I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 364:

The researcher from the United States patted the (aif) shoulder of the Chinese counterpart. The two went to find researchers from other countries together and formed a United Nations scientific expedition team. After bringing equipment and weapons. It is the place to go by snowmobile.

This research institute is 100 kilometers away from the meteorite's crash site. It is feared that if it is too close, the debris will one day become a monster and will destroy the research year. Therefore, the location of the research institute is located 100 kilometers away.

After more than an hour, the United Nations scientific expedition team came to the place where the meteorite fragments fell.

"It's incredible. This meteorite is not very broken, but it can actually smash such a deep pit."

Standing there more than ten meters in diameter, but the depth can not be seen to the end. As if in front of the deep pit of hell, several researchers sighed loudly.

Other staff are quickly debugging the instruments, and then manipulating the unmanned aerial vehicle to bring some small monitoring instruments into the deep pit and place them, so that the institute can use these instruments to monitor meteorite dynamics at any time.

Under the control of professionals, the drone-like robot flew into the huge deep pit with lights on. After several hundred meters deep, it was finally

The meteorite fragment was seen at the bottom.

"The location of the meteorite is 160 meters underground."

This meteorite fragment is flashing with a faint purple light, with a very charming demon power, which makes people unconsciously addicted to it.

"Don't look at this meteorite on the screen, watch out for something terrible like a curse in it."

Hearing the reminder from the person next to him, the operator who was driving the robot suddenly came back to his senses. He was afraid to control the robot to turn the camera to not face the meteorite. Then he manipulated Machine A to install the instrument.

Suddenly, another operator next to the operator shouted in shock, "..God, come on, I found these things when I did a geological scan of the bottom of this pothole. You definitely don't Can't believe it!!"

The others heard the shocking cry and ran one by one as their eyes fixed on the three-dimensional graphics on the screen. They were all stunned.

"How is it possible that there is a building underground in Antarctica_L"

"No, there are things like ruins around this building. It's probably an underground city."

"The building looks like some kind of temple

"Did people ever live here in Antarctica? And cities were built underground?"

"It's also possible that it was built on the ground in Antarctica and then sunk into the ground for some reason."

"The building of this temple appears to be almost dry and intact, but other buildings around it have collapsed."

"Send this news back to all countries! I'm afraid this is a mountain of archaeological discoveries that shocked the world"

An expert shouted excitedly.

"No, this may also be related to extraordinary power."

Chapter 134 Millennium Planning

In Tai Continent, Antarctica, not far from the crater, Louis was sitting on an iceberg formed by snow, watching the human beings not far away cheering happily.

He was sitting so close, but neither human sight nor technological equipment could find him, as if Louis did not exist at all.

"Humans, they are really amazing species. They have already been stunned by extraordinary power. But they can still be so optimistic. When they see new discoveries, they will allow their curiosity to study."

......It is precisely because human beings have such curiosity that they can "progress and develop."

Louie murmured with a smile. He raised his head and looked at the sky.

In his sight, countless nodes have been activated on the entire earth, and the inert magic power has become active under the action of the magic circle. The operation of these magic circles has opened a channel connecting the kingdom of Louis.

And as the earth's magic clump becomes active, it will also bring some changes to the people on earth. For example, some people on earth may wake up-= some special abilities, like superpowers, of course, this ability It would be extremely weak, far below the level of a magic apprentice,

The Kingdom of God has a fundamental property that is like cutting atoms apart so that they are at opposite ends of the universe. The atom divided into two halves still has the same peculiarity of #sound.

Louis used the highest technology of the Tyranid civilization to open the channel connecting the earth plane and the world plane of Saint Soron, and then cut a part of his own kingdom of God and placed it on the earth along this channel. The mysterious realm with the Mage's Tower in the Scottish Sea.

Taking advantage of this feature, Louis today can actually travel between the two worlds without the technical capabilities of the Tyranid civilization, but Louis did not destroy the passage, but left it.

Louis is very interested in some of the knowledge that the brain has mastered. Before draining his intellectual brain, Louis didn't want to have a bad fight with it. The two can be considered to be using each other now. It depends on who has the stronger ace in the end.

"It's almost the same on Earth. The human spirit is like a string, which can be taut but never broken. If it continues to make trouble without giving Earthman A a chance to breathe, the string is likely to break. A sudden break would be detrimental to my purpose."

