I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 389:

The first ninth level is the mortal stage. When it exceeds the ninth level and reaches the tenth level, it becomes a legend, and the person who becomes a legend has the foundation to bear the divinity. Therefore, some legends can absorb the divinity and turn it into a divine creature and even then become a demigod.

But in fact L demigod has entered the realm of the gods. If you don't become a demigod and continue to develop your own professional level, you can continue to move forward, but generally speaking, very few mortals can exceed the twelfth level. Those who can surpass the second level of soil in the occupation level are those gods who are more leisurely.

Now that the new gods have just been conferred, not to mention those gods, there is no one whose occupation level exceeds +2. Even the ancient gods who have recently recovered, there are actually no professionals who have reached the 20th level, Su Lun and Shar It's only professional level ten. There are only fourteen gods like Sune.

But the dragon in front of him had an astonishing nineteenth level of occupation. This does not mean that it can defeat God. But if the gods want to kill it, they also need to pay a lot of price. Especially if the gods give up their godheads and priesthoods and become saints, there is absolutely no **** among all the gods who can beat this ancient giant. Dragon.

Not only is it a high level of occupation, but at the same time it is a dragon itself. Dragons are synonymous with power.

This ancient dragon named Abdul Fraser is one of the oldest hidden existences.

In the face of such an ancient dragon, even if Louis is a dragon god, he must give enough respect.

"His Excellency Abdul Fraser, even I am shocked and amazed by the flash of your glory."

Louis almost completely respected the dragon with the etiquette of facing the gods, and this was not a balance of power between the two sides. If he really fights, Louis can kill him with the divine power of his incarnation without taking any damage to his body. This is where God cheats.

His respect was mainly to admire the dragon's ability to survive in that era of catastrophe. And the love of the elders who live to the present.

This is the real undead old monster.

"His Royal Highness Louis, as a dragon god, you don't have to show me such etiquette, it will make me feel ashamed.".

The ancient golden dragon spoke slowly. It's like the metabolism is reduced = the same. But Louis found divinity in the dragon's body. That is to say, it is a divine creature, and the flesh is actually not

It's rotten. It just lives so long that it's not mentally active anymore.

"Lord Abdul Fraser!"

=Heloise, the king of mithril next to her, crawled down her body, expressing her respect to the giant dragon in front of her that was three or four times bigger than her.

"Oh:. You are:: Are you Heloise? The little silver dragon back then has grown so big in the blink of an eye."

The Taikoo Golden Dragon diligently widened his dragon eyes and looked at Heloise. He sniffed the scent again, and after trying hard to recall, he suddenly thought of her name.

"This is not the blink of an eye, Lord Abdul Fraser! Your time may be thousands of years ago."

Heloise said coquettishly and helplessly like a childish little girl, but now all the giant dragons can be said to be children in front of this elder. Even Louis.

It's just that Louis can't behave like this, because he has always given the impression that he has lived for more than 30,000 years, but the ancient dragon with great luck even the gods think so, even Shar and Sulun, There was no doubt about his age.

"Thousands of years ago::::Time flies so fast, and my sleep periods are getting longer and longer."

Abdul Fraser sighed. Made an ancient sigh.

Nothing is truly immortal, even the so-called immortal **** is only the immortality of the body. But spirit and will also appear grinders over time.

Ancient creatures like Abdul Fraser usually spend that long period of time on sleep. Their sleeping periods will get longer and longer. Until -- one day this sleep will last forever without waking up, until the second day when this world ends.

Their bodies are indeed immortal and can live with the heavens and the earth, but in fact their spirits are worn out.

There are only three gods who have truly lived in this world for more than a million years, namely Suren, Shar and Changtia.

Su Lun and Shar completely rely on each other's competition and battle to maintain their immortal youth, so they have always been true sisters who live together. the heart that kills

As the twin goddesses, when one of them falls, the other will gradually move towards spiritual 'aging', just like the old Chantia.

In the past, Chantia entered the tomb year of the gods, and even the image became a woman with white hair. Before the invasion of the Tyranid civilization, she had begun to live in seclusion and even searched for the successor of the "Goddess of the Earth." Who would have thought that although the invasion of the Tyranid civilization caused heavy losses to the world of Saint Soren, it awakened the youth of Chantia because of the great changes in the world. For Chantia, it was tantamount to rebirth.

