I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 302:

Alexia leaned on her long sword and watched the burning city of Sierra, listening to the screams and screams of the soldiers. Louis had passed on a lot of modern knowledge to Alexia. Therefore, when Alexia saw this poorly planned city, she felt heartfelt dissatisfaction

"Huh? Are you here?"

Alexia's mind tightened and the light flickered to the front. Two figures in the void walked out of the portal and stood in front of Alexia.

One of them is a woman wearing the robe of the Church of the Goddess of the Earth_She looks like a middle-aged woman, she looks like a very common rural woman, but Alexia dare not underestimate her , because this woman with a strong earth-mother spirit is a demigod.

Except for this demigod. There was an old man in a magic robe beside her. Seeing this old man, the red dragon Antetokounmpo, who was slaughtering recklessly in the distance, was furious. The roar—the sound just rushed towards him.

This old man was the one who had called Antetokounmpo out late in the San Solon Mountains. Then he fooled Eden, the legendary mage who attacked the Dragon City.

The so-called enemy is extremely jealous. Antetokounmpo dragon's eyes are all dyed with blood. If it wasn't deceived by this old man, how could it have attacked the city of dragons, how could it have just seen the city wall and hadn't entered the city Shin was captured. Then he was trained by that hateful female dragon, using her disgusting and terrifying magic, to make it lay 300 eggs as a male dragon.

This is simply for = dragon

Cheng retaliated, and finally blamed all the mistakes on the mage, instead of finding the reason from his own greed.

But Antetokounmpo just flew in = half a moment of horror flashed on his face, and then without thinking about it, he turned his body and flew in the other direction, because he suddenly found that this once legendary mage actually had a demigod on his body.

(It's only been a few years. How could this mage become a demigod?

Honglong was puzzled, but Yuelong was proud but not stupid, and knew that his body was serving food in front of Shanxiu. Even if the other party has a deep hatred with itself, it can pretend not to see it for a while. Your own life is more important

Compared with the red dragon Alexia, the red dragon Alexia can better see the details of the mage in front of him.

"The Chosen of the Goddess of Magic?"

The fairy dragon girl frowned slightly. She looked at the old mage in front of her with puzzled eyes, but she didn't seem to be a complete voter. "

Although the old mage in front of him had the aura of a demigod, the aura was not stable. It is incomparable to the woman of the Church of the Mother Earth next to her.

Alexia thought about it - I thought about it. It is estimated that the goddess of magic, Mismichela, specially chose this mage as her elector for this war. However, if you want to create =: a chosen person must be cautious for the gods, and it needs enough time to

Pope Cluny of the Dragon God Church had planned to elect him as a voter, and he had been holding on to it because he had not yet completed the divine art.

"As expected of the goddess of magic, she was once a powerful **** of divine power. She forcibly gave birth to a voter with her divinity."

Alexia sighed secretly, this is the power of those ancient gods, because too much divinity can be said to be rich and rich, so he can make such a wasteful act of generating voters. At this point, Louis is completely incomparable.

"I am Eden, the elect of His Royal Highness Mismichela, the goddess of magic, and the Patriarch of the Church. It is a pleasure to meet you. Son of the great dragon and silver moon, His Majesty Alexia."

Eden said politely. The temperament of a normal mage may be gentle or cruel. But those who can become mages are the land of learning, and there will never be any lack of etiquette.

L absolute demigod also showed a kind smile and said, "——"I am Patriarch (aifb) Mela of the Church of the Mother Earth Goddess. The order of the Mother Goddess is here to stop you. Your Majesty Alexia. "

As a strong person, unless it is the time when you are forced to die, the strong people will still maintain basic politeness. This is the same as the gods.

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"I am the daughter of the Silver Moon, the beloved of the Dragon God, Alexia, the lord of the city of giant dragons, I wish you two lords."

Alexia - Throwing the exquisite and magnificent long sword in her hand, she raised her head slightly and said in a proud tone.

For a demigod in front of you, a demigod

Self-confidence in physical strength. It is also known that it is difficult to separate life and death among demigods. It is not easy for a demigod to reach this stage, and every demigod has the hope of being a god, so the battle between demigods will not be too tragic.

Most of the demigods died because they failed to confer gods and were destroyed by the fire of gods. A small number of demigods died in wars and battles. As long as demigods don’t think about conferring gods further, or provoke a certain god, they have Divine they can also achieve alternative immortality.

Therefore, the battle between the demigods is more popular and it will never be wasteful of their precious divine power, nor will they put themselves in a dangerous situation.

"Just ask the two majesty to enlighten me"

Alexia is cold-: Zhang Jiaoqiao's lovely face, with a touch of silver eyes radiating from her body. Eden and Pamela were also smiling. Divine power surged around them. These gods may be the demigods' understanding of divinity

Compared to the tragic situation on the battlefield, there is no fireworks in the three companions.

In the royal palace of Seral City, King Seral paced. There was a look of horror on his face. From time to time, I hear the situation report coming from the front. Every battle report makes his hands and feet cold

The city gate of Sierra City has been breached. The soldiers of the city of the dragon are eating the whole city inch by inch, and even the soldiers of the city of the dragon that have been brave before rushed to the dry palace, and the two thousand elite janitors who were left in the palace by King Selaer. It was strangled, but although this round of tentative attacks was blocked. It also let King Selaer know that the situation is now in a state of corruption. When the city of Selaar is almost cleaned up, as long as the soldiers of the city of dragons surround the palace, he will never be able to escape.

The fear of the country made King Selaer completely unable to calm down. Is he pacing in the same place again? After seeing the beautiful woman with a heavy veil next to him, the fear of death still gave him courage. opened his mouth,

Can you do it yourself?"

She also has some confidence in this woman of unknown origin, Seralgan, because the 30,000 Danbuslu Ten Soldiers brought by this woman A have already been put into the battlefield. He is fighting with the soldiers of the Dragon City.

Although he could not see through the strength of this woman, he could guess that she was definitely a demigod-level powerhouse.

If half is enough to change the battlefield situation.

The woman with pale white hair used her seductive eyes to lightly swipe at King Serra, which made the king only feel that his heart was beating suddenly faster, and a certain place was even more congested. Inexplicably gave birth to a passion | desire.

"The situation has developed to this point. It's time for me to take action."

The woman's voice was lazy and demonic, with a honey-like look on King Sierra's face = joy. Then she saw this woman and stretched out a hand.

It was a white and translucent jade hand that seemed to condense all the magical beauty of this world. When it was stretched out, all the colors turned gray. Only this = pure whiteness is everything in the world. It is like a collection of all the beauty of mountains and rivers, and it seems to attract people's attention like a black hole.

King Sellar looked at such a hand and swallowed. Then watch it slowly approaching you.

near, near, near

That indescribably beautiful hand touched King Serra's neck with endless charm, and the cold feeling on his neck made him feel like he only needed to be touched by this hand. The impulse to give up even the throne.

In the next moment, King Selaer did not wait until he tried to feel the delicate skin of this hand, to feel the beauty. He felt a pain in his neck and his spine was directly broken. His body seemed to be slumped to the ground like mud.

"Look, I've already shot."

The woman smiled and whispered, and then her eyes full of desire looked at the sky in the distance. Looking at Alexia.

"What a beautiful soul, let me have a desire, just get your soul. My harvest this time is enough."

Greed flashed in her eyes, and as she made a spell-casting gesture, magic circles lit up in many corners of Selaer City. _

Chapter 54 The Succubus Queen

"Kill" ⊥"

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