I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 379:

Standing beside the Silver Moon Goddess, Louis nodded and said with a smile, "I am very happy about His Highness Su Lun's concern, so what is His Highness Su Lun's plan next?_"

"Where is the plan? For the gods, there is no need to focus all of their energy on one thing. It will make God's life too exhausting, but I will also pay attention to it next - Fanshaer. She hasn't appeared in front of the gods for so long, which makes me a little nervous."

"As a **** who was born of the same origin as Shar, I have an unusual perception of her. Shar has never fallen, and her 'dark' priesthood is still in her hands, but this is contradictory. If she did not Fengshen still has the dark priesthood, and the priesthood will gradually split, and I can also perceive the dark atmosphere in the multiple planes."

"But now there is no dark priesthood in the multiple planes being divided, which means that Shar has been conferred a god. I suspect that there is a **** in today's gods that Shar pretends to be, and she has not done this kind of thing in the past. It's a matter of stealing the divine position to win the believers of other gods. This is the conspiracy and tricks that Shar is good at. Among those 'weak gods' today. There must be Shar's true body."

l,. This cold-tempered goddess and Louis have said a lot. Obviously, he has completely trusted Louis, and when he heard Su Lun's words. Louis' heart also jumped. It should be said that Su Lun and Sarah deserved to be born from the same origin. The sisters. They know each other very well. Through his understanding of Shar and his perception of the 'darkness' priesthood, Sullen has already guessed the method used by Shar to escape the gaze of the gods.

But what the silver goddess Sullen could never have imagined was that the current Shar has become the 'God of Kobolds'.. temporarily became Louis's god, because of her trust in Louis. So no doubt.

But when Sullen's investigation of many gods is over, and she still can't find any trace of Shar, she will probably suspect Louis' **** of the kobold, especially the mysterious **** that appeared out of nowhere.

Thinking of this, Louis just said, "..no matter what the final result is. Your Highness Suren, you must believe. I will stand by you."

Louis's tone was sincere. He didn't want to become hostile to Su Lun after he knew the truth. He really had feelings for this silver moon goddess. If he could, Louis wanted to have both the silver moon and the dark night goddess. But if you have to choose one or the other. He would choose Su Lun without hesitation.

"Of course I believe that Your Royal Highness Louis will stand by me, but it is very difficult to really destroy Shar, that woman is insidious and cunning, although arrogant, she knows how to be humble, and now she may be the weakest in life. But I don't think I can really eliminate her. Just like in the past million years, she had the opportunity to completely eliminate me, but finally failed.

".The relationship between me and her is very complicated. Although we fight with each other, we have each other. Our biggest goal is to carry each other weak to the point of weak divine power. We can no longer affect the situation in this world and can no longer compete."

The silver goddess Su Lun's language is warm and elegant. The moonlight shines on her cold and beautiful face. This noble goddess like the moon will only show a smile to very few people, but when she shows a smile to Louis, she is not. It seems to contain = silk indescribable feelings and human taste.

"Although the gods are immortal and time is meaningless, sometimes the time for the gods is urgent. Your Highness Louis should hurry up and complete your own affairs. Only in this way can you become a real dragon god."

The silver-eyed goddess Su Lun Lian walked gently to Louis' side, leaning her head on his shoulder, urging him to hurry up and finish his own business.

Louis is not delaying either. _ Nodding to Su Lun, and saying goodbye to the other goddesses of "The Palace of Clear Water L," followed by the release of Sune, the **** of love and beauty, to the kingdom of God, let Louis He directly opened the door of teleportation and left _'Unrestrained Wilderness' to go to the main material world.

"His Royal Highness Louis is really a rare gentleman, like a romantic minstrel_Poets and noble nobles who hold honor, will this

A **** who said goodbye politely. It is rare for me to be able to form an alliance with a **** like His Royal Highness Louis. I am also very relieved. "

"Ah. I may invite His Royal Highness Louis to visit the "Palace of Mingshui" often in the future. Your Highness Su Lun will not be sad, will you?"

