I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 318:

The diameter of this satellite is about more than 20 kilometers in diameter. I don't know if it is Io. It is larger than the meteorite that hit the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs. If this thing hits the earth, it will definitely give the earth Smashed out - a huge pit of more than 200 kilometers. It is impossible to destroy the earth, but it is still easy to completely destroy the earth's ecology and wipe out the vast majority of species.

Such a meteorite fell on Earth. It is estimated that the total energy of the explosion can reach more than 100 trillion tons of I explosives. The equivalent of _ is one million Tai Ivans exploding at the same time. This kind of shock wave and temperature is nothing to gods, but it is definitely a disaster for mortals.

For the true gods, the sleeves actually have the means to destroy -= planets, instead of forcibly erasing a planet.

"Let me transform you and send you to Earth."

Louie looked at this one floating in the universe with satisfaction. The big rock caught by Jupiter's gravity fell into it in a flash. Slide your fingers in the void, use the power of God to construct spells and transform them into what you want.

Divine power is an absolutely omnipotent and inconceivable force. It is not difficult to get two satellites out of Jupiter's gravity. Even if they fly one billion kilometers in the universe in a way that does not conform to any laws of physics, it is not difficult. Just open a portal and blink. arrive.

ask for flowers

There is no mysterious content in the long distance movement in this universe. Only the ability to cross the crystal wall system is incredible. To say that the real pinnacle of all the inventions of the Tyranid civilization is the space-time electric hole across the crystal wall system.

Just as Louis was preparing for his next "entertainment drama". When he started to transform Jupiter's moon, the northwest coast of Scotland, the port was completely listed as a military restricted area by the government ten days ago. Let the reporters find out how

, and don't know what's going on here.

However, according to the frequent occurrence of extraordinary events in recent days, many people believe that the closure of a port in Scotland should also be related to extraordinary events. Just guessing. Before the government informs, netizens can only make predictions by relying on random thoughts.

In the port, military vehicles come and go. Ordinary people with invitation letters transported from various countries to Scotland are sent to the port. According to the negotiation of various governments, they finally decided to let the world's 'lucky people' ' Together, they were escorted by professional soldiers on a boat to the mysterious island.

At the beginning, some people suggested the use of planes, but in the end this proposal was rejected. The governments of various countries believed that their actions could not be concealed from the eyes of the wizards. Therefore, the governments did not intend to hide it, but only temporarily concealed it from the public. Airplanes take people to and from places in this way. It will make people feel that this is disrespectful to those wizards. At this time, the governments of various countries did not want to make extra troubles, so they finally chose sea transportation.

Two buses were parked in the closely guarded port. Some staff members and armed police officers and soldiers from China got out of the bus. Afterwards, some ordinary people who were looking forward and nervous followed them. In order to watch the scene like a military base all around, several staff members were also communicating with them in a low voice, comforting them and letting them relax.

China is not the first country to arrive, nor is it the last. Vehicles with flags of various countries enter the port one after another, and the mysterious veil may finally be unveiled in front of ordinary mortals. A corner of nine.

Chapter 75 Ghost Ship

Gui Bin was the last to get out of the car. As the leader of the new department of Huaguo, this time he personally led the team to bring the people who were 'called' in Huaguo to Scotland.

"Hi! Guisang!"

=- A middle-aged man in a suit and tie, with a mustache on his mouth, saw Gui Bin, and he quickly walked over and bowed to him.

Gui Bin heard this ten-day Japanese-style address with a slight accent. Looking closely, I saw that the other party was indeed Oshima, the person in charge of Japanese supernatural events.

After learning that the forces that hold mysterious powers are united based on culture, the governments of the three countries in East Asia, influenced by Confucian culture, have been closely linked, especially the supernatural departments, which often hold meetings. Reporting. The leaders of the three countries are already familiar with each other

It's just that China and Japan have an embarrassing position in the alliance of the three countries because of the emergence of extraordinary human land that involves their own power. In addition, there is now a large cosmic country and an American army stationed in it, so that China and Japan are also at a distance from it.

Also affected is the Asian culture of Ah Sanguo itself, which is deeply influenced by Buddhism. But who would have thought that Ah Sanguo, the birthplace of Buddhism, does not have many Buddhists in the country now, and "250" is dominated by Hinduism, which makes Ah Sanguo discover that the surrounding countries or the Omi countries have no culture similar to it. so close that they are now isolated

"Oshima-kun, long time no see.".

After seeing the person coming, Gui Bin, who already has enough experience, hurried over with a smile and shook hands eagerly. It is also exciting for China to make Japan far more influential than the United States, especially when it comes to the issue of the treasure island, there is no constraint between Japan and the United States. The solution is much simpler.

