I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 396:

Therefore, it attracts countless adventurers to come. The only church that adventurers can find immediately after being injured is the Dragon God's Guild, and the church also takes this opportunity to make too much money.

The 'Dream Priesthood' grants believers the magic of illusions. _Because the divine spell of 'Time Priesthood' is too high-end, only a small number of high-level priests can use it. It is a power ring spell comparable to that of a wizard. Even the magic of legendary spells.

"'Killing ancestors'. The church has a powerful fighting ability in the battlefield, and a small part of the earth priesthood allows the priests to help the farmers better reclaim the land. The magic priesthood has also been created after Louis's transformation. The prototype of the new profession 'Anti-Mage'.

After Cluny ordered everything, just as he was about to let everyone back down, his heart suddenly moved, and the whole person became in a trance.

The gods are calling him a hundred million!_

Chapter 46 Dragon God Chosen

Cluny only felt himself in a trance. But when he came back to his senses, he found himself standing in a magnificent hall.

After being stunned for a second, Cluny immediately realized himself. Where he hurriedly knelt on the ground and said respectfully to the man sitting on the throne, "Praise my God, Louis Galaclon. Your Highness."

Louis just smiled at Cluny with a mild expression.

"Cluny, I have seen your exploits over the past twenty years. You have spread my name throughout the material world. You have made my name spread among human beings. I am very satisfied with this, for this I want to commend your hard work and merit

Louis spoke slowly, and Cluny heard those mild and warm words, causing the Pope to kneel on the ground tremblingly. Weepingly said, "== My God, all this is what I should have done. What I do, hold the sky high for your throne, I am willing to give everything I have" "Three Earths"

For devout believers. _The words of the gods you believe in are like the most beautiful words in the world_The face of the gods is the object of your love, and for every believer at the highest level of the church, the words of the gods surpass all of them They can even sacrifice their own children for the gods.

However, this level of faith still has the possibility of rebellion. For example, the believers of a certain prince of lies are very good at deceiving with lies, and unless the believers reach the stage of the Holy Spirit and are with God. Otherwise, there will inevitably be human beings. Inferiority will inevitably lead to the possibility of betrayal.

It's just that the chances are very, very low.

"You have given all for me. Cluny L will be rewarded for merit and punished for deeds. This is part of my teaching, and your hard work makes me happy, and I will let you share in my glory, and henceforth share in my glory with you. The heaven and the earth are together. The sun and the moon are immortal, you should be my chosen one, and I will walk on the earth on my behalf, and let my radiance spread throughout the whole world."

Louis rose from his throne and in his palm appeared the divine immortal brilliance, which is the divine

Louis waved his hand. It is directly that the ability of every -z **** will be activated = a supernatural power. God-given.

This is to separate out parts of one's own divinity. The power to create voters.

Second, in general terms: a legendary-level powerhouse has attained divinity. It is not necessarily possible to become a demigod. He needs to integrate the complete understanding of divinity. Instinct to achieve the position of demigod, and there is also a great danger in it.

But voters are different. That is the expansion of the divinity that God has given to his believers. It can be said that the elect are the incarnation of the demigods of the gods, and they are branches of the divinity. Therefore, they do not need to accept the divinity to integrate and comprehend the divinity, and then they can obtain the power of the demigods.

However, although the elector can exercise the power of the demigods, their divinity is given by the gods. The demi-glazed power he uses all comes from the gods, so he can receive Ha Feizhi at any time.

There are very few examples of God taking back the power of the elect, who can be chosen by God as his elect. . Generally are very devout advocates. In general, the elect will never betray their god. Unless he is polluted by some terrible existence.

That divinity shot out of Louis's hand and penetrated into Cluny's sea of ​​consciousness. At the same time, Cluny's temperament has changed greatly. From the previous mortals, he has a faint divine power. At the same time, there is a remarkable dragon power on Cluny's body, which is exactly the breath of the dragon god.

Without any barriers, Cluny became Louis's elect and mastered the power of the demigods.

= The number of voters a **** can have at the same time: is limited, so voters cannot be mass-produced.

Although Cluny is not too old, his body already has a rotten aura, but after accepting the gift of Louis' divinity, all the rotten taste on his body disappeared. Instead, he has the power of immortality. God is with him. As long as Louis does not fall, his divinity will never disappear. Let him maintain his eternal youth.

Of course, this does not mean that Cluny will become the eternal Pope. Louis deeply knows the importance of an organization's metabolism, even if Cluny can stick to his principles so that he will not make any mistakes. But if the Pope never changes, the people below the church will lose motivation. Even believers have human desires. They will work hard to get more.

