I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 153:

She pulled up slightly _- off her Yunluo gauze, exposing a pair of slender feet to Louis's eyes. The arches of those snow feet were delicate and white like pearls, warm as jade, ten cardamom curled up_. Exuding a fragrant fragrance, Louis couldn't take his eyes away for a second, but lingered between Her Majesty's feet and ankles

Her Majesty the Queen seemed to have sensed Louis' moonlight, and her beautiful eyes flashed with a smile. She also smiled slightly at the male dragon's reaction to the female, but she didn't pay attention to it, instead she raised her arms like a green onion. With his jade fingers, he lifted the sleeves of his gauze and picked up the spoon made of jade. Cut out a sweet piece of cake. Drag the palm of your hand under it and send it into its own cherry mouth

Louis raised his eyes and saw that when Her Majesty was eating, the mysterious veil had not disappeared, it was just a wave of force.

'This weird shock doesn't dissipate when he eats, this elf is really strange that he doesn't reveal his true face, does she have someone who sees her true face and wants to marry her as his wife Kind of weird oath. ,

In his heart, Louis thought of some stories in martial arts novels, and then he shook his head and almost laughed.

The civilization of the world of Saint Soren is closer to Western civilization, but it does not have the strange rules of martial arts novels.


Her Majesty the Queen swallowed the strawberries on the cake again and breathed lightly. I don't know if the cake was too sweet or if her breath was sweeter, the whole air turned sweet.

"It's a delicious dessert. If my people can enjoy this kind of delicious food at any time, then the elves can truly live a rich life."

There was a burst of nostalgia and greed in Her Majesty's tone.

"If you want, I still have enough desserts here for you to taste. When you return to the Silvermoon Kingdom, you might as well bring some with you."

"Your Majesty Louis, you are really generous, _not like the stingy of ordinary dragons."

Her Majesty the Queen smiled.

She picked up the crystal cup with her jade hand and shook it gently. It was only when the wine tasted like blood of cupworms was released that I took a careful sip. Satisfied, there was no sourness, only the fragrance of grape fermentation. In the past, this was a taste that only gods could taste. "

Louis was not surprised by His Majesty's enjoyment. The gods in the world of Saint Soren are not immortals and they have no restraint on desire. The gods enjoy all material and spiritual satisfaction as they please, without ethics, without any human restraint, but indulging in pleasure while performing their duties.

For example, in the kingdom of God, the **** of love and beauty, as long as they see each other, they can casually aa) bang bang" in the name of love. , Louis sometimes regrets that if he lived in the age when the gods were still alive, he must have been a frequent visitor to the realm of Mingshui, the goddess of love. If he was an ordinary person, he would probably have believed in that female sleeve.

Just when Louis thought was distracted, Her Majesty the Queen also ended her enjoyment. She put down the wine glass and thought for a moment before slowly saying, "I want to thank you for the information that Sisna gave me. Goddess of the Evernight Goddess National information is very important to me.”.


Louis quickly restrained his thoughts, and his light was condensed, knowing that this woman

Your Majesty is about to speak up.

"This news is what the red dragon told me. I didn't make sure that the news was correct. I thought that it might be useful to you, so I asked Sisna to convey it to you. Now it seems that you have confirmed it. The authenticity of this news."

Louismo I held the glass and said with a bright smile.

"I went to the shadow plane and spent half a month to confirm the truth of the news, and finally found the kingdom of the goddess of the night."


"So I want to invite Louis to crown you, and go to the shadow plane with me to explore the goddess' kingdom. For a demigod like us, even if the goddess's kingdom has crashed, it will definitely give us enough benefits. "

Her Majesty the Queen sincerely invites.

Louis didn't immediately agree. He just pretended to think, and after a while he slowly shook his head and said, "Novillier told me that she saw the Evernight Goddess herself in the kingdom of God thousands of years ago, I don't know the gods now What is the state like? But I know that even if there is a crashed Divine Kingdom there, as long as the owner of the Divine Kingdom is still alive, it is still a dangerous situation for the demigods._"

Your Majesty, although I am greedy, I will not easily put my life in unknown danger. "

Louis was eager to promise the queen. He is also very eager to explore the kingdom of Goddess of the Evernight, but as she said, there is really danger there, and Her Majesty the Queen has to be on guard. Since she has found the kingdom of God, she does not enter, but instead comes to win over myself, who knows if there is anything tricky in it.

Louis needs more detailed information and intelligence before he can go to the kingdom of God with confidence and boldness

Sure enough, the elf queen also fell into long thoughts. Obviously, she also knew that with this kind of invitation without any extravagance, Louis would not easily be tempted.

"Your Majesty Louis, how much do you know about the 'Era of Disaster'?"

Suddenly, Her Majesty's jade lips lightly opened, and a cool and gentle voice echoed in Louis' mind, making people's heart tremble.

