I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 359:

A theologian from Kyoto University in Japan stared intently at the steps of the priest in front of him. He was still writing and drawing in his hands, and recorded all the steps he took, although the gods dancing in front of him were completely different from those recorded in the classics in his impression. It even looked like the **** of a hodgepodge boat.

But of course the theologian of the Kyoto Taixue would not think that the priest with extraordinary power jumped wrongly, but only thought that there was an error in the records of the classics.

This sacrificial dance was not long, and when the vague voice in the void became clearer and louder, it was when the priest was heard shouting i... Welcome to Amaterasu!⊥"

As the words of the priest fell, many Japanese were shocked to see the ruler mirror, which symbolized the great **** of Amaterasu, flying up, and the bronze mirror reflected the brilliance of the sun. With the mirror as the center, a human figure with a faint gleam of light that makes it difficult to see the face is suspended above the sky.


At a glance, mortals will decide that God must be a god, it is a kind of tremor from the heart, as if doubting that sleeve is not a **** is a kind of blasphemy

Louis directly embodied the divine body of Lorenria, the goddess of dawn in his memory, and then used his own power to occupy the essence of the goddess of dawn. Of course, for the sake of mystery, he didn't have the perfect appearance of the Goddess of Dawn, even so. Just the vague facial features covered by the sun's light are enough to make mortals be amazed by them, but they can't give rise to the slightest blasphemy.

"Welcome to Amaterasu, the Great Imperial God"

Blessed as a little spirit. The Japanese high-ranking officials present all knelt down, and the emperor was even more excited with tears streaming down his face. Because this sacrifice has their royal family's sacrifice. The future is in Japan. I want to come to the legend of the royal family as the heir of Amaterasu - it will definitely go deeper into the small.

He has already decided that he must kneel and worship Amaterasu every day in the future, and even promote it well so that the entire nation can join the belief in the supreme **** of Shintoism.

The awe-inspiring power spreads, and the brilliance emanating from Amaterasu's body is like the noon sun. The justice is awe-inspiring but with a touch of warmth, and there is absolutely no sense of violence, which is in line with the goddess in the myth of the sun goddess. position.

In the periphery of Ise Jingu, many reporters and people came spontaneously after receiving the news. When they saw Amaterasu Daigo, they showed their divine body, and there was a great difference between gods and people. The divine might permeates Down. They were all panicked: trembling on their knees, they chanted Amaterasu's name.

For a nation, if it has to choose a **** to believe in, it must choose the **** born of its own national culture, because people will subconsciously think that only their own gods will protect them

Louis believes that Japan, which already has many shrines, will surely enter the belief in Shintoism in the future, and he will be able to harvest all the beliefs in Japan. Become yourself the origin of the "Snake of Order"

The phantom of Amaterasu's divine body only appeared in the air for a few seconds, and it merged with the brilliance of the sun and disappeared in front of everyone. At the same time, it was on the North American continent, which was thousands of kilometers away from Japan. Amaterasu appeared directly in Los Angeles.

Chapter 127 Faith also looks at the face

_"what is that?"

When the phantom of the god's body appeared in Los Angeles, outside the mountains, there was a burst of exclamations in the Five Fishes Building.

The President of the United States stared too much at the figure of a woman with a dignified and majestic figure that exuded warmth and light from the screen tomb bug. Incredibly, ". This is: .. This is the way the Japanese side said it will help us solve the crisis?"

The president couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that Japan actually summoned an incarnation of the god, and at the most critical moment, he appeared in Los Angeles.

"Your Excellency, the information from Japan has already been passed on. The **** who appeared in Los Angeles should be the most important Shinto **** in Japanese culture, Tomorrowin Oomi."

"..According to the personal arrangement of Shintoism, this **** is equivalent to the supreme **** of Japan, and according to the measurement, it took less than a second for Sleeve to appear in Los Angeles from Japan, and the photons that monitored the sun before were also A wonderful change has occurred.. We suspect that this **** has the ability to travel at will with the light of the sun."

An intelligence officer hurried forward to explain to the president.

"The supreme **** of Japanese Shintoism? Is it the same **** as the **** we believe in, and the same **** that appeared in China before?

The president asked curiously.

"This.... this we also don't know. Which of these gods is stronger, and what are the obvious contradictions and paradoxes in Eastern and Western mythology. I'm afraid this is not something we can understand now."

The religious scholar who had been on call hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "-: As a Christian believer, it's not good to say this about the Lord, but I can only explain it this way.

"..In the Christian culture, it was God who created the world and human beings. In the culture of the Chinese civilization, it was Pangu who created the world, and then Nuwa created man. Which of these two myths is correct? And now The characters in the two myths have appeared, which makes it even more difficult to understand."

The Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Let the present Christ be completely equal to God: in the Chinese civilization. Dong Huangtai - has also been verified as Fuxi, so there are always similarities between Eastern and Western cultures, and one or two of them may occupy many important positions.

"Perhaps:. Maybe the struggle between the two gods is for who created the world and who is the orthodox, for a long time?"