Since Louis first appeared on the earth, he has almost brought all kinds of disasters and fears to the people of the earth, and at the same time, he has changed the living habits and ways of the people on earth, and intervened in civilization with his own will.

The power of the true God was undoubtedly thoroughly reflected by Louis. He did not massacre the human beings on earth like the demons in those ancient storybooks at all. He has already changed the civilization of the earth and made the belief that has been regarded as the dregs of feudal superstition, Once again become the mainstream of this planet.

The so-called gods are nothing more than that, and they are even more brilliant than the gods recorded in the religious books.

And the most incredible thing is. Although the earth has suffered a certain loss and sacrificed some people, the civilization of the earth has not regressed. On the contrary, it has made progress in the field of science and technology. Although it cannot be said to be a big explosion of technology, it has also opened some bottle pages in the field of human science and technology. oy

just like

"That's it, give the earthlings some breathing time, let them digest the income of the recent period of time. Those backhands will be buried as a foreshadowing, and I will use them when I return to the earth next time."

"...And I, too, need to digest my latest income."

Louis pondered for a while. Then he decided to go back to the world of Saint Soren.

For example, it takes time for the belief of China to become grand. Louis has only planted a seed for the time being. If he wants to wait until the harvest, he will need -: a period of time.

The Christian faith has matured completely, and this time, he also obtained the faith of Japanese Shintoism, and the power of these beliefs cannot be used by Louis on Earth. He must return to the world of Saint Soren to use these beliefs. For yourself to open more "Outer God J Road.

After making a decision, Louis stretched out his hand and opened the door. = Step into his own kingdom of God on earth.

There are too many human beings on the earth, and the number of followers of Louis has reached 100 times that of the world of Saint Soren, but the size of the kingdom of God on the earth is only one tenth of that of the world of Saint Soren. Long. In his kingdom of God, there will be a situation where the land area is not enough.

"Well, it is necessary to expand the area of ​​​​the kingdom of God on Earth, and this kingdom of God can still be of great use in the future."

The number of petitioners on the earth gradually increased, and Louis thought about it and decided to use all the divine power generated by the petitioners on the earth to expand the territory of the kingdom of God.

It's like playing a construction game. L magic power is a resource, and where it is allocated is related to Louis' overall planning in the future, _Although using the magic power generated by the earth petitioner now can make Louie's combat effectiveness stronger. But it's not good for the future.

Therefore, Louis decided to use this part of the divine power in the early construction. If Louis himself is regarded as the owner of a company, and the world of Saint Soron and the Kingdom of the Earth are the two multinational companies he owns, Louis’s current behavior is no different from the king not extracting the profits of the earth company, and It is to put all the profits into reproduction, so as to make the earth generate profits of renaming.

.for flowersQ__

Until the reproduction speed and scale of the earth become smaller, he is using the profits here for his own use

"Most of the beliefs of the people on earth are pan-faith devout believers. The population ratio is much smaller than that of the world of Saint Soren, but because of the population base, the total amount of this part is not worse than that of the world of Saint Soren. This is the earth. It is determined by technology and people’s wisdom.”

There are also, that is, as long as it takes a few hundred years. This part of the believers will be completely integrated with the kingdom of God and become the second part of the kingdom of God. Reducing useless consumption will greatly increase my strength. This is my millennium plan.”

Louis thought about it like this. With a move in his heart, he directly began to expand the noodles of the kingdom of God with divine power.

The Earth world does not have the Elemental Plane of Earth. Louie cannot expand matter by mobilizing the infinite earth elements of the earth element plane. But the earth plane has an infinite universe, full of various particles and energies. Under the action of divine power, Louis can mobilize these particles and energy to turn them into "earth" substance L so as to expand the kingdom of God.

Easily change the atomic structure, allowing energy and matter to be transformed at will. It can even endow matter with new properties, which is a top-level technological means that can only be seen in science fiction in the eyes of human beings on Earth. For true gods, it is only It can be done in a moment.

This is the omnipotence of divine power.

In Louis' perception, the area of ​​his Divine Kingdom began to expand. Then he directly gave instructions to the Divine Kingdom. Leave an avatar here, let the avatar convert the power of faith into divine power, and then let the divine power expand the area of ​​the kingdom of God. This is like playing a game and opening a script, and it can be done without Louis' own operation.

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