If Hydra wants to achieve the goal of unifying the world, then Chen Xiu is... the biggest obstacle on this road.

Despite the confidence that his identity is hidden, Pierce doubts that Chen Xiu already knows his identity.

But now the main goal is to control Captain America, and then SHIELD.


....to have complete control.

.. The second volume of Captain America II 2 has been released. The whole second volume is divided into four volumes. Because there are more plots and characters involved, and the scenes are larger than the first volume, the speed of the release is a bit slow.

However, this still does not affect the enthusiasm of comic fans queuing up to buy comics, and some comic fans don't want to go out, so they turn on their computers early, refresh the web page, and wait for the online version of comics to go online.

This time the captain of the United States is different from the past, after all, everyone thinks that S.H.I.E.L.D.


....will be the righteous party, but I didn't expect that so many worms have penetrated into it.

The content of the comic begins with Captain America finding the Black Widow, and then there are many fights in the middle, and finally Agent Hill rescues them.

The journey was terrifying, and the enemy was chasing it closely.

It raised the hearts of Marvel fans, but in the end, everyone was relieved to see that Agent Hill rescued Captain America and the others.

"I can guarantee that this is the most thrilling Captain America I've ever seen! The previous Captain America comics were all about Captain America fighting whoever, no matter what...

Iron Man or Hulk will have S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... support, but this time the enemy turned directly into S.H.I.E.L.D.



"I believe that the United States will definitely save the day, but this time I stand for the United States team and the widow sister. These two people are really a good match. The women are beautiful, and the men are handsome."

"Ah, I am against S.H.I.E.L.D.


....to express serious doubts, especially that Secretary Pierce, his accusation of... Director Nick Fury seems to be purposeful, I think he is... Hydra planted in S.H.I.E.L.D.


... people!"

"Where did the pair above support Captain America and Black you put the Hulk"

In short, after the second volume of Captain America II 2 came out, it caused a lot of discussion.

And S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... this side has also become overwhelmed. The doubts from the public have made them famous.

At the beginning of S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... is known for its secrecy, but since Chen Xiu's comics drew them in, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....has become an open institution, subject to the supervision of the people.

This time the public questioned them, and Pierce, who was promoted to acting director, could only make a statement to distance himself from Hydra.

Although he is a Hydra, he cannot admit it.

But that didn't offset the general public's interest in .. S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., even the top had to speak up, asking Pierce to come up with actual evidence.

However, Pierce only answered a few words in a coping manner, because he had more important tasks next.



....Inside, it's very busy up and down at this time, because Pierce issued the latest decision to launch the spacecraft from the base.

This is the last step of the Insight plan, using the cannonballs on the ship to target the target people, and then kill them in one fell swoop.

Pierce and S.H.I.E.L.D.


The other leaders of ... were discussing matters at the highest level of the building, and at this time, a voice suddenly came from the radio.

"Hello everyone, I'm Captain America."

"Attention all Aegis agents, this is Steve Roger.

Many of you know me, and many of you have been affected by S.H.I.E.L.D. recently.


.... orders to hunt me down.

But it's time for you to know the truth, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....not what we thought, it was replaced by Hydra."

"Alexander Pierce is...their leader, and the spy squad is one of them.

Hydra is in Aegis, and maybe their people are by your side.

They are almost there - absolute domination.

They murdered Nick Fury, but they won't stop there."

"If we launch a carrier today, Hydra will kill everyone who stands in their way unless we stop.

Freedom requires a great price, but I am willing to pay for it, even if I am the only one, but I believe that I am not the only one!"

A deep, yet cave-like remark spread to every S.H.I.E.L.D.


....in the ears of the staff, the atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, all remain motionless.



.... On the top floor of the building, Pierce's face flashed a trace of annoyance, while several other leaders showed some anger.

"Pierce, you lied to us."

A leader said in a low voice.

Pierce shook his head, then quickly took out a gun from his waist and aimed it at the leader.

Outside the conference room, two soldiers also rushed in with guns: they controlled several of them.

"Sorry, I really don't want to do it."

Pierce said apologetically: "But there are always various obstacles, so I can only remove them."

In the control room where the spacecraft was launched below, Frank quickly walked up to a man with glasses and said, "Quick, launch the spacecraft!"

But the man with glasses hesitated, he gritted his teeth and said.

"I'm not going to launch."

"This is an order, hurry up!"

Frank growled.

But no one listened to his orders, he wanted to do something in a fit of anger, but the female agent was faster.

For a while, the sound of pulling the gun sounded, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... the crowd started a confrontation situation.

"Stay still, or the bullets will blow your head."

Frank thumped the table angrily, but suddenly he fell short and picked up a gun on the ground to fight back.

Bang bang bang, gunshots kept ringing, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....a mess inside.

Under the control of Frank, the engine of the spaceship started, and a behemoth slowly rose from the water.

For a time, Pierce and Frank, as well as a member of Hydra, all had smiles on their faces.

The spaceship has been launched, so the next thing is... lock on the target they want to kill.

Chapter [-] is accurate again!

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Five ::: It's accurate again! Thinking of this, Pierce trembled with excitement.

He emphatically entered a name on the target command note, and aimed the most powerful missile at the person.

That person was Chen Xiu, he always felt that Chen Xiu was a bigger threat than anyone else, this guy named after the prophet, let him be completely wiped out this time.

Pierce gave the order, and several spaceships were gradually put together, ready to set off at any time.

Suddenly, the old woman made a move, she knocked off the gun in Pierce's hand, and threw out the knife from her cuff, cutting the throats of the two guards.

Then the old woman took off her disguise, and it turned out that it was Black Widow in disguise.

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