I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 312:

In the past, when Louis felt that there was something wrong with Princess Andrea, he wondered if she was the angel of the King of Lies. But knowing that the King of Lies is likely to have fallen. And when the gods were conferred gods, Louis had no doubts about his guess after he didn't see the land at all. In particular, what Andrea has always shown is--a mortal, if she is really a god, she will definitely not be able to hide from the eyes of the true **** Louis.

But when Andrea mentioned _'King of Lies', Louis became interested all of a sudden.

He put one hand around his waist, and with Princess Andrea's "boom", he picked her up, who was blushing, and returned to the chair next to him, letting her sit on his lap. Reached into the bottom of her chiffon dress. Across the silk shorts. Explored her secrets.

Andrea twisted her delicate body and took a comfortable posture. After panting slightly, she said, "I went on a hunt with my father when I was young. During that hunt, I met someone who Father's targeted assassination.. My father and I were separated in the jungle. At that time, I was still young, and I was terrified by the assassin's pursuit. In a panic, I stepped into the = road connection in the jungle. Another = the door of another plane."

"...It was a barren world with no light. There were countless winds and sands whistling, like the rage of a beast. Those who fell into that plane at the same time as me were those who were pursuing them, but it was strange. Those The pursuer was corroded by the wind and sand after stepping into that plane, but I survived."

Andrea endured the fingers that invaded her body and said as much as she could to keep her thinking logical, but when she mentioned the barren plane, Andrea's eyes flashed a hint of panic, one can imagine At that time, when she was young, she fell into that auspicious and terrifying plane and brought her such a big shadow of Xiaoli.

Louis listened carefully to Andrea's narration, he temporarily stopped the movements in his hands, and his heart moved, "=rThe High Throne".."

"what did you say?"

Dazed and puzzled flashed in Andrea's eyes, thinking that she had never heard of such a plane, "You mean the plane I fell into is the "Supreme Throne", it seems very... "

Her Royal Highness the princess was thinking about her words, and she didn't know how to describe a for a while.

"Feeling arrogant?_"

Louis chuckled lightly: The name of this plane does sound very arrogant because this plane is the name of the Kingdom of God, the King of Lies. That powerful **** once fell into madness and tried to become a **** during the madness. Therefore, he changed his plane to _Supreme Throne." "

Speaking of which, Louis frowned and said, "But since you don't know that there is the [Supreme Throne], how do you know the name of the 'King of Lies'. Even if you are the Princess L of Subilon, you shouldn't know this He was also feared in the Age of Gods. Don't dare to write your name in writing. "

.("-Gods exist only when they are alive, since you have entered the [Supreme Throne] L. Could it be that the King of Lies hasn't fallen?"

At this time, Louis was also a little strange if the King of Lies hadn't died. That sleeve should be conferred a god, but there is absolutely no existence of this **** in "Battle of the Gods⊥. Is the King of Lies the same as Shar. He also used some method to conceal his identity. Because he planned Some conspiracy will do this

Louis carefully recalled the gods in the pantheon, because he will often face the gods in the future. He has a deep memory of all the gods, but in these memories, he can't find anyone who seems to be the king of lies.

Andrea doesn't even understand Louis's words about gods. She shook her head in confusion, ".=. I don't know if that is the kingdom of the Lord of Lies. I just saw a piece of it in that plane. The tombstone, on which the name of the Lord of Lies is seen, and: . and senses the divinity and priesthood of the Lord of Lies."

Speaking of which, ambition and fanaticism flashed in L Andrea's eyes, as well as a hint of madness.