'Is she testing me? To test whether I am really an ancient dragon? That's right. I was summoned to this world by her divine power. Her Majesty must have noticed something wrong with me, especially when I took it. So many supplies came out. It's no wonder she didn't doubt it. ’

Louie's mind twitched. _Immediately there is an ambiguity of decision L; 'Age of Calamity' is the invasion of a civilization outside the Crystal Wall system. "_

Chapter 68 The ancient secret, the secret of becoming a god!

_(It took five hours for the operation, it was fatal)

Louie didn't answer too much, the more detailed he said, the more error-prone he was. The easier it is to be discovered lies in words.

Louis didn't know anything about what happened in the world of Saint Soren in the 'Era of Disaster'. Whenever Louis goes to ask Zhinao, Zhinao will make excuses not to answer, and in this world, after Louis investigates, and even asks the Queen of Calamity, he is surprised to find out about the disaster era and what happened in the previous era. The events recorded here are extremely rare. It can even be said that there is no.

Louis can only know that the so-called 'Era of Disaster' in the world of Saint Soren based on his guesses. It is about the "invasion of the Tyranid civilization here."

And after hearing Louis's words. The expression of the Elf Queen has changed slightly. The so-called 'Era of Disaster' is the invasion of the outer crystal wall system. Except for the gods who participated in the disaster, almost no words have been recorded. Even the entire world of Saint Soron seems to be trying to forget this tragic past, and try to eliminate Tyron as much as possible. The impact of civilization on the world =.

Since Louis can say this. Although the elf queen is not entirely sure yet. But he also believed that Louis really survived from that era, and he was isolated from the astral world and could not find the ancient dragon who returned to the main material plane.

"At the end of the 'Era of Calamities'. Almost all the gods of the middle gods and the weak gods fell, and very few survived, and the powerful gods were gradually unable to support them and began to fall like shooting stars, but under the desperate efforts of the gods , the outer crystal wall civilization that almost wiped out the entire world of Saint Soren. It was finally repelled. It has not appeared since then."

"The most regrettable thing at that time was the fall of the five-color dragon god. Before that strange civilization that used foreign objects left, they tried their best to kill the five-color dragon god. The corpse with sleeves disappeared in this place. world

Having said that, Her Majesty's eyes hidden behind the shock are looking at Louis again. Even if he can't see her beautiful eyes, Louis can clearly see Her Majesty's eyes at this time - there must be hidden rays of light.

‘This queen suspects that I and the five-colored dragon **** have something to do with the Tyranid civilization? Ha, he is indeed a demigod who has lived for more than ten thousand years. This wisdom cannot be underestimated. ,

Louis was smiling all the time, his expression didn't change, he just pondered for a moment before saying, I know what you want to say, about this I really can

related to the Dragon God. But as for the outer crystal wall system, it has nothing to do with it. "

Louis thought about it for a while, and felt that it would be better to tell the five-colored dragon gods related to the world of Saint Soron to gain the queen's trust. As for the Tyranid civilization, Louis felt that if he could, he would try not to let people in this world know about him. If you have an affair with them, who knows if the gods of this world will hate that civilization so much. It will be troublesome to seek revenge for yourself when the time comes. Fiction

lB.. He did not inherit - a huge Tyranid Empire is not the head of the Tyranid civilization, and he was only transformed by their technology. If he had to blame the Tyranid woman, Louis would be too wronged. He's not a scapegoat

Her Majesty the female cadre nodded lightly, seeing that Louis was so frank, and directly admitted that she had something to do with the five-colored dragon god. She felt that she should not have to hide some things. Anyway, these things will gradually recover with the gods. You know, it's better to tell him in advance. You can also win an ally in the chaotic era that follows.

After having this idea. Her Majesty the Queen looked around and saw that there was no eavesdropping, so she spoke slowly: ".: Her Majesty Louis has been far away in the depths of the astral world for 30,000 years. I don't know what happened on the main material plane. Curious about it.”

As soon as Louis heard that the queen really wanted to tell some ancient secrets, it could be seen from her attitude and behavior that he hurriedly sat upright. Made a look = vice-listening.

"Have you ever wondered. Why haven't new gods appeared on the Material Plane?"

Louie's upside-down pupils shrank and nodded slowly, "What you are talking about is exactly the strange thing about me, the era of disaster has ended for 30,000 years, and in these 30,000 years, countless geniuses, even people with great luck have been born again. Death, there have been powerful demigods in the past 30,000 years, but why are these people not even a conferred god?"

"I have read some ancient books. I know that there have been many demigods who have established churches in the past, but they are all--exceptionally all failed. Falling in the process of exalting the throne is not reliable from a probability point of view."

Louie bad - point out that this is unscientific. Fortunately, he changed his mouth in time.

"This is because, since the end of the era of disasters, the basic rules of the world of Saint Soren have changed. Just as people are injured and need to be recuperated and repaired, animals are injured and need to lick their wounds. The Luner world itself has also been greatly traumatized, the will of the crystal wall system has fallen into a deep sleep, and it is recovering itself. During the recovery period of the crystal wall system, it is natural that a new **** cannot be born."

ask for _flowers_

"The starry sky after the disaster era. It is impossible to withstand the birth of the stars that symbolize the gods.

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