I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 316:


Soon, Alex thought of the government agency that is now jokingly called 'S.H.I.E.L.D.' among American citizens. Because of the frequent occurrence of supernatural events on Earth recently, major countries have such agencies, and these agencies have telephone numbers. It is open to the public. I just hope that people who have encountered supernatural events can report

And for Alex, this institution is his only hope

Huaguo Modu. Dubbed "Dragon Group's mysterious affairs department of the National Security Bureau. Gui Bin hurriedly knocked on the door of his boss's office.

Philo reminds you. Three things to read

Chapter 72 Large-scale extraordinary events

"Team leader, the latest situation."

After knocking on the door of his boss's office, Gui Bin pushed in. Now, with his status and his familiarity with his boss, Gui Bin no longer needs to be polite to the team leader.

After entering the door, Gui Bin was stunned for a moment. He found that the team leader's office, which could be used as a conference room, was full of people, including some employees of his department and some experts and professors that Gui Bin was familiar with. There are also some middle-aged and elderly people in military uniforms with serious expressions that he does not know at all.

See Gui Bin coming. The team leader hurriedly introduced him, and he knew that these people turned out to be some well-known high-ranking people from the country's military and political circles.

Today's Gui Bin can also be regarded as a member of the military and hastily saluted and greeted

"You are Gui Bin, right? You continue to follow your own procedures. Don't mind us, we are just here to listen."

One of the chiefs said amiably

Gui Bin glanced at Si Group K secretly, and after seeing the other party's nodding lightly, he also let go of his nervousness.

"Team leader, this is the latest news about the 'Saint Soren Magic Academy'."

Gui Bin handed a piece of paper to the team leader. Taking advantage of the fact that the two were very close, he asked in a low voice, "What's going on? Why are so many leaders here?"

When those supernatural events happened in the past, the upper levels of the country were also very concerned, and they would make the 'Dragon Group_ Department send detailed investigation materials every day. As for whether the higher-level officials of the country were too smart every day, they were not at the level of Gui Bin. People can know.

But it is rare to have so many leaders from the military and political circles come at the same time, except when the department was formed at the beginning.

"What do you say about the supernatural events that happened in the past, they are too tall and too mythical. You have also seen the old alchemist with the surname Zhang, who is just like a superman. Even Christ affirmed that he is like an angel. According to our Chinese According to the Chinese saying, why is it also a land fairy :=”

"It is very difficult to deal with such a strong person with the power of the state apparatus, so our country's high-level requires a gentle attitude when facing the old immortal. Try to get enough mysterious information in exchange instead of going against it. His attitude can't be tough, Gui Bin, you have done a good job. At least our country has got a few hundred powerful soldiers who are similar to the reformed people. "

Listening to the team leader becoming more and more official, and saying words of encouragement to his subordinates from time to time, Gui Bin also smiled.

"But this incident is different. This time is related to witchcraft and magic. Our department] has also conducted research on what happened at Buckingham Palace in England. It is certain that the wizards who appeared in Buckingham Palace are all human beings. Power. But it can be handled by scientific weapons, and it is closer to us mortals. Do you think the above can ignore it?

Gui Bin suddenly realized what the head of the department said. Those extraordinary events that have occurred in the past_Let's not mention those giant dragons and monsters of Cthulhu, which are evil at first sight. Major countries may study them, but they will never rely on them. It has been proved in countless movies and novels. I believe Demons and monsters do not end well.

And existences like the candle dragon and Christ are far beyond the understanding of modern humans. It can be said that no one dares to pry into the glory of God. Even if these gods should be of the type of Wang Shanshen, the major countries are still cautious. Will not come to casual contact.

But this time the emergence of magic and witchcraft can get the attention of major countries. Because it is mortals who master these magic and sorcery, even according to the video data of Buckingham Palace. In particular, the two news revealed by the British woman, let people know that those wizards are actually ordinary people living on earth, just like the leading old wizard, who turned out to be an Englishman born in the Victorian period.

These wizards are closer to human beings than gods and even terrestrial gods, especially modern scientific weapons can deal with these wizards. The mysterious knowledge they master should be the most basic things in the mysterious world, and these things that can be mastered by humans and even controlled will only arouse the attention of major governments.

Just like if you don’t understand the natural science of the earth at all and want to study it, then it is absolutely irrational to study calculus directly in the university. What is more valuable for research is actually elementary school textbooks. The knowledge taught in these textbooks is the basis of natural science. .

The same goes for governments around the world. Compared with those gods and monsters that are far beyond human understanding, it is these basic knowledge that can be more valued by people. This is also the reason why high-level Chinese military and political circles gather here.

As far as Gui Bin thinks more, this so-called

From the current situation, the British Isles should have the best luck because wizards and magic are more in line with their culture. The location marked on the map is also very close to the British Isles.