If the class is solidified, people can't see the room for promotion. Then the church will decay.

From Louis' point of view, Cluny will probably still be the Pope for hundreds of years, and his church will be completely stable. When choosing a new pope

And Cluny can also retire and swim in the whole world as a voter of Longzu, and he can do what he wants to do.

"Cluny. Now you are my chosen person. Even if you face those arrogant dragons, you have enough strength to fight against them. You should not be afraid of dragons because you are the chosen person of the Dragon God. Longdu should show respect to you Q

Louis smiled and sat back on his throne. If Cluny went to negotiate with the dragon as a legend, those arrogant dragons would not give him much good looks.

Now that Cluny is his chosen one, he possesses the power of a demigod. Although it is difficult for a demigod to directly fear the dragon, it can save Cluny a lot of trouble. i let those dragons speak calmly in front of him

As long as Clunid does his best to let those giant dragons understand the operation of the church and let more giant dragons believe in him, then his

The work is done.

God, the believers of those gods are also likely to launch some attacks on his church. As the Pope, the legendary level can no longer guarantee his safety. Even if he is under heavy protection most of the time, there may still be mistakes. .

If your own Pope is assassinated. Disgrace or something is actually secondary, but it will cost Louis a valuable asset. Cluny must not be in danger until a new pope is brought up

Even if you don't count as family. Cluny's status is even more important than Alexia, just because the kingdom of dragons has changed a king, as long as it's not that stupid. Its political system can be maintained, but if the church does not have Cluny now, there will be a situation of sluggish development. .4

The development of the Louis Church has not yet reached its saturation point

"Thank you for your generosity. My God, I will use my life to pass on your glory, pass on your wisdom. Praise your teachings, let your name be known in the world of Saint Soren."

Cluny knelt on the ground with a five-body salute, shouting Louis' name.

"En. Go, Clunie: ..: You still have very important tasks to do. Now you can relax. At the moment when my kingdom of God and I are talking."

With a wave of Louis' hand, Cluny's figure disappeared as the divine power surged.

In fact, it was Cluny's soul that appeared here, not his body.

After pondering for a moment, Louis stood up from the throne, his right hand held his own dragon spear, and stepped out of the kingdom of God.

"Then, since you are all waiting for me, I will come in person, gods!_"

Chapter 47 The Beginning of the War

On an island in the eastern seas of the Land of Dragon's Back. A black dragon with a length of more than 100 meters is lying quietly in a swamp. This is the black dragon's favorite environment. It is rotten, damp, and has an evil atmosphere.

Around this swamp, you can see some stone buildings and what can be called altars.

"Lord Drexler, all the work is ready."

A red dragon more than 30 meters long respectfully crawls in front of the black dragon as big as a hill, and said adoringly and devoutly.

In the entire giant dragon group, except for those giant dragons who remain neutral and only live their own lives, the remaining giant dragons support the King of Heizhai Stone more than the King of Mithril = the arrogance of giant dragons makes them look down at all The other giant races, therefore, the Mithril King should coexist harmoniously with other races as much as possible. The doctrine of fraternity as much as possible. Not very attractive to dragons: too strong, but very attractive to races like humans.

Those who worship and believe in black dragons are all the adults and adults of some giant dragons. These giant dragons are arrogant and self-reliant. Great respect for the teachings of the Obsidian King who made the world fear dragons.

"Well, well done."

Drexler looked at the arrangement around Z's eyes. Its huge dragon head nodded, and these arrangements were in preparation for his consecration. And around this swamp jungle. There are already hundreds of giant dragons waiting quietly. When the obsidian king conferred the gods, they will pray as believers and help him ascend to the throne. _

"Lord Drexler, the dragon on the floating island told me that Lord Abdul Fraser woke up and he helped His Highness Louis Galakrond complete the inauguration ceremony of the Dragon God."

After hesitating for a while, the red dragon told Drexler about the dragon on the floating island. Then it quickly added, .... But we believe that only you are the real dragon god_Can lead us The dragon walks on the glorious true **** L."

In the field of evil dragons, L's strength is the manifestation of status. The stronger the dragon, the higher the status. And with the apex of a demigod, De Chongxler, who is about to be conferred a god, is naturally the leader of all evil dragons.

In fact, Louis prefers the dogma of these dragons. The weak obey the orders of the strong, what a simple law of the jungle, compared to the arrogance of some giant dragons now. It's much better to be stubborn to keep your face even if you die.

"I already know what happened to the floating island..."

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