I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 355:

The old man didn't take the paper, he just leaned on the Taishi chair and half-squinted his eyes. He slowly said, ". Is that my old friend who is performing sacrifices in the shrine?"

The young officer hesitated for a moment, then stood up straight and said, "_Yes, Mr. L sent me here to tell you what we should do, we hope to get your guidance."

"Just follow your own decisions. As for my old friend, he has no other desires. He is the God Lord of Amaterasu in the human world. All his purposes are just to find the belief in Amaterasu. Don't worry, he, like me, has no interest in the power of this world."

The old man played by Louie's voice was soft, but the words he said made the officer's face flush with shame and embarrassment. It is true that the upper echelons of China are most worried about power. For those in power in the king, they can make them lose everything. But they must not be without power. This is the poison of power.

__"I see, old man!_I will report your suggestion to the above.

The old man played by Louis closed his eyes and didn't say anything. The officer gave a salute and walked out slowly.

At this time, Louis has already begun to manipulate the 'Typhon' that is raging on the North American Pacific continent to use it to complete another plan of his own.


The scorching magma seemed to never cool down, and it turned into a collapsing river to drown the tank army ahead. The steel torrent of human beings seemed so powerless in the face of mystery and the mighty power of nature.

The tracks of the tank turned into coke under the torrent of magma, and even when the chariot made of steel rolled into the magma, it was gradually invaded by the insistence of the magma flow.


The personnel in the tank screamed that the external armor of the tank could not isolate the heat of thousands of degrees at all, and even the steel chariot gradually had a tendency to melt, and the human body was slowly roasted in the gradually increasing temperature. First, it smelled of barbecued meat. Finally, it turned into dry bones.

"Retreat, everyone leave here quickly and retreat to high altitudes. We can't stop this monster at all, and we can't even get close to it."

The commander of the American Armored Corps, after seeing the tragic situation of the front-line tanks, ordered his soldiers to retreat before the Pentagon ordered them. The monsters blocked, the commander did not want to sacrifice his soldiers like his sons here. Sacrifice on this unnecessary battlefield.

In fact, the commander of the Panzer Army also saw it. If Tigui really wanted to enter the urban area of ​​Los Angeles, their entire regiment could not be stopped in front of him. Typhon was simply a moving natural disaster and could walk The volcano is the rush of magma, it is the mighty force of the natural earth, and it is the power of this planet. Human beings blocking it is like turning back to the arm of a man, shaking a tree, but it is just ridiculous.

Tire didn't pay attention to the ants that escaped, it just got angry. Every time it listened to the call, magma like a volcano erupted from the ground.. In Greek mythology, the volcano is called Typhon His anger was manifested most vividly at this moment.

The eastern suburbs of Los Angeles have turned into a scorching hell. A quarter of Los Angeles has fallen. and completely turned to ashes

America's second largest city. Even the collapse of the suburbs is big news, and the economic losses caused are definitely not low. To say that the only good news among the bad news is that the destroyed places are located in the suburbs. There are far fewer dead than expected

After driving away the helicopter group and the armored corps that were in front of him, Typhon continued to take firm steps towards a direction where he was interested in a valley within a high mountain. Inside is a hidden ballistic missile base in the United States.

"Typhon has left Los Angeles and is heading to our ballistic missile base!

The observers in the Five Fish Building shouted that His Excellency the President and the military leaders were relieved to hear the news.

They looked at each other =: their eyes smiled bitterly, when did their great America feel happy because the enemy attacked its military base? The world is changing so fast, so fast that people can't react at all, so fast that the United States has not yet Adjust yourself from a world overlord to a chick who is bullied at will by a mysterious force.

"Your Excellency, do the nuclear materials in the base need to be removed?"

"Is it in time?"

"It's fine if we hurry up."

Hearing the Secretary of Defense's answer, the President of the United States hesitated and said, "Don't withdraw all, just withdraw half, and leave the remaining half to Typhon. If Typhon's mark is really nuclear material. "

"Typhon's purpose... dreadful. I remembered that L has another thing in this military base."

An old general in the Five Fish Building exclaimed, he quickly grabbed a computer and logged into the American intranet with his own permissions, and opened a picture. ": This is a metal can that once appeared in the Sonora Desert Research Base in Arizona. We excavated an exact same thing in Yellowstone Park and brought it to this military base for research.