Sune has a very good sense of Louis. Anticipation and fiery perseverance flashed in her lustful eyes. She looked at the goddess Yinqi and said:

"The matter between you and His Royal Highness Louis is your personal affairs, the gods are all free, I have no reason... But to say that I am sad, I suddenly find that I am so sad.

The slender hand of the silver goddess covered her heart. His tone was cold and quiet.

"This is the beginning of love, Your Highness Su Lun! Please turn the moonlight in your heart into the hotness you once had."

".Only in this way can you possibly find the lost 'sun' priesthood back."

Sune encouraged Su Lun

At this time, Louis had already left the "Palace of Mingshui". Not knowing the words of the two goddesses, on the way to the main material world, he fully mobilized the huge power of faith from the earth, began to impact the force of order, and wanted to open a larger channel. Make your "Outer God⊥ Godhead" more

Chapter 23 "Outer God of Order", the only gods

Louie's soul suddenly vibrated, and there was a 'silent' roar, and at that moment, as the true god, Louis couldn't control his body. His whole body trembled.

Sensing that something was wrong, Louis hurriedly stopped his way to the main material world. . But changed direction in an instant, from the etheric plane to the astral world.

He found that his order force had overflowed. If it were any other plane than the astral world, his overflowing force of order would surely attract the attention of the gods and some powerful beings. This would be detrimental to Louis' plan to build high walls, store food, and delay his reign as king. That would probably make the gods hostile to him

Because the force of order is the most ancient power of the two snakes of creation, as long as either side of the order or chaos is completed, it is enough to surpass the gods and become the king of kings and the power of the gods above gods.

"Fortunately, I responded quickly enough."

The astral world is boundless and vast. It is equivalent to the cosmic space of the earth plane, even if the gods have no coordinates, they cannot explore its size, and the astral world is also the home of souls and thoughts, where chaos and order are intertwined, forming the original chaos. Even if Louis' force of order bursts out here, it will not have too much impact on other planes, not to mention that this is just an overflow situation now.

"I didn't expect the power of faith on Earth to be so huge. = This made me cross a few thresholds."

Louis inspected his outer **** J. Under the Russian nesting doll, his P belief ⊥ **** is now a weaker divine power of the god. In fact, if Louis intended, he could reach the above level at any time._Achieve medium-level divine power.

But as long as he becomes a medium power. The main priesthood will be fixed. And the current main priesthood of Louis is [Dreamland L. The potential of this priesthood is not very high, and at most medium power will be headed L. Therefore, Louis decided to go to the gathering place of giant dragons and obtain enough giants. After he believed in dragons and became a veritable dragon god, he broke through to become a **** of medium power in one fell swoop.

Today's Saint Soren's world, such as the Goddess of Dawn, the God of War, the Earth Goddess, and even the Goddess Yinqi, has broken through the weak divine power and reached the medium divine power, and has become the first echelon in today's bright.

In the past, the first echelon Louis turned into the second echelon, which is normal in the eyes of other gods. Because Louis is a new god, without those ancient gods, he has more details, and his number of believers is enough. , but there is a huge lack of divinity.

But the gods did not know that Louis was preparing to accumulate a lot. No one but Shar knew that the 'God of Kobolds' had fallen. The divinity of this once-god-god-god-god-sleeve was all seized by Louis, and before he became a powerful god, he had a smooth road at all. Now he is just waiting for the arrival of the dragon believer, and he can return to the first echelon. "

Lo is more terrifying than Louis' belief in the deity of God J. It was Louis' Godhead J, the godhead, that had an impact on the belief of Pang Tai on Earth. And after using the BU of the crystal wall system, _his [Outer God I. Godhead directly reached Godhead 4. This leap is almost as incredible as a mortal being conferred a **** by fate.

If Louis now shows his outer **** I, there is no doubt that he will be the strongest **** in the world of Saint Soren, no two.

