I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 184:

This is what worries Derrick the most.

After he finished speaking, he saw the disappointed face of Her Royal Highness, and hesitated - down, he said again, "Forget it. Since Her Royal Highness, you want to go and see, then go. I want to come to this desert. There is no one who can threaten me."

He said quite proudly, as a legendary high-level battlefield, unless a demigod or a true **** descends, he really has nothing to fear.

"Thank you so much. General Derrick

Andrea's disappointing face immediately showed joy, she cheered and said with a slight bow of her skirt.

The carriage also changed its path under the command.

"Miss Holy Warrior, they are here.

Bowen leaned over to Roseleia's side and said that he only felt safe when he stood beside this Holy Martial Lady.

Roseleia nodded vaguely, but just stood there and waited. With her eyesight she could see the carriage clearly.

The carriage is very luxurious, although the family crest is hidden, but at first glance it is only

Only the great nobles or the royal family can have it. The horse pulling the cart is not a common thing, but a horse with dragon blood in the west. It is estimated that it was the product of a male dragon who had taken a fancy to a mare and then mated.

The adventurer team clenched their weapons tightly. They should be vigilant when they encounter any strangers in this desert. A slight negligence may kill them on the spot.

The driver of the carriage also knows that it is very rude to approach a group of adventurers at will, and the carriage stops when it is ten meters away from these adventurers."

The curtain of the car was pulled open, and a middle-aged man showed his head. He was awe-inspiring. He was full of blood and fighting spirit. Just a glance made other adventurers except Roseleia feel stiff. Can't give birth to any resistance.

Derrick glanced around and found that no one could threaten the princess before he felt relieved. Then he turned Qieguang towards the girl who was as holy and beautiful as an iris, and said solemnly, "A believer of the Goddess of Morning Sun. Holy Martial Earth?".

"Exactly on"

As a holy warrior, Rosley_ya never lied, and she was even more proud of her identity.

"Huh? Holy Warrior? That Holy Warrior that is rarely seen even in the Slaine Church?

From the carriage came the cheerful and lively exclamation of Her Royal Highness the princess. She ignored the objection of her chief guard. He also opened the curtain. She looked at these adventurers and Roseleia with curiosity.

The face of Her Royal Highness Princess is not comparable to that of Roseleia, but her noble temperament and pure aura can make men feel the heartbeat faster than Roseleia, who is a paladin. He lowered his head consciously, and was photographed by the glory of Her Royal Highness Princess Andrea.

As a holy warrior, Roseleia is used to using _P to detect evil. Whether it is the legendary battlefield she perceives, or the nervous young warrior, there is a faint red light on her body. , which belongs to the normal range, because no one can be free from any sin.

But Roseleia just had this idea, when she looked at the imperial princess, her expression was stunned.

Because under her spell detection, Her Royal Highness did not have any red light, as if she was born pure and innocent. It is a kind holy soul who can communicate with the gods. If such a soul appears in the church country, she will definitely become the target of the church country's key training.

That was a soul more noble than Roseleia, the holy warrior.

However, for some reason Roseleia only felt that the princess in front of her was inexplicably awkward, as if her pure and unsullied holy light was a 'fantasy' to deceive others⊥_

One hundred and sixteen chapters Dragon God's restraint

"You are: "The Third Princess of the Subilon Empire and the Commander of the Imperial Guard?

Every paladin is a god-spine. They are truly noble people. Therefore, every two paladins are equivalent to the goddess's representative on earth. These paladins have a lofty position in the church, plus they never fight for power because of their high morals. The Ecclesiastical Council is comfortable handing over power to them.

As a high-ranking figure in the Holy Warrior. Roseleia also knew all about the high-ranking empires who were hostile to the clergy. So when the emperor's guard and the princess appeared, she recognized them at first sight.

Roseleia's words shocked those adventurers. They never expected to meet the royal family of the Subilon Empire here. Thinking of the hostile relationship between the Church and the Empire, these adventurers are also afraid, for fear that the tenth Saint Wu and the imperial family of the Empire will have a conflict, if this is a fight. They are really going to be affected by the fish pond.

And with Roseleia's voice falling. What was even more nervous was the princess' chief bodyguard, Kerwin, who hurriedly stepped forward to stand in front of the princess, paying attention to Miss Shengwu in front of him with hostility.