Well, there is a change in the metal can of the base bug in the Sonora desert.. clump

Run out of the 'Wynn Festival Demon King'. "

The general's words of reminder made everyone present look stunned, remembering the incident that once occurred in the Sonora base. At that time, a mysterious metal can suddenly turned into the vast soul of the Indians, and the dead soul also said A dragon scale that was studied together at that time came out, saying that it was the incarnation of Satan.

Now it seems that the metal can-like thing is probably really related to the existence of 'devil', otherwise why did the metal can of the Sonora desert worm become the incarnation of Indian resentment, and now Typhon is going to have it Metal cans away from the military base.

"So I suspect that Typhon may not really come for nuclear materials, but for this metal can. Why didn't you destroy such a terrible Dongwu? Are you still researching this dangerous thing?"

His Excellency the President glared fiercely at the old general. The others were also full of anger.

The general wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "..., His Excellency the President came after the Ganymede 66 incident. We sealed up or destroyed all items that we considered dangerous, but this metal can we used many means to be unable to Destroy it, and in desperation, I can only dig a hole and bury it in the ground."

Hearing the general's words, the President of the United States thought, _".. If Typhon really came for this metal can, can we take this metal can away, take it to the United States, and even bring it to other countries Country, maybe Typhon will be able to leave America and go somewhere else?"

Everyone in the Five Fish Building looked at the president in amazement, applauding secretly for his idea of ​​such a plan to bring disaster to the east.

"Your Excellency, President, this may not be possible. For the sake of safety, we dug a large pit hundreds of meters deep to bury this metal can. Now we don't have time to dig it out again."

The general said with a wry smile.

Everyone present showed an irresistible expression of disappointment. That is to say, their plan to bring disaster to the east failed before it even started?

The President of the United States gritted his teeth, but he also knew that this had nothing to do with the general. After suppressing the anguish in his heart, he looked at the picture on the computer with a headache.

The metal can in the picture is the energy source of the Tyranid civilization l_

Chapter 122 Louis' Plan

The piercing siren roared in the sky of the military base, and countless American soldiers shuttled through the base, but different from what was imagined _ After hearing the siren, many soldiers were not ready to participate in the battle, but were carrying out too large-scale evacuate.

"Give up_ give up everything you don't need! Only move the most important things away!"

"Shipping raw materials is too dangerous, so don't take them away. Just transport all the nuclear bombs away!"

"There must be no loss of paper materials, and all of them should be loaded into the command vehicle."


Noisy and not messy shouts came one after another, and the troops at the American Ballistic Missile Military Base were withdrawing in an orderly manner.

After a series of password input, the steel door opened, and countless soldiers in protective suits ran in quickly. Use tools to cut each one up to a meter thick. Missiles with a length of nearly ten meters were transported out.

All these missiles are loaded with nuclear warheads, and each ICBM is also expensive. It is an important material that the United States must not give up easily.

On the other side, a team of experts is also wearing protective clothing working in a small room, which is the place where nuclear materials are stored, compared to the safety of nuclear warheads. These nuclear materials are too dangerous. If they are taken away without any preparation, if there is a leakage, it will be a huge disaster for the United States.

"Enclose these nuclear materials in a deeper place. It doesn't matter if we abandon this base even if it leaks out here."

Several operators looked at each other-=eyes nodded each, and operated a high-tech safe like a movie on the machine. All these nuclear materials were sealed underground.

"Okay, let's evacuate! The red monster has already appeared in the southwest sky. I'm afraid it won't be long before it arrives."

Everyone hurriedly walked out of the operating station, put on their clothes after disinfection outside, and followed the main force away from the base.

Cars hovered over the mountain road, helicopters shuttled back and forth. This military base with more than 10,000 people...in the blink of an eye, the building was empty.


When Louis controlled 'Typhon' to come to this military base, he was left with == an empty ruin.

The entire military base is like a garbage dump. If the buildings here are still in good condition without any mottled marks, there will even be suspicion that they have come to the Chernobyl ruins.

"As expected of an American soldier, the work efficiency is really fast enough~, a_"

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