The original ancient gods are completely different from the current gods of belief. Louis has already been partially recognized by the force of order. The force of order is a kind of divine force. Apart from the omnipotence of no divine force, it is infinite in expressing the power of the priesthood. Endless, just in terms of combat, Louis's [Outer God of Order J's divine power is infinite. .He-individually can fight against many equal gods, and even if it is a protracted battle, he alone can defeat the gods.

"However, the godhead of medium divine power is still not stable. If the straight gods forcibly break through to powerful divine power, even if my divine power is infinite and fails under the quality gap, it will be me, so I will continue to endure it. Wait until my B [Outer God] After the godhead reaches a powerful divine power, one can truly be fearless\"v. "

"..And if I can break through to God, God, and become the Lord of Order, I will become the King of the Gods and the only "Your Majesty!"

Louis took a deep breath and felt the excitement in his heart. Once, as a Chinese, he clearly knew what it meant to be 'to make a fortune in silence' and what it meant to be _'to keep a low profile'. Now is not the time for him to show his strength. He will continue to dormant. In Yuan, until the moment when Long ascended to the Nine Heavens.

Therefore, it is still necessary to find those giant dragons. He must complete the 'Dragon' priesthood in order to create many legendary giant dragons, thus starting his abyss battle.

Louis's [Outer God of Order⊥ road] can no longer be broken through completely relying on earth beliefs. The recognition of the force of order he has obtained is only to achieve medium power. He must get more recognition of the force of order, so that he can slowly turn into a snake of order, and the only shortcut on this road is the chaos of the abyss. place!

After having an idea, Louis did not hesitate to open a passage again from the astral world. Incarnation is the descent into the prime material world

Although the main material world is large, as long as the gods are willing, they can appear anywhere in the main material world with one step.

When Louis opened the gate of the astral world and descended in the incarnation of God, he had come to the northeast corner of the main material world. It's called the "Land of Dragons".

The 'Land of Dragons' is located in the cold seaside area, the south is the orc empire, and the west is the northern highlands. Whether it is the orcs, the barbarian dwarves in the northern highlands, or the humans living here, they are all sturdy people. The climate is not good. Too cold in winter, the population here

Relatively few, can be described as vast and sparsely populated.

In the cold and sparsely populated areas, there are many monsters and adventurers.

It has been a thousand years since the country of the Dragon Dependents has been established. It is relatively old among many countries in the main material realm, but this country does not have much sense of existence in the main material realm. It is really remote and sparsely populated. The economy is also not rich, and it cannot affect the situation of the entire continent at all (get Zhao). So the orcs turn a blind eye to this country. They don't want to waste their precious troops to conquer it.

Although this country is not good in all aspects, the founding royal family has signed a contract with the giant dragon family. When the country is in danger, this contract will take effect, attracting the help of various giant dragons, which is also the giant dragon. The threat of the dragon makes the nearby countries and different races not want to provoke it. As long as the country does not expand, everyone will be at peace.

The situation has been developing peacefully for thousands of years, but now this situation is gradually being overcome_because the gods have awakened. Although the giant dragon is too powerful, as long as they do not believe in God and have no God's blessing, in the eyes of the major gods' churches, the giant dragon is simply a moving treasure.

In this age of gods. Even the giant dragon, which is known as the strongest race, must go with the flow and choose its own letter [P.

Therefore, some people of insight in the giant dragon are also secretly looking forward to the appearance of the real dragon god. _

Chapter 24 Traveling to the mainland with my daughter

Dilapidated, backward, and dirty in the slums, this is the straight face of all the cities in the world of Saint Soren. A clean and tidy city like Louis's Dragon City is a heresy among heresies.

Stepping into this ancient country, L Louis, located in the northeast of the main material world, is the only way to truly experience the reality of the world.

The cold north wind is howling. Although it is not as cold as the north, the people living on this land are just ordinary humans. They are not more resistant to freezing than those highland barbarians and dwarves. In the cold winter, they can only find clothes as much as possible, so that they can withstand this difficult winter.

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