I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 178:

"His Royal Highness Louis, there is no need for God to forcibly restrain your desires, you don't have to insist on it with reason like this... What you will taste next is the real body of the silver goddess Surun, A real goddess, not an incarnation."

This ancient goddess smiled sweetly. If the flowers are in full bloom, the lotus strides gently before Louis, and slowly bows down his graceful divine body. _

Chapter 107: The Birth of a New Species

The battle continued for three days and three nights.

With a long sigh, Louis only felt that his heart was empty, like an old monk in Dingding. It's like the Buddha who became a Buddha under the Bodhi tree, and he sees everything lightly

After a man is holy as a Buddha, so is a dragon.

Louis left the goddess he was obsessed with, and strode away from the Moon Spring. The entire clear spring water has long been tainted, no longer as green and clear as it used to be.

‘As expected of a goddess. ’

Louis sighed, and if he could fight against him for three days and three nights, I am afraid that even another female dragon would ask for mercy here.. But the Silver Moon Goddess actually persevered, and even looking at her appearance, it seemed that she could continue to fight in Taizhou. It was like fighting for three days and three nights.

Louis had to admit that the body of the goddess really made him linger, and to be able to enjoy the real body of a goddess, this kind of opportunity is rare even for gods, even if the real **** is embracing other gods or mortals, It is only used for incarnation. No **** will expose his straight body to other gods, and a little carelessness will put him in danger of falling.

Only now in this special era can L get the real body of the goddess.

So to some extent. Even the most rambunctious goddess should be considered a virgin, unless they were in a relationship before becoming a god. Because what these gods use is nothing more than an incarnation of their own making. The gods are just delighting their spirits, but their real bodies are never used.

Usually the real body is used. It happens when two gods get married and want to have an heir.

The silver goddess Su Lun was sitting under a tree, her delicate body was covered with a gauze, covering the beautiful body that even the bard could not praise in words.

"You have completely obtained everything from the Silver Moon Goddess, Your Highness Louis."

The fair face of the goddess was flushed red, and her expression was lazy, and the slightly narrowed silver-white pupils were beautiful and translucent.

"I just got the body of the Silver Moon Goddess, Your Highness Su Lun."

Louis said solemnly. Correcting the slip of the tongue of the Silver Moon Goddess.

As he said, what Louis got was only the body of the goddess. He didn't get the heart of the goddess. The communication between the two did not have the fiery emotions of mortals. They were just giving something for their own interests. It doesn't matter who wins or loses. Although from the point of view of a mortal man, Louis was earning too much, but from the perspective of the gods, the two of them did not owe anything, not only Louis Zhang was happy, but also the goddess of the silver moon.

lb. "You are right, Your Highness Louis."

The Silver Moon Goddess thought for a while, and suddenly the human race class laughed softly.

Sweat dripped from her flawless ear-white skin, but soon all of these disappeared. The gods possessed the ability to cleanse themselves, and demigods were considered a kind of gods.

As for whether he can get the heart of this goddess, Louis thinks it is still possible. The gods in the world of Saint Soren are not those immortals who don't eat fireworks. They have their own desires, and even more than the mortal desires, they are in long-term contact. If the two do not have any conflicts in doctrine and three views Then it is not impossible to have a relationship and become a real couple between gods.

"I can already feel that our children are growing up here, His Royal Highness Louis!"

The hand of the Silver Moon Goddess caressed her abdomen, and her abdomen was slightly raised. Normal mortals wouldn't experience changes in their bodies so quickly even if they were pregnant, but the goddess was different. After Su Lun felt that life was conceived in her belly, she poured a lot of divine power into it, stimulating the life in her belly. growing up.

If the two of them were born straight gods, then this divine power is certainly not enough. But if they are only demigods, these divine powers are enough to make gods grow rapidly.

For the birth of this child, both Louis and the goddess Yinqi paid their divinity and power, for the once powerful goddess Yinqi. Those divine sacrifices were nothing, but for Louis, the giant dragon who had just become a (ahcc) demigod, those divine qualities really made him a little reluctant to give up.

You must know that this birth made Louis pay himself.-half of divinity.

_'When there is a chance later, I will go to the astral world to try to replenish these divinities.

Louis thought so, and felt a moment of silence for those corpses in the astral world.

"I never thought that one day I would have my own real child."

The Yinyue Goddess has a complex face, and her face unconsciously shows the tenderness of motherhood. Whether it is a mortal or a goddess, as long as she is a woman, this kind of motherhood will naturally appear when she has a child.

She gently stroked her stomach. A soft smile appeared on her face. The moonlight shone on her body, as if she was happy for the birth of a new life.