Suddenly someone spoke up, and the previous religious scientist clapped his hands and said excitedly, "...you have a good starting point for thinking. From the appearance of many gods today, we can find one thing. That is, they all seem to be very religious. So why do these gods compete for faith, in terms of the power of gods, they don't seem to need mortals at all."

"...But if these gods compete for faith in order to decide who is orthodox, in order to separate the gods, it can be explained." Said,

.The religious scientist hurriedly wrote down his idea on the book he was holding. To be famous and prestigious in a certain industry, all he needs to do is to publish a paper. Jin Zuhan wants to say which paper is the best. fire. That is the religious studies and mysticism that the five people in the past are interested in. )

"These gods are not something we need to consider. We still consider the safety of Los Angeles. Is this **** called Amaterasu a woman? Although the body is covered with a layer of light, it is only visible from the outline and the blurred facial features. Look, it's really beautiful."

The President of the United States touched his head with his hands and clicked his tongue, commenting on the supreme **** of Japan.

Because the pictures of Amaterasu were broadcast through video, the strength of Amaterasu's figure dropped by a few levels, so that mortals like the president could have a heart of blasphemy.

"Please don't talk nonsense, Mr. President! In particular, you must not post these words on Twitter. This will cause a huge protest from Japan, and it is too sinful to blaspheme."

A scholar who has studied Japanese culture hurriedly stopped the president's nonsense, but he knew that the president did not look old. But he has a young and beautiful wife who is not ashamed.

".And the dead treasures in Japan are very famous. It may not take a long time. The **** of Amaterasu will be obsessed with those dead treasures. If you blaspheme Amaterasu like this. It is very likely that the wastes of Heisei will also become Showa men."

When I saw this scholar, I was very knowledgeable about Japanese treasure culture. What he said there was righteous, but others sounded like Yunliwenli

But the scholar got it right. The appearance of Amaterasu did not make the Japanese == especially young Japanese have much awe. On the contrary, because Amaterasu is a female deity. The pictures circulated by the deity can be vaguely seen as a beautiful woman far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. In the past, the image of Amaterasu was used by various treasure cultures. With the emergence of the real Amaterasu, its two-dimensional image has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Those dead treasures spontaneously supported Amaterasu, and the piety of each A's belief even shocked Louis, so much so that after Louis gave birth to the idea of ​​using all the goddess images in the world of Saint Soren. Create a lot of female gods and use their images to deceive beliefs.


At the high altitude outside Los Angeles, Typhon has completely turned this mountain range into a magma plain, and the rolling heat flows to the lower part under the action of the earth's gravity. The city of Los Angeles is in front. one slice. Three million Los Angeles residents are fleeing fast with the help of American troops

Until the sun comes out

Now it is time to stop the fleeing Los Angeles military and civilians. Unlike the President of the United States, these Los Angeles people at the scene can fully feel the awe-inspiring power that Amaterasu exudes. They don't dare to have any blasphemous hearts, just discuss it in a low voice, and some people broadcast the drama of the gods and demons live to the world

When the day photo appeared in front of Typhon, a clear voice came from her shining figure. This voice was also stolen by Louis from the Goddess of Dawn, with a sense of justice and awe-inspiring aura.

"Roar to the gods of the foreign land. You dare to stop me here."

Typhon, who had hundreds of snake heads and was extremely distorted, spoke for the first time, and his voice contained an extremely evil connotation. Full of pranks.

Of course, Louis will not make the mistake of speaking Chinese, English, and Japanese in the whole universe. As a true god, Louis can easily create a language without mystery. The language spoken by Amaterasu is Louis combined with Chinese (Li Li Zhao) The languages ​​invented on the spot by Japanese and Saint Soren's world celestial language, Typhon's discourse is a new language formed by the combination of Latin and Abyssal languages. These languages ​​can be understood by modern people, but they feel mysterious and unpredictable. , make them unaware.

"That monster can actually speak."

"I thought it was just a mindless beast."

People in Los Angeles can clearly hear the words of this **** and the devil. People scrambled to talk about it, and some people looked pale and lowered their heads and retched. L Typhon's language has the decay of Abyss language after all, and mortals will naturally feel physical pain and discomfort after listening to it.

"Hahahaha!! Even Zeus was cramped and skinned by me, and even Apollo was driven by me to hold his head and run away. God of an exotic land, you are a **** related to the sun. Let me take yours here. The sun goes out, and you are caught in the banquet house and polluted. Give birth to an offspring for me to destroy these human beings!

Typhon laughed wildly, and with its laughter, the fire and magma vibrated. _

Chapter 128 The Confrontation Between God and Devil

"Exotic God, Die""

Typhon growled in anger. The lava **** around it boiled completely, and tens of thousands of tons of magma were ejected, turning into a long whip-like weapon that was grabbed by the hands full of snake heads.

The swung long whip was used fiercely. Under the terrified gazes of human beings, the top of the mountain was cut off by Typhon.


The cross-section of the mountain is so smooth and there is white smoke on it, as if it was cut off by some kind of laser weapon.

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