I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 330:

Even if the president doesn't know much about astronomy and hasn't learned anything about astronomy, he also knows what Ganymede is. It's a satellite of Jupiter, and its relationship with Jupiter is equivalent to the moon and the sphere.

As the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter is not known to be hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the earth. You told me that Jupiter's satellites have escaped from Jupiter's orbit and traveled hundreds of millions of kilometers to Earth I and then crashed into the North American continent? This is really unscientific at all . Physicists such as Newton, Einstein, etc., are estimated to have their coffins uncovered.

Wait...it's unscientific? Yes, it's unscientific. But it can be magical.

Thinking of this, His Excellency the President broke out in a cold sweat and felt wet all over. He licked his dry lips, and said in a hoarse voice, "...Say=- to be more specific, why did Jupiter's moons come to the earth, did they come to visit?"

The Minister of Defense gestured to an old man behind him with his eyes. The old man hurriedly stepped forward, and there was still an undisguised panic in his eyes, and he took a deep breath to make his voice a little smoother, "Your Excellency, I am the director of the Institute of Astronomy at the University of Iowa, Not long ago our observatory observed an asteroid appearing counterintuitively in the asteroid belt between Mars and this star."

"- This asteroid is like: as if it is controlled by humans, it does not obey any laws of physics. Even the gravity of the planet cannot capture it. Even:. Even this asteroid will adjust its speed by itself And the direction, every adjustment is aimed at the earth that is revolving and rotating!"

The research director of the observatory was in a daze, although since the emergence of various supernatural powers such as gods and ghosts on the earth, his three views over the years have been completely shattered. But those Xiugui are at least limited to the earth, and they do not involve the boundless universe.

But now, the forward behavior of this asteroid, which is extremely bizarre and absolutely unexplainable by science, is undoubtedly telling everyone that those mysterious forces can completely affect the universe. The existence of power may be as small as a chess piece in his hand.

(B.r. When thinking of this, the sense of grief that human beings are so weak is enough to cause a normal human to have a direct mental breakdown.

Although President Shanlijian was horrified inside, he didn't show his expression on the surface. He wiped the golden sweat that had already appeared on his forehead, and tried his best to keep calm and asked, "It is clear that the asteroid is Ganymede 66"

"One of our groups has been observing Jupiter's moons. Hope to find new ones. And right after we found this weirdly advancing asteroid, the Jupiter-monitoring group told me that the Sixty-six has disappeared."

"According to the asteroid we observed, it hit the earth. Its diameter and appearance are very similar to those of the moon 66. When we think of the disappearance of Ganymede, we can be sure that this asteroid is Moons of Jupiter."

The director of the institute said tremblingly that at this time he was already thinking about how to notify the family. How to get the possibility of life in this apocalypse.

"Do you mean to say that Ganymede 66 crossed billions of squares in an instant, and appeared directly in the asteroid belt from Mars to Jupiter?"

The Minister of Defense, who had some knowledge of astronomy, was stunned.

"Yes, Your Excellency Minister of Defense, this satellite has crossed the distance calculated in billions of kilometers in an instant. This ability can only be achieved by the middle hole in science fiction. I am afraid it is only... only mysterious like magic. Strength can do it."

The director of the observatory stammered in reply, and people's expressions sank when they heard his words. This strange satellite, they have actually believed that it is the ghost of some terrible, unknown evil existence.

"Why are you so sure it will land in North America?."

The president's hands are like Parkinson's. Even going to get a cup to take a sip of water is trembling.

"This satellite does not advance at a constant speed. It not only adjusts its direction, but also accelerates and decelerates.

.. able to stop moving and levitate in the universe. "

The president nearly spit out when he heard this. How is this possible. This satellite has become a fairy!

"=And according to our calculations, it is found that the reason why this asteroid has this strange behavior is because -= because it is adjusting the destination of the fall. Under our calculations, whether the satellite is accelerating or honest When the speed is too high, the final result will be in North America, to be precise, in the United States."

Ask for flowers:

The director of the research institute said almost crying.

"What are the consequences of this satellite falling to Earth?"

The Secretary of State couldn't help asking

"This satellite is bigger than the comet we think destroyed the dinosaurs. If it falls on the North American continent and completely changes the climate of the entire planet, it is very likely that humans will become extinct. Even if there are people who are lucky enough to be able to Survive, but North America is absolutely doomed."

"...It's the end of the world, and God has given up on us."

This staunch scientist was already on the ground at this time. Started making a cross on his chest.