However, although the Paladins are a group of stubborn people, it does not mean that they have no emotional intelligence. In the code of conduct of the Paladins, they are only the battlefield of the goddess. The struggle between the Church and the Empire is not within their scope of consideration. If these people in front of them are the incarnations of evil, then Roseleia will not hesitate to go forward to fight, but since these people have not committed anything too evil, Roseleia also pretended not to see it.

"I'm Andrea. Abel, the first meeting of Subilon, this lady paladin."

A lively and cheerful voice of heaven blooms from the mouth of Her Royal Highness, who wears a beautiful jeweled tiara on her forehead. With a beautiful face and a curious look in her eyes, the Princess of the Empire of Subilon looked at Roseleia. A frown-smile is like an uncontaminated pure white angel. It makes people feel good, even those nervous and fearful adventurers are the hearts of the tomb's name, and there is no hostility to the princess.

"I'm Rose Leia, I belong to the Holy Iris Knights of the Goddess of Dawn."

The Holy Martial Lady pursed her lips and replied.

"I have heard of this princess. She has an excellent reputation in the Subilon Empire. The poor people in Guanshan often distribute relief food to those poor people in the imperial capital." "

"It is said that this Highness also proposed many laws that were beneficial to the poor at the imperial court meeting, but were rejected by the emperor and nobles."

"I also know this. There are many poor people in the empire. It is a pity that Her Royal Highness is the third in line and cannot inherit the position of emperor."

Roseleia has pointed ears. She heard the whispers of the adventurers. Can hear the admiration in these A words.

In fact, many adventurers are forced to embark on this path. They are the poorest when they pass the border, and they can only survive by working hard. If they are lucky, they can save a second sum of money before they get old and go back to their hometown to buy a piece of land from the landlord. Those who are in bad mood will die in the middle of the adventure.

These adventurers will want to go to the dragon air battle just because they heard that there is a "city of gold", and they want to make some money.

Therefore, facing this beautiful princess who is like an angel, who loves the poor and the poor, they will exude goodwill from the bottom of their hearts.

But Roseleia felt a chill all over her body at this time. The more innocent and beautiful the princess smiled, the more her soul trembled. Her keen intuition told her. This princess is not as simple as it seems.

She remained calm, just nodded and said, "Her Royal Highness Princess and this lady, we are preparing to go to the city of dragons. If you are all right, we will say goodbye and leave. "

Roseleia's voice was sonorous and powerful. Even in the face of a high-level legend that he absolutely cannot defeat, he has no fear.

Her words were in line with Derrick's thoughts, although the Paladin of the power level did not put him in his eyes. But paladins have a special meaning in the Patriarchate. If it is not a last resort, he does not want to contact.

But before Derrick could say anything, he heard Andrea say in surprise, Sister Roseleia, you are also going to the Dragon City? Our destination is the same. Why don't we set off? I read in the book that when adventurers meet outside, they always unite to avoid risks. "

Her Royal Highness's tone was brisk, her face was expectant, and she was pure and flawless. But her willful words made Derrick, Kerwin, and Roseleia all frown.

"His Royal Highness. She is a member of the Church."

Derrick couldn't help but reminded.

"It doesn't matter, although General Derrick Sister Roseleia is a member of the Church. But she is also a paladin."

Her Royal Highness's words were full of trust. If she were a general, she would have been grateful for her trust at this time - but Roseleia, who also has special abilities in the Tenth of the Holy Martial Arts, is more and more vigilant. .


The princess' words left Derrick speechless, and even Roseleia opened her mouth. Can't find anything to refute, as a holy warrior, can she still say that she is not worthy of trust?

Derrick had no choice but to say, "If that's the case, then this Holy Martial Lady. Please join us in the City of Giant Dragons."

Roseleia sighed softly. She knew that she couldn't refuse, so she nodded calmly, and got into the carriage without saying a word, while the princess' chief guard, Corwin, looked at her vigilantly. For the safety of Her Royal Highness, even the Holy Martial Land, he would not completely believe it.

In this way, the supposedly hostile Westerners got together. Walking through the freshwater desert to the Dragon City, there is Derrick, a high-level legendary warrior, as long as it is not extremely unlucky to encounter an ancient dragon in the desert. They have nothing to fear

And when this group of people came within the scope of the Dragon City. Louis, who has the regional title of "Lord of the Dragon City", sensed it immediately.

His divine light penetrated through the heavy curtains and watched a few people.

""The holy warrior soil of the Goddess of Dawn has the same breath as the legendary warrior who was shot to death at the beginning. It is here for revenge, but a paladin who is only close to the legendary level is too despised for me to take revenge."

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