The reason why Chantia is so active now. So energetic, so much into trouble with Louis, that's what she's relying on to stay alive. I cherish the young L Chantia who has changed again

Monthly goals, such as striving to become a god, it's not that she has to reach this state, it's just that she has to set a goal to keep herself young forever and never get old.

An aging **** would not care about falling and death, but a young **** would become afraid of death.

Like Sune's stubborn and chaotic communication. In fact, it is also a means to maintain self-vigor and youth.

'Perhaps the only way to reach the realm of God on God. Only then can you achieve immortality both physically and spiritually. ’

Louis was thinking about L. He didn't understand the thoughts of those gods who lived for tens of thousands of years, because he was very young in spirit and body.

"The gods are finally resurrected again. Sure enough, even if it is an era of disaster._It is impossible to really destroy the gods. It's a pity that the five-colored Dragon God has finally fallen."

The ancient dragon sighed, then looked at Louis curiously, and asked: I don't know, Your Highness Louis, can you tell me how you spent that ancient era? And. I don't seem to care about you

Chapter 38 You must be the Dragon God

"Of course you don't have an impression of me, because I haven't lived for 30,000 years."

Louis muttered secretly. But on the surface, he smiled and said - 30,000 years ago

During the Age of Calamities, before the invasion of that alien civilization, I entered the depths of the astral world. The unemployed book carefully touched the crystal wall system. I was not strong at that time. Therefore, he was trapped by the edge of the crystal wall system and could not be opened higher, so he avoided the war that destroyed the world. "

Louis sighed and said in a desolate way. I was almost sealed at the intersection of the crystal wall system and the astral world. Until one day, I actually saw the five-colored Dragon God who was on the verge of falling. The Dragon God Tairen knew that the land where he lost his faith was bound to fall. Therefore, at the last moment of my death, I handed over the godhead and part of the divinity of the earth to me

"With the divinity of the five-color Dragon God Tairen. I didn't try to open the chaotic area of ​​the crystal wall system and the astral world until I completely integrated it into my body and became a demigod. It was also very lucky to meet the silver moon goddess at that time. I am in the process of summoning spells, borrowing from silver. Finally, I have located the coordinates of the main material world, and I have returned here.

Louis' words were almost all false. If the root is not broken, the lie itself is easy to be passed. The witness of this lie is the gods of Saint Soren of the Tyranid civilization. It is absolutely impossible to go to the Tyranid civilization to confirm their words.

"You are intentionally caught in the chaotic zone between the crystal wall system and the astral world, where even if the gods enter, there is a great possibility to accidentally break through the crystal wall system. And thus fall: to be able to return to the main material world from there, really

Lucky. "

When Abdul Fraser heard Louis's words, the ancient giant also uttered


How thick is the crystal wall system? This is unknown to any god. Because he knows

The **** of this answer has broken through the crystal wall system and will never come back. Either fall completely or just come back, so the most dangerous place in this world for the gods is the edge of the astral world. Where it connects with the crystal wall system.

There is no room for distinction there, you never know if you are walking or moving forward. If you are not careful, you will cross the crystal wall system and lose your unique position.

"I am also very lucky. I met the legacy of the five-colored dragon gods there. Without the help of the five-colored dragon gods. I don't want to say that it is the chaotic area of ​​Gaokai, and I can't live to the gods. now two

It's very sad to see Louise. For the five-colored dragon pumping that karma too much, he is sincerely sincere because without the godhead of the five-colored dragon god, he would not have achieved what he is now. Although it is divided, the role of this godhead is only used as a layer of tricks, but this godhead is the way

The most heroic person who is easy to develop.

And Louis's respect makes him even more

Buduerreze believed what he said. Because of these giant rice, it was a disaster

The dragon of the post-hard age era. Most of them know that there was a **** such as the five-color dragon **** in the dragon. As for the worship and belief in this god. that absolutely

is not.

Louis revered the five-colored dragon god. It means that he definitely lived 30,000 years ago in Shi Pingdu, because the giant dragons at that time believed in every Pingdu.

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