As one of the oldest goddesses born with the world, the silver moon goddess is impossible to give birth to children, she is absolutely impossible to expose her true body to another god, and she is not willing to consume her own in order to have children. strength. Because the silver-eyed goddess has to face Shar's intrigue all the time. If she is a little weak, there will be danger.

What's more, the chance of a true **** giving birth to a normal child is too low. This probability alone makes almost all gods give up. But the goddess Yinji never thought that in this special era, she would change from a true **** to a demigod and truly gave birth to her own children.

It's not like Sisna was given by her.

A child of divine creation. Rather, it is the child that is entirely hers, conceived by the real body of her ancient goddess.

This is the true son of the elves!

"That is our common child, His Royal Highness Sullen"

Louis said so. He once again used divine power to cover his body with clothes. Today, Louis has some understanding of the three views of gods. Since the silver-eyed goddess is already willing to become a lover with him, then he will have a B in the future. You can find the silver moon goddess at any time when you have the opportunity. The so-called coming to Japan is long, and ginseng fruit should not be swallowed whole, but should be tasted slowly.

The silver goddess is right, the time of the gods is too long. No matter what you do, don't worry about it, this is the way of the gods to survive

Louise looked at the abdomen of the silver moon goddess tenderly, and the call from the divinity and blood told him that the life there was thriving and growing. This is a new species and the only species in this world, she Birth will be a demigod standing at the apex of all things, only below the gods.

"Then, Your Highness Suren, it's time to take the Styx Oath. Come and make our three-thousand-year covenant⊥"

Chapter 108 God should enjoy himself

For the gods, the blood relationship of a child alone will not allow the gods to trust each other completely. The reason why the relationship between husband and wife is so close. That is because there is legal recognition and protection between husband and wife a

But the law has no effect in the face of the supreme gods. Therefore, for the gods. The Styx Oath is a different kind of law.

"I swear to Styx in the name of Louis Galakrond. I would like to become an ally with the silver goddess Suren for the next three thousand years, and I will not betray each other for any reason. I will not attack each other for any reason. When you make this oath, then this oath will be fulfilled and if you break your will, you will sink to the bottom of the Styx.”

After listening to the oath made by Louis, the silver moon goddess opened her sandalwood mouth with a chuckle, and also made the oath in the cool and crisp voice like a jade bead, with a charming voice that was lazy and charming after sex.

As the two vowed to complete it together. At that time, Louis felt that his divine fire was connected with the magnificent Styx water in the underworld that galloped from the beginning of the world to the end of the world, and the content of the oath bug was also engraved in the divine fire. If he violated the This oath, its divinity will be sunk into the bottom of Styx by the power of Styx, and will be selected by Styx.

The Styx Oath is one of the most basic rules in the world of Saint Soren, and it is also the second force that the Tyranid civilization has never understood. If you break the promise, you will be punished by the world. This is not scientific at all.

Three thousand years is the maximum validity period of the Styx Oath. No matter what kind of oath it is, it will be invalid after three thousand years. However, Louis thinks that after three thousand years, the gods have already returned to their places. At that time, will he still be with the Silver Moon Ancestor? Continue to renew the treaty, and that will be three thousand years later.

This time was different from the Styx oath that Louis had made to Novellie before. At that time, Louis was not a real demigod, and his oath had no effect at all, but this time the oath was straight-forward. is absolutely inviolable.

Of course, for Louis, even if he really broke his oath, the most he lost was his status as the 'Dragon God'. Because the belief from the earth civilization gives him the ability of "outer god", he will not really fall.

It's just that the power of the Outer God is Louis's last trump card, the most immortal trump card for him. If possible, he would rather wear the skin of the Dragon God all his life than let any gods and mortals discover his identity as an Outer God.

With the establishment of the covenant of gods, Louis and the goddess Yinqi both looked relieved. There is no longer any estrangement between the two. They can rely on each other for at least three thousand years.

"Congratulations to His Royal Highness Louis for obtaining a complete priesthood of life."

The rapid breathing of the goddess Yinqi gradually calmed down, and she stood up with her. The gauze was leaking like mercury, revealing her graceful and delicate body, even if her stomach was slightly bulging. It can't affect the beauty of the female ancestor's face and her flawless figure. Instead, it adds a touch of maternal brilliance to her.

l Even if they are already so close to each other, the honorific names between the gods make Louis a little unaccustomed to, but there is a saying called "do as the locals do", and Louis would not want to correct the basic way of life of the gods for thousands of years by his own methods. .

He quietly nodded and said with a smile, "Thanks to your help, Your Highness Su Lun, without your help, I wouldn't have been able to obtain a complete life ministry so easily. "

Louis had already lit up the fourth priesthood belonging to the king himself, and now it was only one time away from the priesthood. When the priesthood of time is lit up again, he can face the final problem, which is the priesthood of the race _'dragon'.

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