I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 214:

The movement here also attracted the attention of other people. Many nuns, townspeople, and those who were raising cameras to record the last of Sister Milda's life: Cheng's Chinese people also looked here.

Appearing from the entrance of the village was a man who looked to be in his thirties. He was dressed in a linen robe, without any fancy accessories on his body. = Walking barefoot on the earth without being stained with dust. He has: flaxen shawl-length curly hair and a bushy beard on his face.

The appearance of a man looks ordinary, neither handsome nor ugly, as if human beings should look like this, generally taking the average of human appearance. He = long hair loosely scattered. It looks like a thief, but it doesn't give people any sloppy and dirty feeling, but it makes people feel very fresh and clean.

He just smiled calmly and gently. Not as merciful and compassionate as Sister Milda but also without any indifference, if one could describe it. That is light. He is the noon light. Bring light to the world.

However, why this man appeared here in L Town is also a little surprising. You must know that this place has been surrounded by government troops for a long time. Chinese workers, the Kenyan government forces do not want to be targeted by Christians and Chinese in the world, so they adopt the method of encircling and not beating.

In any case, this town has no supplies for Ming Shao, and even people who continue to consume it here will definitely starve to death.

"Are you sent by the government army?"

A black teenager in Kenya asked the boy L's body was so thin that he could even see his ribs, but he didn't know that Ming long had not had enough to eat.

The kid who should be going to school raised his gun. He was dressed just like the man who appeared out of nowhere. He had no shoes and no socks. His clothes were tattered and he could barely cover his body. Unlike the man, he was a black boy. The body is dirty, and the only ornament on his body is a crooked cross made of metal bent around his neck.

The rebels in the town were very silent. They also know that their path of resistance has come to an end, and that they will eventually be greeted by prison or death. But they were originally =: a group of poor people who could not survive being oppressed by greedy and corrupt politicians can live a few more days. The nun became a person of faith, even if he died, he would die with his own faith.

"I was not sent by the government forces. I was sent by your Lord."

The man in the northern linen robe said so in a calm and quiet tone: it seemed to carry a delightful warmth. The words he spoke were ancient Hebrew. But the people present in Kusana could understand what he meant, no matter what their native language was.

This miraculous scene moved everyone's hearts, especially when they thought of the recent extraordinary events. This group of ordinary people had already discovered that this man was wrong, the devout nun and several highly educated Chinese people. At this time As if thinking of something. All looked at this man in disbelief. The body is stiff and the eyes are shocked.

No, it’s impossible, right? It’s too fantastical.”

But I can't say the same, think about the monsters that appeared in Tokyo not long ago, the candle dragon whose eyes are open for day and night for closed eyes. Maybe... Maybe everything that is happening now is not necessarily true.

Several Chinese people roared inwardly. They felt like they were witnessing a myth.

The nuns were in tears, some nuns had kneeled on the ground reverently, and some nuns were shocked and stood there stupidly.

"Who the **** are you? Don't come here, we'll shoot one step ahead."

The black soldiers were still shouting that they had no schooling and no knowledge, and although they had learned something about Christ under Sister Milda's teaching, they didn't think much of it.

In the face of the hostility of these people, the man is not angry at all. With a warm face and a smile, he said,...I am the Messiah, your light. Be your savior, child, the suffering is about to pass. For God so loved the world that he gave you the Son of the earth, so that whoever believes in his sleeves will not perish, but have eternal life. "

"In the beginning there was the Tao, and the Tao was with God, and the Tao was God. The Tao was with God in the beginning, and all things were created by God, and there was nothing that was created that was not created by God. Here is life, This life is the light of man, and the light shines in the darkness. The darkness does not receive the light, and that light is the true light. To illuminate = to all who are born into the world."

The man used warm and soft noises as if he was preaching. Although he was alone, he spoke with his words. It seemed as if they had heard countless Christians reciting the Lord's will together. All hostility was in front of this man. as if it had become a sin. The soldiers just stared blankly at the man approaching the firearms in their hands.

I do not know when it fell to the ground.

The man in the linen robe walked up to the ten-year-old black soldier. He took out a piece of cake from his arms and put it in the hands of this childish-looking child, and smiled genially, "=You will share it with everyone."

The black boy took the cake subconsciously, and after everyone exclaimed, he saw that the boy seemed to be bathed in light. The visible scars and wounds on his body disappeared under this light, and the filth on his body also became clean. Although he was still so thin, it seemed that the surging vitality was blooming from the depths of his body.

At that moment, everyone knelt on the ground with their hearts and souls. The black boy held up the bread in his hands, and his face was flowing. He closed his eyes and prayed devoutly and recited the name of the Lord.

The man was not happy for these people's kneeling, nor was he sad for them. Under the pious tears of many nuns, they came to the flames that had been lit.