“It is impossible, if God had abandoned us, when Satan appeared, Christ would not have sacrificed himself⊥”

=The Minister of the American Government [roared with red eyes.

"By the way, Christ Christ. With God's blessing. We might survive!"


Hearing the minister mentioned Christ, everyone lit up with two moons.

"No, it's too late... Christ said it would take thirty days to be resurrected, and at the speed of this satellite, it fell to Earth before that day came."

The words of the director of the observatory made everyone silent again.

At this time, Director Robitson was sweating all over, and his old body was shaky. Almost fainted.

The Secretary of Defense noticed what was wrong with him and hurriedly asked, ... Director Robertson, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

Robertson smiled reluctantly. After hesitating for a while, his sense of responsibility as a soldier still made him open his mouth, and he said that a felon committed suicide by biting his tongue after he ordered someone to open the 'Sari Bible' in the secret research institute. The words spoken before told those present

"He said.: He said that we will re-E, we will descend on this land. Humans will sacrifice their souls and die for it::: I, I thought it was just talk. Who knows:- who knowledge.."

Chief Robertson only felt his blood pressure start to soar, if the Secretary of Defense hadn't been supporting him. It has fallen.

The people nearby looked at him furiously. All of them are gnashing their teeth. If you don't know that it's useless to blame him at this time. I guess he's already cramped and skinned.

His Excellency the President is also fearful and angry. He didn't expect Robertson to do it in his own right. How dare you be so daring to study such an evil thing!

"Inform the permanent members of the United Nations. We are going to convene a United Nations General Assembly. This is already a crisis for all mankind. Before turning to the gods, we humans need to rely on ourselves"

After saying this, the president felt that he was really imposing now. Quite high-spirited, impassioned words are too level. It's like a hero who saves the world. But think about that satellite that will fall on the North American continent. His mood soon sank again. _

Chapter 90 "Human Fire Reservation Program"

The United Nations Building in New York, United States, and an extraordinary meeting of the permanent members of the United Nations were held urgently.

This is an emergency order jointly issued by the five permanent members of the United Nations. Only companies such as Japan, Italy, China, India, Israel, Australia, Canada, etc., who are relatively advanced in scientific research and economic strength in the world are invited. Several non-permanent member countries participated.

The backward countries such as the third world countries, such as Brown Island, are not invited at all. Therefore, this UN General Assembly is completely unworthy of its name.

What is especially strange is that this time the United Nations General Assembly was held too urgently, there was no prior notice, and there were very few participants, only the ambassadors from the embassy in the United States participated as representatives. Not accepting any media interviews and live broadcasts, and even translators and other staff members are almost "zero forty", which can be said to be extremely strange.

And it was this unexpected meeting of the United Nations. There were countless speculations among the people. These speculations were basically not good, and it almost verified a rumor circulating on the Internet before. One = the earth is about to be destroyed, and human beings will be destroyed. perish!

Although the Astronomy Department of Iowa University in the United States is famous. But the Astronomy Institute there isn't unique either. There are many advanced research institutes in major countries all over the world.

Just when the observatory of the University of Iowa discovered the super-flat physical law of Ganymede 66, it appeared shortly after the Mars asteroid collided with the earth. Many world-renowned astronomical research institutions have discovered this abnormality. . Common phenomenon.

Although this information was submitted to the high-level governments of various countries for the first time, the insiders were already too famous. Even if there was an order not to leak this information, it still spread to the people without knowing it.

When everyone is threatened with huge life, no one is willing to accept the destruction by doing nothing, even if there is only a 1% chance. Human beings will also make 200% efforts to save themselves.

The first to know this news is always the upper class people of various countries, some chaebol tycoons, and they have exerted all their subjective initiative under the crisis of extinction.

Since the first day when extraordinary power appeared on the earth, many wealthy conglomerates have had a sense of crisis, and began to use their huge amount of almost innumerable money in some life-saving places, such as some wealthy people who spend a lot of money Buy a piece of land for a price, and then dig wildly under it. Built a nuclear-grade underground facility with enough materials to keep a family alive for several years

However, the strength of the super-internal power is somewhat beyond expectations, and even building a nuclear-level protective measure underground still makes people feel unsafe. The truly capable and technical consortiums are all looking beyond the earth.

After the extraordinary power, especially after the Tokyo incident, to say who among the richest Jiang Lijian has the happiest life is undoubtedly Musk's "Space Exploration Technology Company".

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