I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 398:

In this situation that may fall at any time _ she kept the elf's fire. And develop it so much that now the entire elf group has a population of more than 2 million, she finally got out of the stigma and shame that Shar brought her. From a near level to a weak divine power, she has once again reached the top of the gods. As long as she works step by step, she will return to a strong divine power.

And now there is food support from the Dragon Country. The population of elves can continue to multiply-fan, which not only meets the needs of Sulun's belief as a powerful divine power, but also allows several gods to be named in the name of the elves.

However, it is not so simple to confer a god. Now, there is no IL person in the entire elf family who has the ability to become a god. She is very optimistic about her adopted daughter, Sisna, but it still requires her to wait patiently.

"I know what you're here for. Alexia. With

The silver moon goddess took the lotus step, and under the veil cast by the moonlight, a pair of white jade feet swayed and swayed. They were crystal clear as if transparent, and there was a faint flow of moonlight.

Suren came to Alexia. Her glowing fingers caressed Alexia's silver hair, which was also shimmering with her own. She now fully recognizes this female L, so she is no longer as cold as she used to speak. But through the warm mother's love

Alexia was a little excited, she closed her eyes and rubbed the hand of the mother goddess. Then she said anxiously, "--the mother goddess is very dangerous. He needs your help."

"I already know about your Father God 4, His Royal Highness Louis. Don't worry, today's His Royal Highness Louis has become a medium power. It is impossible for these combined gods to let him fall. He is not in danger, but if he can't Getting through this crisis will be very detrimental to the future development of His Royal Highness Louis."

Su Lun's slender eyebrows are wrinkled - next, if Louis is torn too much the dragon priesthood this time, it will make it difficult for him to achieve powerful divine power, and it is difficult for a **** with medium divine power to become the main **** of a pantheon, so resulting chain reaction. It is very likely that his power will languish.

"I'll go and help His Royal Highness Louis. It's just..."

Seeing Su Lun's tone of hesitation, Alexia just held her cool hand and said eagerly, "Just what, isn't Mother God L the best way to rescue God Father?

Is it important?"

Seeing Alexia's anxiety. The Silver Moon Goddess chuckled. Her laughter was sweet. It seems like a harp under the moon..Let Alexia all look -= in a trance, bewitched by the mother goddess. captured by force

"You have a really good relationship with your father. Alexia:: You should already know the history of the elves. For us elves, the biggest enemy is the former compatriots, those who were driven to the Underdark by me. The drow are indeed my mistakes from the past. There's no denying it."

": If I go to rescue His Royal Highness Louis, the spider that is lurking in the Underdark will definitely come to attack the Moon Gate in person⊥, as long as it can make me feel unhappy, the spider will not hesitate to go. Yes, but I can also make a time difference before the spider appears. Try to help His Royal Highness Louis to relieve the pressure."

Su Lun is not afraid of the arrival of the spider god. That subterranean spider has only the godhead now, far from the watershed of medium power. If she dares to attack the kingdom of God, it will be no threat to Su Lun.

However, Su Lun's real body is absolutely impossible to use. That is a trick that God can only use in the final crisis. All she can use is her own incarnation.

But this way - come. It has to help Louis, and to prevent the sneak attack of the spider. The distribution of power seems to be stretched thin. Although the spider **** queen is not a threat to Suron's real body, it is a big threat to the petitioners and other species of her kingdom.

In order to make Su Lun unhappy, in order to make her lose face, the Spider God Queen absolutely dares to pay one or two avatars L to make a lot of trouble in her kingdom of God.

"_Alexia, after you open the Moon Gate, go back to the Yinqi Kingdom in a few moments, organize the army of the elves, and be careful of the borders and interiors of the kingdom. If my expectations are correct, the drow elves will also be there. When the spider **** queen attacks my kingdom. Invade the kingdom of silver."

Surenluo - pondering. It is to assign a task to Alexia.

"Please rest assured, mother goddess" I will definitely protect your kingdom. Don't let those underground dark creatures take any advantage!_"

Alexia raised her chest and promised loudly.

She didn't even come up with the idea of ​​helping God the Father. Alexia is well aware that she is in the war of the gods. Her demigod is a cannon fodder. Not only will it not help. It may also help.

The gods belong to the gods, and the mortals belong to the mortals. All she can do is to block the threat of the main material world. She thinks that even if she encounters the invasion of the drow elves, there will be no big problems.

The silver goddess Suren also understood this. After finishing the order, she urged Alexia to return to the Silver Moon Kingdom in the main material world. As for her incarnation, she had already dispatched part of it when Alexia arrived.

"His Royal Highness Ru Rui, you only have one county incarnation now. Are you going to help His Highness Louis? If your incarnation falls in this war bug, you will lose the ability to move freely for a long time."

Su Lun looked aside, the unicorn goddess was walking gracefully to this place.

"His Royal Highness Louis needs help now. Even if my (Nuohao Zhao) strength is weak_I hope I can help him."

The unicorn goddess with a pure body said without hesitation.

"In that case. Please be careful. Please act with me."

In [The Palace of Ming Water], Suni, the **** of love and beauty, is discussing with her goddess of joy, Li Erla, ".: Now that His Royal Highness Louis is in trouble, how should we respect. Li Erla Your Highness."