Everyone is not doubting this man, because the Gospel of Matthew once said, do not test your gods

The burning of the flame lost its own burst in front of the man, and the ignited flame gradually shrank until it turned into a blossoming flame, and the flame bent over and bowed. It's like he's worshipping his lord.

"Son, you were supposed to go up to heaven to meet your Lord, but the Lord has mercy on the world. I want you to spread the gospel with me and bring that light into this world."

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first commandment. And it is the greatest, and the second is like it, that is, love your neighbor as!"

With the words of the Messiah, miracles came l.

Many believers prayed devoutly. Under the shock and disbelief of several Chinese people, the nun who lost her life on the firewood gradually began to breathe, and her wrinkled muscles became smooth due to old age. The lost teeth grew again, her old face became younger, and her white hair was dyed with _golden light. All pain is gone.

This teenage nun actually regained her twenties youth in the blink of an eye, and even that life and soul returned to her body.

Then, under the cries of many nuns, in the eyes of all the moons. This contemporary 'Christ Virgin' opened her eyes again and gained a new life.

"This is what you deserve for believing in the Lord, and even eternal life."

The Savior said so_


Sister Mirdad opened her dazed eyes. She sat up from the haystack where the flames had been extinguished, feeling the surging life force in her body.

Raising her hand to look at her palm, Mirdad clearly remembered her palms, which were originally old hands like dead wood, but now they have become smooth and delicate, like how they looked when they were in their twenties.

At that moment Mirdad was in a trance. She thought that her decades of life were actually just a dream, and now she has just woken up.

But when she saw the nuns weeping with joy at her resurrection. Seeing those black Kenyan soldiers on their knees. She knew it wasn't a dream. It was a miracle that happened in this obscure modern day

Then, Mirdad looked at the man standing in front of him, and looked at his incredible eyes like stars. In an instant, Mirdad had an epiphany.

She didn't need anyone's support anymore, and she quickly rolled over from the haystack like this. With an excited and pious face, he knelt down in front of the man in the long linen coat, kissed his feet, and uttered a happy raving, "You are the Christ, you are the Messiah." You are our savior!"

Mirdad is an extremely devout believer, and it is relying on devout faith to carry out charity work for decades. This is incredible. It is the power of human faith, and only those who have faith can have such Spiritual persistence. Faith is the greatest strength of man, no matter what he believes.

"I am the Christ, I am the Messiah. I am your Savior, but I am not the Christ of the past. I am the Christ of the present."

The man's words had a bit of Buddhist shrewdness, but the believers who believed in Christ understood his words in an instant.

In Greek, Christ and Messiah mean the same thing, and in Hebrew it means 'anointed one'. It means the people chosen by God. The county has special power and is a head street. In Christianity, only **** is called the Christ Messiah.

And now the meaning of this Christ is to show that the past Christ was Jesus, and the present Christ is him. He is not Jesus. But he and **** are both Christs.

Mirdad realized her surprise cry and said, ".You are Miziya"

The Messiah nodded, delighted that the believers understood his words.

"Jesus is the Son of God, but not the only Son of God. God so loved the world that He gave you another Son of Him~_."

"God desires all men to be saved and to know the truth, for there is but one God, and one mediator between God and man, the incarnated Christ."

"The mystery of godliness. No one takes it for granted that God's manifestation in the flesh is justified by living beings, seen by angels. It is preached to the Gentiles. It is believed by the world and taken up in glory!"

With the words of your Saiyan, the air is full of fragrance and nectar, and the people of the believers are praying. Then they are pleasantly surprised to see that there are angels in the sky, they are holy and noble, singing the Lord's The hymn, and the body-cut off the sea. = Cut internal injuries. All the dark wounds are dissipated in this cleanliness, and the savior in front of him is the real one. Goodness, righteousness that can be seen.

The Messiah's words would be blasphemous if they were heard by others. Because in the "Bible" records, L **** should be God's unique P to falsely claim to be another child of God, that is a complete blasphemer

These remarks are very similar to the worship of God in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Because Hong Xiuquan is the third son who claims to be God. The Taiping Rebellion was launched, but Hong Xiuquan's liar is different from Louis after all, because Louis is a real display of the power of God!

The premise of 'blasphemy' is the use of deceit, but when the Messiah appears, when he performs miracles for the believers, when he sends the angels down and the saints rise from the dead, then his words are the truth

Yes, the Bible is also recorded by human beings, and it is normal to have errors in the records. Perhaps the orthodox Christ today will not easily recognize his identity, but when he shows more miracles in the world, who doesn't? admit his identity. It can be called the traitor of 'Judas'.

"Know that the Son of God has come, and has given you wisdom and blessings. When you know the truth, you will also be in it. Even in Christ this is the true God. And eternal life, I and the Father are one, If you believe in me, you believe in your Lord!"

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