If there is no doctor or priest to treat them in time, it will cause death. Generally, this thing is only used by dwarves when forging.

"I know what you mean, Sisna has thought about this for a long time.

Coal poisoning is carbon monoxide poisoning. However, Louis didn't say it in such detail. Anyway, Sisna couldn't understand these sciences.

"The burning rate of coal is higher than that of firewood, and you elves are some races that love the nature of trees."

Hearing Louis's words, Sisna was a little flattered, and she kept saying, "..you really think about us elves, I don't know how to thank you-..but we elves are not inflexible, except for some extreme virtues. We don’t care about the other races cutting down dry wood for heating. Even in the elves, these dry wood are sometimes used.”

Louis raised his hand to stop Sisna's words. Instead, he approached the masonry structure and said, "Here is the kang. As long as coal is burned in it or a fire is required, heat will be generated. Look at this wall. There are flues in it, and the toxic gas from these coals burns. It will be discharged to the outside along the flue, and these flues are covered with relatively flat slate, and the slate is smoothed with soil. After the mud is dry, a layer of mat can be placed on it.”

".You go and call the people around here who are still at home. Then you throw coals in and set it on fire."

Louis ordered the young man casually

The young man was quick on his hands and feet. He ran out of the house and called his neighbors. It didn't take long for some men and women in simple and shabby clothes to come here. L tremblingly threw the coals into the kang under the watchful eyes of Louis, and then set it on fire. fire.

"It's burning too slowly."

Louis frowned, dissatisfied with the speed at which the coal was burning, and he used a spell-like spell directly with his fingers. In an instant, he saw that the fire was booming, and the coal was completely ignited.

The residents of the Dragon City showed fear and reverence, and everyone was trembling. People always had a sense of fear for those Master Mage who could evoke mysterious abilities.

As coal burns. Sisna saw that the poisonous gas was being exhausted to the outside along the flue that Louis said, and the whole house gradually became warmer.

"Sit down and try."

Louis grabbed Sisna's jade arm, and the elf's arm was as smooth as jade, and it was so white that you couldn't even see a single hair.

"So comfortable."

Sitting on the pit. Sisna's face was full of surprise, showing a look of enjoyment, a moment of tender red.

His lips parted slightly, and he let out a low-pitched moan, and the whole △ became lazy. Some people don't want to leave L, so that the residents of the dragon's domain, both men and women, are red-faced, and they don't dare to look at this elf with their heads down.

"You, you had planned in advance how to deal with the cold winter, and invented such a magical thing."

Sisna looked at Louis with admiration and admiration for Louis' wisdom and how he thought of how to spend the winter in advance, but she thought her majesty didn't pay attention.

"You really have the wisdom of a hundred dragons."

Sisna sighed in admiration that she was completely convinced, and even worshipped from the bottom of her heart.

Louis' original city plan was inconceivable to Sisna. Who would have thought that it was in some details of the design drawings. There are still such secrets hidden. Maybe there are many things that I don't understand in that urban design.

"The dragon is on top, it's amazing

"In the house = it's getting so warm all of a sudden."

"I also said what the strange pit in my house is for. It turned out to be for winter."

"The lord is really as great as a god."

The residents of the Dragon City also looked at Louis in admiration and whispered to each other about his wisdom compared to Louis. Even Sisna's beauty was bleak, and some people even whispered prayers here to let Louie sees some faith in himself

"It's just a trivial thing to mention.

Louis waved his hand casually. Anyway, I used it as a doctrine, and applied the one from Taikang in the northeast to the City of Giant Dragons.

However, he accepted the worship of the crowd without blushing.

"You can learn how to use it"

Louis looked at the residents.

"Ma'am, we have learned.

"Very good.. Then I give you a task, you will use this kang method to teach the people you know, and then let them teach others, be sure to let all my subjects learn it before each season comes. ."

."Yes, Mrs.""

People knelt down and greeted respectfully.

"Well, the cold in the house will be solved in this way, but the cold outside requires enough winter clothes. It is too late for such a large population to make winter clothes now. It seems that we need to trade with other countries in exchange for enough winter clothes. clothing."

Louis murmured.

Then, he asked, as if he had suddenly remembered something, "- Sisna. Any news on those black, viscous liquids that I asked you to look for."

"Sorry, Your Majesty! I have never heard of the liquid you mentioned, and I couldn't find it even if I searched all over the elves' books."

"That is, it doesn't exist anymore?

"Maybe it doesn't exist on the main material plane, and I don't know about other planes."

Shizu said embarrassedly.

"It's good that it doesn't exist, it's good that it doesn't exist...".

Louis muttered something Sisna couldn't understand.

He asked Sisna to look for oil B. Since oil does not exist in this world, what does it mean? This means that this world cannot develop the technology of the earth at all. The most famous technology here is the stage of development to the steam engine. And because of the lack of oil, it is impossible to form an internal combustion engine!

Of course, maybe there is an alternative in this world that Louis did not discover.

But Louis is more convinced. Earth is the desert of magic, and the world of San Soren is the desert of technology

Chapter 60 The city of dragons, the capital of adventurers

Louis took Sisna back to the noble district and came to a place close to the palace on the top of the city.

The Dragon City is more like a mountain city. The person closest to the top of the neck has the highest status. Louis never had the concept of equality for all. It is only through hard work that people can see that they can improve their class. . To gain greater wealth and power, will make people work hard.

As for whether this development will result in the solidification of his territorial class, bringing too much corruption and corruption, that is not what Louis should consider now.

"This is really a spectacular city, my lord⊥"

Sisna stood at the fence, which was close to Louis's palace, and could almost overlook the entire city of dragons.

There are densely stacked houses at the foot, and the vast expanse of open fields in the distance, behind the towering and precipitous St. Solon Mountains, standing here breathing the fresh and cold wind blowing from the mountains. It is refreshing. It even brings a sense of pride in looking down-cut.

"I feel thriving in this city, full of enthusiasm and energy, and I can see the residents smiling and full of hope for the future even if they are wearing thin clothes."

__"I have been to some human countries. I have even been to the capital of the Suzilun Empire, but even the capital of the empire can only be full of vitality with a developed market. In many dark corners, most of the residents' living quarters , people are still numb. They don't have any expectations for the future."

"You may be creating one of the most fascinating dwellings on the Material Plane. Your majesty has never seen such a smile on a commoner's face."

Sisna stared at the busy city under her feet, admiring her heartily.

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