
“What happened!?”

Nicole Robin and Carifa couldn’t help but look dazed when they were released from their petrified state.

Especially Nicole Robin, feeling the powerlessness brought by the sea water on the surface of her body, the whole person was stunned.

Apparently, both men forgot the memory of being petrified.

Or in other words, when petrifying, their consciousness is solidified, and they are not functioning normally until they leave the petrified state now.

A huge figure next to him explained in a loud voice: “If you have won the sweet fruit ability, as long as you are seduced by that woman’s beauty, you will turn into a stone statue.” ”

“Sweet Fruit!?”

Nicole Robin and Carifa immediately looked at each other, and both of them blushed.

As a woman, I was fascinated by another woman, and it was really… Shame!

But soon they reacted: “What about you? ”

“Yes, Captain Jack, why are you all right!?”

There is no doubt that this huge figure is Jack.

While Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigorud and others went to save the Emperor, he spewed out seawater and depetrified Nicole Robin and Kalifa.

Hearing this at this time, he immediately snorted coldly: “That kind of woman, how can she confuse me!” ”

Hearing this, Nicole Robin and Carlifa’s understanding of how straight Jack is is deepened.

Immediately, the two also noticed the group of Nine Snakes Pirates jumping with chickens flying dogs, and immediately asked: “What now, what is the situation now!?” ”

“Did you fight with that woman?”

Jack nodded: “Well, she was shot away by me.” ”

Nicole Robin and Carifa were stunned, and the first thing that came to mind was, how could Jack even get such a beautiful woman!?

However, thinking of the fact that they had also been attacked by Jack, the two women did not feel strange.

As for the situation in which Jack won, they were not surprised.

Although the female emperor’s ability is a little strange, since it is useless to Jack, then losing in Jack’s hands, in their opinion, is of course normal.

After all, the female emperor is not famous, and Jack was already a super pirate newcomer who defeated His Majesty Qiwu Hai before.

Seeing this, Jack naturally did not bother to specially introduce the strength of the female emperor to the two women.

On the contrary, the two will know in the future.

After defeating the female emperor, he did not plan to let the other party leave, but planned to implement the previous idea and let the female emperor teach herself to be armed and domineering.

At this time, Jack subconsciously converged his ability.

The anomaly disappeared and he returned to his human form.

Just seeing Jack’s human form, Nicole Robin and Carifa couldn’t help but change their faces.


“What’s going on!?”

“Your size, so big again!?”

The two looked at each other, both showing shock.

It turned out that when Jack maintained his half-human, half-beast form just now, the two women had not noticed it.

But after Jack changed back to human form, he was still more than ten meters tall, and they finally found something!

Then I couldn’t help but be shocked.

What the hell happened just now, why Jack’s size…. It’s getting bigger again!?

Hearing this, Jack suddenly subconsciously looked at his body and showed a smile.

Needless to say, his human form has also become larger, naturally because of the resolute effect of the Titan.

This effect, whether it changes or not, exists.

As a result, Jack was originally only eight meters tall, but now it has become ten meters tall.

Such a body type is comparable to Kaido!

Domineering, mighty!

Of course, there are some minor troubles.

For example, the original clothes are not worn again.

The originally wide ship also seems to have become narrow.

Of course, none of this is a problem.

As his strength continues to get stronger, the clothes will naturally be made for him, and the ship can completely grab a bigger and better one like before!

Followed by.

Jack went to the perfume snake again.

Seeing this, Nicole Robin and Carifa immediately subconsciously followed.

At this time, Boya Sandasonia, Boya Marigorud and others had also rescued the female emperor from the sea.

The female emperor fell into a coma.

The terrifying power that Jack broke out just now, coupled with being suddenly enveloped by a large amount of seawater, directly made her lose consciousness.

Boya Sandasonia, Boya Marigorud and others were in a hurry to heal, and finally let the female emperor wake up.


It’s just that as soon as she woke up, she immediately sat up guarded.

Seeing Jack next to her, her face suddenly changed wildly.

In an instant, the female emperor could not care about the sense of weakness that appeared in her body, and she was about to attack Jack.

However, at this moment, Jack’s eyes widened, and he shouted with his fangs: “Woman! ”

“Haven’t you learned your lesson yet!?”

The female emperor’s body was shocked, and only then did she remember what happened before she fell into a coma.

Just now, her all-out attack was directly defeated by Jack, and even flew out.

With the kind of terrifying power that Jack displays, she is no match at all!

“Big sister….”

And at this time, Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigorud also pulled the female emperor next to him, and he stopped talking.

Of course, they also understood the situation.

Not to mention that the female emperor is in a weak state now, I am afraid that even if it is still in its heyday, she is not the opponent of this man in front of her!

So even if they rebel now, there is no point.

The female emperor also gradually realized this, and the whole person suddenly froze in place, as if she had lost her soul.

Jack didn’t care so much, and continued to sneer: “In the future, you will be my slaves, if you don’t want to die, give me obedience!” ”

Hearing this, the female emperor suddenly trembled.

The arrogance just now, in the face of absolute power, has disappeared!

At this moment, she seemed to return to the gray period of a few years ago.

Powerless, at the mercy of others, the future is bleak!

No one expected that they would end up exactly the same as before!

And in the hands of a murderous pirate like Jack, the situation seems to be worse than before!

Can’t help it, the female emperor raised the heart to seek death.

But as soon as she saw the same bleak and dazed Boya Sandasonia, Boya Marigorud and others, she gritted her silver teeth again and endured it.

No matter what, she will live with these sisters!

Seeing the expression of the female emperor, Jack immediately understood that this arrogant woman had resigned her fate, and immediately showed a smile.

In the eyes of the female emperor and others, this smile was naturally undoubtedly the smile of the devil.

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