Gui Bin and the head of the department put the latest information on the instrument. A scholar with a slightly arrogant expression just stood up and pointed at the many images on the screen with a pointer in his hand. According to the existing information. I can tell that this is definitely not mass hysteria, but a real situation."

The expert professor made a lot of nonsense on the top. Although the people below listened carefully, they actually didn't take it seriously. The professor who came forward to explain it was a psychologist. The multiple parallel events happening around the world are being explained from a psychological point of view.

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Although there are rumors that these extraordinary events are scams, whether it is high-level or online exist.

The only thing that makes people suspicious is the mysterious inaccessibility. Now that the earth as a whole has become a global village, it is a bit unreasonable to find no evidence of the emergence of weak and superhuman beings. And this =- this so-called 'magic academy' just made up for this, and made the extraordinary people have inheritance. Make people more believe that there is a power system different from natural science in this world.

In this case, you say that you are a researcher of psychology, but try to use psychology to explain magic, which makes people laugh too much.

Experts who have advanced knowledge may be foolish. I can't see the impatience of the crowd at all. It's too eloquent there. Expounding his own theory, the team leader and the leaders couldn't stand it. It was the expert who was invited.

Gui Bin took a deep breath and walked to the podium in the conference room under the eyes of the head of the division. When he saw the "professional people" on the stage, even the heads of the people present sat up straight and listened carefully.

"_Heads and colleagues, I won't introduce myself too much. Please look at the screen, this is the information shared by the paranormal research departments of governments from all over the world when they met together. I received the magic letter from what I know. Judging from the number of invitations, = a total of - 126 cases, involving 126 of them."

Of course, I believe that this is definitely not all the personnel in this incident. We only collected information from those personnel who took the initiative to contact us. They have one thing in common, that is, these people could not go to the places on the map within 15 days for various reasons. The marked island will take the initiative to inform this mysterious letter. "

"I believe that those who have the ability to go to the location of the incident who received the invitation will not contact us, but will go there by themselves. They may think this is their own adventure|bar.:."

Speaking of which, both Gui Bin and the people present couldn't help laughing out loud (Qian Xihao).

On modern Earth, when all the great powers are united, there are few secrets to speak of.

"However, according to the calculations of experts in statistical probability. There should not be too many of these people, so we don't need to care, as long as we strictly monitor the sea area where the incident occurred, we can know their identities."

"Through questioning and investigating people who are known to have received invitations, we found that the issuance of invitations is completely irregular, and all countries and regions around the world, and people of all colors, have received them, and they have the only thing in common. It's these people who really believe in magic. At the same time, there's that so-called magical talent."

_We can also draw one point, that is, if you want to master those mysterious powers, not everyone can, but a specific person is needed!

Speaking of which, all the people present are heavy-faced. These more than 100 people with so-called magical talents can be said to be absolutely lucky. Will they be able to master the powerful magical ability?. Will they gradually break away from mortals? These people If you really master the mysterious ability, what kind of impact will it have on the current earth society? Will the earth people be divided into three, six and nine classes? These are all now

Chapter 73 Going to the sea, a great route

In the past period of time, in addition to those supernatural events that are well-known to the whole world, there have also been a few sporadic supernatural events related to ordinary people in the world, but these supernatural events together do not In five cases, the impact was extremely low, and almost no one outsiders knew about it except for governments and secret departments of various countries.

In these supernatural events, although countries have also obtained some data. But on the whole, it has not made governments more aware of these mysterious forces. Instead, it was even more confused.

As a result, some occultists have put forward a theory, that is, the theory that mysterious forces cannot contact mortals, but this theory is full of loopholes compared to a series of events that happened on Earth.

The few supernatural incidents involving mortals are too rare. In statistics, it is impossible to become a sample and can only be discussed as an example, but this magical incident is different. It has happened more than 100 times in the world, and all the people involved are ordinary people, from students to company employees. Said to have everything. The incident has attracted the attention of governments around the world. Governments believe this may be a milestone for their mortals to come into contact with the true mystical power.

"According to the information of invitation letters received all over the world, we found that the language of these letters is the same as the language used by invited A. There are Chinese, English, French, Italian, Russian and even some extremely rare writing languages. Judging from the text of each invitation letter, it should be from the hands of two people, but experts from various countries agreed that the text on these invitation letters is like the font of our computer. It should be written with magic, rather than handwriting."

Gui Bin has become more and more calm in the face of such a big scene, even if there are such famous political and military leaders in front of him, he is still eloquent.

Whether it's the head of the department or the heads of staff, they all feel that Gui Bin's attitude is very good. Just a few short periods of time. This person who used to be dispensable in Qingshui Yamen. It's also a matter of seizing the opportunity to gain power.

"Saint Soren Magic Academy. From the name, 'Saint Soren' should be a place name, but excellent geographers, historians, religious scientists and theologians all over the world have not found any Documents related to 'Saint Soren' L so I suspect this place doesn't appear on Earth at all, maybe it's not even on Earth?"

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