I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 160:

For example, the Christianity of Earth civilization claims to be believed by hundreds of millions of people, but in fact, more than 95% of them may be just pan-believers. They only pray occasionally and think they believe in Christ. But in fact they are far from true believers in their inner choices and lifestyles.

"Forget it, Your Majesty, there's nothing to see here, I'll take you to the last place. After that, I'll sleep for half a month until I'm ready to go to the shadow plane with you."

Louis and the Elf Queen left silently. But the decree on salt has just been fermented in the city of the dragon. This seemingly simple decree will bring huge changes to the city of the dragon.

Chapter 77: The Dragon's Mage Corps, the God of Magic of Elves!

This is the noble district of the Dragon City. Quiet and quiet, in a beautiful garden in which a tower stands.

With the arrival of Louis and the Elf Queen, the orc warriors guarding the gate of the tower respectfully saluted.

A giant dragon--a elf walked in together like this. In the tower, as soon as you entered the door, Her Majesty the Queen felt the very shallow but numerous magical fluctuations from the tower. At the same time, you can hear the children's neat recitations.

"here is?"

Her Majesty the Queen was a little surprised. Although those eyes were hidden behind Miwen, there was still an indescribable difference. It looked at Louis's body, and there was a meaning of exploration in it.

Louis didn't answer, just smiled and made a 'please' gesture, and took the Queen to the base of the tower.

There are famous bottles and jars and burning metal pots under the tower. Marchis is making potions, and there are more than two dozen magic apprentices wearing simple robes beside him. to help Marchis with some strikes.

When Louis arrived, Marchisti sensed the time. He quickly put down the potion in his hand, trotted over quickly, with a pleasing smile on his face, and said humbly, "...Master, why do you have time? Come to the 'Magic Tower'."

Those mage apprentices were ignorant, and stood on the side, not knowing what to do. After hearing the words of the _ Archmage 4, they ran over in a panic and knelt directly in front of Louis. , said excitedly, ... the lord is too gentle!"

These mage apprentices were just ordinary civilians in the city of dragons in the past. Because of Louis, they lived a life of enough to eat, and because of Louis, they have now become mages that A admires. Although they are only apprentices, as long as the mages work hard enough, they may not be able to become grand mages, but the possibility of becoming an intermediate mages is still very high.

And a middle-level mage, in today's world of Saint Soron, can already become a bone member of a little famous adventure team.

"Get up, I'm here today just to show Her Majesty the Queen."

Louis raised his hand to signal Marchis and the apprentices to get up. After hearing Louis's words, Marchis said more humbly, "...It turned out to be Her Majesty the Queen of the Silver Moon Kingdom."

He didn't dare to look up at the queen. Her Majesty's body exudes the kind of unknowable and deadly perplexity, even Louis will be attracted sometimes, not to mention that Her Majesty is the most famous in the main material plane. A demigod, such a great mage as Machis, to the elf queen. It can be said that it is a worm that can be pinched to death.

"These people are the most talented apprentices"

Louis looked at the young mage apprentices. They were both male and female, and the oldest was only ten years old. The youngest looked only eleven or twelve years old. The poor's children were in charge early. The children of this age in the world of Saint Soren are already very mature. They bowed their heads and were a little excited. They also had faith and respect for Louis, standing there. = Speechless. Only those threads of faith that were connected to him from them made Louis feel more and more satisfied.

"Yes, Master! These are the ones who have the highest affinity for magic power, after drinking the potion. They feel the existence of magic power in a very short time, and can use their spiritual power to manipulate."

Marchis replied quickly.

"Very good, nurture them well, and strive to have a few more archmages in the city of giant dragons. As their teacher, you will also get rich benefits if you come: .. Go and continue your work, I have something to do with Her Majesty the Queen. to say."

"Yes, Master"

Marchis greeted those mage apprentices to make potions again.

Louis walked to the other side, picked up the = wasabi on the table, and said to the elf queen: _. This is a new type of vegetation that I discovered by accident. It can produce basic potions for the Dragon City to cultivate in large quantities. mage. Although the quality of these mages can not guarantee L but there is a sufficient number. "

".. Those recitations above the tower are talented children learning knowledge. In the future, they will all be members of my Dragon City Mage Corps."

Her Majesty's silver bell-like voice was accompanied by. Surprised, "-You are actually making a large number of mages?"

Although elves have a natural affinity for magic and high elf wizards do not need potions like humans, it is still very difficult to become a wizard. And today's Louis is actually using a lot of potions to give birth to low-level magic (ahai) masters.

"That's right. The magician's spells have many magical effects. Even if these mages don't go to battle and research, as long as they can use their spells to bring convenience to the Dragon City, it's enough."

Louis affirmed Her Majesty's guess, and his tone brought a trace of unquestionable pride.

The Elf Queen pondered for a while before slowly saying, "...Your Majesty, I'm pretty sure that the Goddess of Magic has not fallen. If I wait until Xiu wakes up and returns, the Goddess of Magic is very likely to create a new magic net again."