The beautiful girl who was always filled with joy was troubled at this time. But after thinking about it, she still said, "== Lord God. We just concluded a covenant with His Royal Highness Louis. If we do nothing this time, I don't think it's good. ?"

The goddess of love and beauty smoothed Li Erla's slightly melancholy eyebrows and made the goddess of joy rejoice again, and she also smiled cheerfully, "Your Highness Li Erla, you are right. If you are not busy at this time at all. If you want to help. It's just too much to say, and I feel an aura of disgust in this war."

"--However. I'm not a **** who is good at fighting. So are you, Your Highness Lierla. His Royal Highness Su Lun has already stepped into the battlefield. Let's try our best to strike a blow for His Highness Su Lun, as the oldest goddess of light. His Royal Highness L Suren has rich fighting experience and powerful fighting ability. He is also the best messenger among all the gods."

Chapter 49 God of War - Marzlis

The shock wave of divine power spread violently. -A mountain turned into powder in an instant.. Even existence disappeared.

This is an extraordinary ancestral power shock that can only be mastered by gods with medium-level divine power. Its principle is very simple, that is, the large-scale diffusion of divine power will cause huge destruction effects. It is just that weak gods cannot Divine power condensed to this extent

This divine power impact consumes a lot of divine power, but the strength of the power is also shocking. Because of the omnipotent nature of divine power, it can be said that under the impact of divine power, no substance can resist, and it will turn into powder in an instant.

As two gods with medium power, Gruumsh and Louis have been able to waste their power in every weapon collision. Causes the effect of annihilating everything.

The small dagger faced off against the rough giant axe, but it did not fail. As a giant dragon, Louis was extremely powerful. With the increase of his divine power, he was able to fight with the orc master **** Geuse.

"Tear off one or two

With one axe, Gruumsh split the sea. Let the earth crack, the evil and forthright orc laughed loudly, ":: Hahaha, Lord Louis. Let's change the place. If we continue to fight here, the material world can't bear it."

The power of the true **** is really too strong. Even if the main material world is vast enough, if the gods attack aggressively, it will bring irreversible damage to this land.


Louie, incarnate of killing, is concise. The next order of the two gods was to open the portal. From the main material plane to the astral plane.

This is the battlefield of the true God, because it is as vast as the universe. In order to withstand the battle of the gods, other planes except the abyss have no battlefield suitable for the gods.

But there are more demons in the abyss. Even if the true **** is there.. it will be worn down by endless demons

After arriving in the astral world, Louis' body changed. It was directly transformed into a black dragon with a strong slaughtering aura. Louis had already discovered that Ge Niao Shi was not the heart of the gods he had encountered in the past, whether it was the Mother Earth or the Goddess of Magic. powerful.

in this even-handed battle. Louis has no idea how to go - to win, but to fight the war of attrition.

"Come on... Your Royal Highness Louis _⊥ let us have a good fight here." I”

Gruumsh roared, and he held up his high artifact -= that huge axe, leaping high, with a divine leap!

Louis, who had transformed into a black dragon, roared in pain. Gruumsh's axe had already shattered his scales and spattered a piece of God's blood, and then the pain-stimulated Louis Erji dragon's tail swung out, sending Gruumsh several meters away. The tall body collided: fly, let its armor sag, and he himself spit out a mouthful of blood.

A slaughtering dragon breath spewed out of Louis' mouth. Mianguushi saw this but did not avoid it at all. The great axe rose high again. The true meaning of the war is gathered on it, in the shouting and killing of the thousands of troops, the sleeves seem to become a brave army, and they cut Louis's dragon's breath straight. Di slashed with his dragon head

Louis knew that the axe was powerful, so he didn't dare to fight hard (aif), but the dragon was covered in weapons. The dragon's claws raised and collided with the axe. The cold killing intent is mixed with the brutality of the battlefield_Although the two gods are only one person and one dragon fighting. But it is as if the only army and the world-destroying dragon are fighting ferociously.

After repeated battles, the two of them were tied, and the divine power of the incarnation was also draining. Louis' dragon body was shrinking. Gruumsh's orc body was also shrinking.

But Louie's heart is cold, because if it's just a Gruumsh, he's nothing to be afraid of. His divine power reserve is extremely strong, and it will definitely consume the main orc god, but this time, it is definitely not only Gruush who is the enemy of Louis. Fight on the wheels of attrition of these gods.


In the main material world, Louis's dream incarnation suddenly appeared. He used divine power to create an illusory illusion. Jian wants to continue the assassination attempt and kill Drexler to solve the situation for himself, _ as long as If this black dragon dies, then it is Louis' victory, and if this black dragon does not die... then he will be the one who will lose and lose.

But this time Louis still failed, and the huge dream was shattered in an instant. When the gentle-faced, elegant-looking goddess appeared and blocked Louis's dream avatar, he just sighed softly. _". Let His Highness Gous, who is good at fighting, take the lead, and His Highness Chanthia, who is more protective, will protect the black dragon. It is indeed a simple and effective strategy. No matter how I send my incarnation, it is difficult to kill drexler

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