This is an unimaginable thing for the Chinese government. Who would have thought that because of the emergence of extraordinary power, many things would be solved by themselves inexplicably.

"These are the people in your country who received invitations?"

Gui Bin saw some people gathered behind Taidao, there were young high school girls looking at them, office workers with timid eyes, excited college teenagers, and so on. Look at their nervous and expectant expressions. Just like the ordinary people Xu Ming came here to withdraw.

"Hi! Guisang, this is the person chosen by fate in our country. They will go forward with heavy responsibilities and make their own contributions to the world."

Looking at Taidao's excited expression and spitting babble, Gui Bin's mouth fish is just twitching, these Japanese people are really good enough

It is said that their emperor has been unable to bear the appearance of various extraordinary events. I am going to abdicate to the crown prince, and the new era is set to be 'Reiwa'. I don't know if the Heisei wastes will become Reiwa wastes.

Thinking like this, Gui Bin looked at the people in his own side again, because of China's population problem, in this random selection, the Chinese side got a little more invitations, but only a little more. There is no overwhelming advantage.

Among the ordinary people who were brought in were those who took the initiative to contact the "Dragon Group", and there were also rich people like Su Wei who came to Scotland alone and were "caught" in the end.

Recently, the Scottish side has strictly controlled the export, so even wealthy people who come alone can't charter a boat to go to that mysterious island. In the end, they can only take the initiative to report to join the group organization.

This is equivalent to the independent travel into a group tour.

Gui Bin and Tai Dao were chatting casually together, mainly talking about some extraordinary events, and their eyes turned to another place, where many black people and blond white people were gathering.

"That's the person in charge of the European and American countries."

Gui Bin and Tai Dao were talking for ten days.

"Well, there's the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., I met him in Tokyo before. Those Jiang Lijian people are very arrogant, the other one should be: the head of the paranormal affairs department of the British MI Service, the name is unknown. They The Military Intelligence Service uses the public code name just like Li."

Taidao, who used to be the younger brother of the American side, had contact with these people in the past. He wrote with Guiwu Li.

"That beautiful little girl is Princess Charlotte of the Royal Family of England. It is said that she seems to have eaten a golden apple and was accepted as a disciple by Archmage Marchis. She must be given special treatment."

Taijima looked at a blond little loli as cute as a doll and said enviously

For mastering mysterious powers such as magic, whether it is a young child or a middle-aged uncle in his forties. Everyone has had such a fantasy, and in Oshima's view, she was born as a royal princess, and Princess Charlotte, who was also recognized by the Archmage. Just as lucky as those protagonists in the novel.

Gui Bin patted Da Dao on the shoulder and said nothing. In fact, he was also very envious.

"But why didn't you see those gurus?"

Gui Bin glanced around and found that there were only a few Arabs here, and those countries that believed in the GREE religion didn't even send anyone here.

"People in those countries think that magic is a blasphemy against their beliefs. Therefore, people who go to the state department for help are rejected. Only a few people who believe in magic and can leave their country by themselves are here."

Taidao and Gui Shi looked at each other and sneered each other. I think those countries that believe in the GREE religion are really unreasonable_

Even in China and Japan, culturally, they have nothing to do with magic, but they face the so-called magic.

When wizards, their respective governments still expressed strong support.

In this day and age.. whoever can master the mysterious knowledge first will be able to take the lead.. regardless of whether it is his own culture or not, as long as he encounters an opportunity, he must not give up.

"Assembled. Let's go."

At this time, a broadcast sounded on the pier = a ship was docked at the pier. _Tai Dao and Gui Bin returned to the gathering place of their respective countries. Have comforting conversations with those who have been chosen. then mounted R under the order

There were less than two hundred people on board. There are men and women, children and adults, but overall there are no people over the age of two to five. With the exception of Princess Charlotte, who was less than ten years old, the youngest children were also about twelve years old.

From these age distributions alone it is possible to

Xu Possessing Magical Talent The age limit for learning magic is around twenty-five years old.

The ship gradually opened up to the dock. In addition to those who received the invitation letter, there were also soldiers from various countries on the ship to supervise each other. All the selected people were holding in their hands - an envelope, straight People are talking quietly, some people are nervous

After the ship opened high, the personnel sent by various countries to Scotland were not idle, but they quickly mobilized satellites to watch the sea area. Watching the ship slowly approaching the small mysterious island on the map.

The island is in the high seas, and as the ships approached, everyone was nervous.

Suddenly, someone panicked and shouted, ".*: No, just now the Meteorological Bureau sent a message that a sea storm is about to occur in this sea area.

"Storm? How could this be? Didn't the Bureau of Meteorology say it should be calm today?"

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