The 'Magic Web' Louis knows, it is recorded in many classics, and it is what the mages have always dreamed of today. It is like a computer program that spreads all over the world. As long as the spell is entered in advance, it can be released when needed. , it can be said that the magic net is the best tool for mages to cast spells.

"Creating new magic nets... This will indeed cause an explosive increase in the number of mages, only

However, it will reduce the quality of the mages. Do you think that the magic net can be built overnight? At that time, I didn't know how many legendary mages could be cultivated.

Louis said with a grin.

Her Majesty the Queen slowly shook her head, "...even if the Goddess of Magic has regained her powerful divine power, she wants to re-establish a magic net from scratch, which is a huge project."

"Then wait until the goddess of magic wakes up. When she recovers to a powerful supernatural power and the establishment of the magic net is successful, then I don't know how many years it will take, and I also have a magical vocation: . . . If the magic net is established. No matter which one If a race wants to use magic, it needs the consent of the goddess of magic. Unless you bypass the magic net to cast spells, but that is no different from the wizards today."

Your Majesty, you shouldn't want to see the elves release spells but are controlled by the goddess of magic. Even if the goddess records that Shen is an absolutely neutral god, Xiu also has her own preferences and will make partial ancestors, but if the elves can Help me, let me take the -= partial control of the magic web from the goddess of magic. Then I can be the **** of magic of elves and dragons. You should know how many benefits this gives sprites. "

At this time, Louis finally stated one of his goals. He took part of the magic priesthood, which is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the goddess of magic, facing a powerful divine power, even if the other party has not woken up yet, even if the other party needs to know how much Years can recover, but Louis also needs allies to divide for him.

Of course the elves can't face the gods, but the silver goddesses that the elves believe in can.

"You actually own some magical gods?⊥"

Her Majesty the Queen lost her voice.

Although after the Era of Disaster, the clergy of the gods is no longer complete, and every **** has to complete the clergy again after returning, but Louis actually grabbed a part of the power of the magical clergy at this time, which in the Queen's opinion is Incredible.

However, the faint magic power that Louis exuded made Her Majesty the Queen had to believe it.

It is estimated that the goddess will be very depressed when she wakes up and finds that part of her most important priesthood is missing.

Louis just smiled and said nothing. What he is doing now is to show his muscles, to become the best collaborator, to find the right allies, and to face the coming age of the gods.”

Chapter 78 Bought 40,000 Elves

After Louis led Her Majesty the Queen on a tour of the Dragon City, he just returned to his dragon's nest to take a good rest. In order to deal with the next matter of going to the goddess of the night, Di.

He believed in the future potential that he showed, as long as the Queen was not stupid, as long as the silver and the goddess were not stupid--will choose the most correct way and judging from all the decisions that Her Majesty has made over thousands of years. She He is a very rational and qualified king.

due to geopolitical reasons. Louie's Dragon City is stuck in Moon's Forest. An object that the elves can't ignore at all. But things always have two sides, also because of geopolitical reasons. The elves are also the objects that can't be ignored to contain Louis, so the two must work together or become enemies of life and death.

According to Louis' estimation, the elves will definitely choose the first option, and Louis can also rely on his knowledge and theories beyond the age, as well as some practical techniques. Add in the material resources from the earth. It can give great help to the elves, and these help and support elves also need to pay a certain price. As for the price the elves will pay, it needs to be discussed with each other.

Moreover, Louis's goal is to become a god. After a hundred years, he may have raised the throne of God and become a **** above. And the regime of the city of dragons will surely be passed on to the next generation. The world is not popular in this world, and Louis will definitely Hand over power to your own blood. And how to give birth to an excellent heir within a hundred years is also a question that Louis is thinking about.

At the same time, how can his heir continue to maintain a good relationship with the elves in the following years. It is also a political problem.

Real wise people can't just think about what's happening now, they have to have a big strategic policy, a plan for the next five years, ten years, or even fifty-hundred years. Although the details need to be added and changed, but strategic but not easily changed

Louis is also prepared with both hands, such as the elves and the silver moon goddess behind them. In the age of the gods, because of the number of millions of elves, she made herself to the forefront of the gods within a certain period of time. The goddess may still feel that the location of the dragon city is like a throat, so she ordered the elves to invade the dragon city. , and a **** who is so well-prepared, his strength is absolutely not to be underestimated, and it is definitely not something that the current Louis can match.

If it really got there. Louis decided to give up the city of dragons, let the city of dragons use up all the fights with the elves and hide himself completely, go back to the earth to find all the energy sources, evolve into a complete body by himself, and then absorb it. Develop enough beliefs to use time to condense your own 'outer god' deity.

As long as he waits until his "outer god"_ Godhead has become a powerful supernatural power, Louis will no longer be afraid. He will not be shackled by faith. L can do something that is absolutely forbidden among the gods. , that is to slaughter the followers of the enemy gods too much!

And kill all the believers who believe in the gods. The gods will lose their power, so that these gods can be pulled into the astral world one by one.

Of course this is the worst possible outcome Louis can imagine, this behavior will be against all gods, and if possible, this **** difficulty game Louis doesn't want to experiment. It is better to honestly play otherworld games of normal difficulty.

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