"There are tombstones but the kingdom of God is still there. The King of Lies is probably in the realm between life and death now. The gods have fallen and have not fallen...-The reason why Andrea was not destroyed by the [Supreme Throne environment] is. Because her nature is very similar to that of the Lord of Lies. She was admitted by the stem of lies like an heir

Louis stared and his breath gradually increased. The sullen and ambitious Andrea said in a noncommittal voice, ".: The King of Lies is a **** who is good at weaving lies and conspiracy behind the scenes. Even the true gods have been killed by scheming. Everything about Sleeve's stay in the Supreme Leader's seat is not necessarily true, Sleeve is likely to want to use your resurrection. "

"Thank you for your advice, I know that too. Just the name Lord of Lies can guess what that **** is good at

The gods are really counting on me. I also want to give it a try.. Since gods need to count mortals. It means that the state of the true God is very wrong, and I have the possibility of defeating him. "

Andrea's pretty face showed two red glows, and her words were quite rational. But Shen Qing was still so innocent and innocent.

Louis narrowed his eyes. He opened his mouth and said, "Do you want to be a true god? That's why you carry out the 'lie' from beginning to end in your daily behavior. Well. Your nature is very compatible with the 'liar' ministry. If this ministry really exists, you can't be united with the 'lie' ministry. Divinity L and the possibility of being a god

God is a very wonderful existence. In the past, it is not that there is no record of mortals directly proclaiming their ancestors. The King of Lies is actually the best example. Earth used to be mortals. But because of luck, or fate, one step to God. And once became the strongest god.

"Yes, God Louis". That's what I'm here for and where I hope you can help me!."

Andrea nodded firmly.

"Great ambition, even ambition far beyond the imagination of mortals. No wonder you want the cooperation of a god. If it was when the gods were sleeping, you had the confidence to deal with the **** of lies, but now the age of the gods is coming. You There is no certainty anymore and I am afraid that the **** will also wake up."

Louis understood Andrea's meaning and nodded.

"As you said. I'm not sure right now and I'm terrified. I'm too entangled with the God of Lies, and the kingdom of Subilon is in trouble both at home and abroad. Except for you, I really can't think of anyone else who can help me. .-I don't know what you think? If you can help me get the right to the kingdom. I am willing to help your church preach here in my own name. If you can help me consecrate L, I also intend to be your god, Always loyal to you!"

Andrea bit her lower lip and said as if she swore.

"I am very interested..."

Andrea's face brightened at first, but then it darkened in the next ten days of Louis's words, ".But it's not that I still have important things to do right now."

Louie is preparing to return - to the plane of the earth, and he doesn't want to be distracted by other things. Louie's only interest in the King of Lies is the rest of the sleeve [kill L priesthood. Now I finally have the news of the sleeve.. Louis would intervene even if Andrea didn't bring it up.

Now it's better for Andrea to take the initiative, and Louis can speak too loudly and make good use of the princess.

Louis pulled out his fingers, and the belly of his **** shoved the sticky water droplets on them. Smile, you should continue to make mistakes and make mistakes in the kingdom. When I am ready, I will come to help you and keep your body for the gods. Enjoy. ’

Andrea was a little shy about Louis's words, but she was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Your Highness the great Dragon God! I will never fail your expectations and L will do my best to serve you."

Chapter 67 Louis Christ

The Basilica of St. John Lateran is the Church of the Archbishop of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Baptist. It is the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese and the official residence of the Archbishop of Rome.

This basilica is the oldest of the four special basilicas in Rome, and it has the title of the mother church of the Catholic Church all over the world, and this basilica has extraterritorial rights and is in the hearts of Catholics. . Has the same holiness as the Vatican's Basilica, St. Peter's Basilica

In the past, these famous Catholic churches were visited by many true believers. But at the same time, there are more tourists, but since the Kenya incident, several suzerain-level churches in Rome have not allowed tourists to visit within 30 days, and only believers can visit.

Not to mention that the Vatican is a religious country with its own legal rights. Even Ialia, the country that surrounds the Vatican, completely agrees with the Vatican's decision. Even if it will reduce the number of tourists in Rome.. the Ialia government __

Ialia almost all believe in Catholicism, and they are even more crazy about the coming of Christ. Even more zealous, because the body of Christ is now in the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome.

The devout Catholics applied to the Vatican after Christ's "death". The Vatican believes that Christ was sacrificed for the world. God should be worshipped by many believers. Therefore, he gladly agreed to the application of the believers. It will be in the three days of the resurrection of Jesus. A large number of accepting believers come to worship every day.

These believers who come to worship must be absolutely devout. It needs to go through many screenings and investigations, but even so believers are eager to sign up, especially those rich and powerful devout believers who try their best to come here to see the face of Christ. These are luxurious in the mortal world people with life and power, hoping to go to heaven after death.

It's not that these rich people want to go to heaven for their own enjoyment. But to be closer to their Lord and to the God they believe in, they will do so. This is a devout believer. They will not ask the Lord for their own selfish desires.

The entrance of the Basilica of St. John Lateran. Hundreds of believers, led by a cardinal, are changing their clothes and bathing before visiting. Then all believers have to wear simple linen clothes. They can't wear any jewelry, and they should go to worship in the simplest way they were born. This is how you show your devotion.

The Basilica of St. John Lateran is now stationed here every day by a cardinal, and even the cardinal himself serves as a receptionist to receive devout believers from all over the world for this kind of activity that can be in close contact with Christ. Even the Pope is very excited. If it weren't for the fact that the Pope was too busy, it is estimated that the Pope of Rome would come here as a receptionist.

among hundreds of devout believers. There are ordinary people in extreme poverty, and there are rich people with great wealth. There are professors with extensive knowledge. There are also workers at the bottom of the primary school culture. These people are of different social strata, and they are people who do not have any intersection at all. But here, each of them has the same identity, and they are all believers of the Lord.

- A cardinal with a radiant face stood outside the Basilica of St. John Lateran and whispered to the believers the points of attention for a while, the main thing was not to collide with the "remains" of Christ. Do not make any noise in it that is not related to prayer.

The cardinal doesn't look young, but he has a strong body and a flushed face, as if he does not have any senile diseases.

In fact, a few days ago, he was still an old man who was walking slowly and was tortured by illness, but after visiting the body of Christ. His illness is slowly relieving, although this does not restore his youth, it will not make him live longer It's long, but it doesn't have to endure the pain and suffering of human beings.

This may be the peace that Christ bestows upon mankind, and devout believers can always go to heaven with the light of hope.

This miracle cannot be enjoyed by two people. Therefore, cardinals need to be rotated and must be visited by devout believers every day, and the Pope has recovered his body because of the greater grace of Christ. He gave up his right to see God and handed it over to others.

Enter the Basilica of St. John Lateran. In the center of the church is the image of Christ **** and the Thirteen Doors. Now Catholics are inviting the most famous sculptor in the world to prepare a new icon to be placed here, that is 'Christ Louis', This is the name left by Christ before he passed away.

Although it is detailed in the Catholic books that no one can call Christ again. It must be the Antichrist. . But when Louis went out, he sent Satan's red dragon to hell, sacrificed himself for the whole world, and suffered all the sins. Even the most devout believers will doubt the previous "Bible" books.

And the Catholic Church itself is a bachelor. Blame the errors of the classics directly on the recording errors of the ancestors. Let all the sins and faults be borne by the deceased saints, anyway, Christ will not be wrong, whether it is the past **** Christ or the present Louis Christ.

Passing through the statue of the Thirteen Apostles, there is a statue of Emperor Constantine on the left side of the entrance. The bronze door at the entrance is from the senate in Roman times. In the chapel, you can see the world-famous 20 steps of stairs. This is the legendary staircase that **** Christ climbed when he was tried. It was originally in Jerusalem, but was brought back from Jerusalem by Emperor Kuntutan.

Now there is a complete rock at the top of this ladder. The middle of the rock has been hollowed out to make a tomb shape, and the body of Christ is placed in this tomb six.

The cardinal leads the faithful down the steps, everyone is pious

Sincerely knelt on the ground, walked forward on his knees, and climbed up the stairs step by step to make a pilgrimage to Christ.

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