I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 103 The price of a meal

"I told you, this is our chance."

Kyle said loudly with a happy smile on his face.

"Well, my strength has been at a bottleneck for a long time, and it may gradually become weaker as I grow older."

"I didn't expect that I would be able to improve again."

Renault also had a smile on his face after hearing this.

"From the time I couldn't see Lord Kassadin in my future."

"I knew Lord Kassadin's strength was absolutely unfathomable."

"I never thought that my vision was still too low. No wonder I couldn't see such a great existence."

The prophet said with emotion after hearing their words.

"Infinite evolution until you evolve the power to change your life."

Lacey clenched her fists, feeling that everything was still so unreal.

"Not to mention his ability, Lord Kassadin's body alone is comparable to that of a galaxy. What he says will never be false."

"Congratulations, Lacey, you have also received a blessing. From now on, we will all belong to the Void Cult, and I need your guidance."

Kyle looked at Lacey after hearing this, smiled and stretched out his hand to give his heartfelt blessing.

Among the four of them, Lacey is an ordinary person, so she is the one who is most desperate for change and is also the most pious.

The three of them knew that Dam and others had joined the Void, so they stayed here for a few days without any thought of leaving.

Every day they were thinking of ways to prove their piety. Unexpectedly, four days had passed and they had received the blessing of the void at the same time.

We saw the great being together, and then Miss Sonia appeared.

"Thank you guys."

When Lacey saw Kyle extending his hand, her eyes flickered and she also extended her hand.

"Congratulations on joining the Void Cult and becoming one of us."

At this time, Dam and others rushed to the island after get off work. They heard the conversations of several people and showed their honest and honest smiles without hiding it.

"Dam, I know you."

"As the seniors who joined first, why don't you share some of your experiences with us?"

"In exchange, I'll treat you to a meal."

Renoli said proudly when he saw Dam and the others coming again.

"This is what you said, don't go back on it."

When Dam heard that Renault was going to treat him, he looked at the number of people present, then looked at Renelli, and said immediately, fearing that Renault would regret it.

After several of them joined the Void, their lives improved but not completely because all their money went into food.

"Dam, it seems you don't know the value of a second-level bounty hunter."

"It's just a meal. It's not like I can't afford it and I have nothing to regret."

When Renoli heard Dam's words, he felt that he had been underestimated and said proudly with a wave of his hand.

"I understand. Who doesn't know the value of a second-level bounty hunter?"

When Dam saw Renault's appearance, it was of course impossible for him to tell the reason, but he immediately agreed.

Several people walked towards the kitchen on the island talking and laughing.

In the past few days, they have learned that many chefs have been hired here.

But without permission, they didn't dare to go to the chef's place to have a look. They always caught fish for themselves.

Now with Miss Sonia's permission, how could they not have a good meal.

Along the way, Dam also explained the various evolutionary experiences and feelings after joining.

Then it was only two hours.

After seeing the appetites of Kyle, Predictor, Lacey and Dam, Rennoli already felt a little bad.

When Renault was paying, he saw that the bill cost him 180,000 for one meal. Fortunately, he held the table in time to prevent him from falling off the chair.

He also knows that the price of eating in restaurants on the island is not expensive, and it is basically the cost of ingredients plus a little production fee. To say it is affordable, it is definitely affordable enough.

But he couldn't stand up to a few of them, and everyone who ate with open appetite was a guy who could stand up to dozens or even hundreds of people. No wonder Dam was afraid that he would regret it.

Fortunately, after eating, Renault really felt that the large amount of food turned into energy, constantly nourishing his body.

Among them, the most obvious change was Lacey. Just after eating this big meal, Lacey's appearance became younger.

And because she can feel the strength of her body increasing, Lacey's eyes are full of confidence and expectations for the future. It is precisely because of this confidence that Lacey's appearance looks more beautiful and moving.

"Dam, you joined more than a month ago, so that means you were the first to join?"

After they had had enough wine and food, they chatted in the shade under a big tree.

"I joined before you, but I'm not the first."

"Miss Sonia should have joined before me."

Dam heard Renoli's words and shook his head.

"I have to say that Miss Sonia is so beautiful."

Kyle's face showed some admiration when he heard the mention of Sonia.

"Kyle, I know you like beauties, but don't say I didn't remind you, you have to split up too."

The prophet heard Kyle's admiration and reminded him in a low voice.

"Who do you think I am? You still need to teach me who I can flirt with and who I can't."

"I just admired it and didn't have any thoughts."

"Miss Sonia should have been very good before she became Lord Kassadin's housekeeper."

"After all, temperament cannot be developed in a short time."

After hearing this, Kyle replied angrily and then explained.

"As long as you know, don't worry about Miss Sonia when you worry about anyone, otherwise you may die suddenly."

Seeing Kyle's "I understand" look, the prophet said.

"If we talk about identity, Miss Sonia used to work in a celebrity hotel."

Dam said after hearing this.

"Miss Sonia used to work at a celebrity hotel?"

"No wonder, those who can work in celebrity hotels are all beautiful women."

"Master Kassadin is so wise, he actually went directly to a celebrity hotel to select someone."

Kyle said a little surprised when he heard Miss Sonia's past identity.

As long as you stay in Xandar for a long time, you will more or less hear about celebrity hotels.

Not to mention Kyle, a second-level bounty hunter who spends a lot of money, has also been to celebrity hotels.

He would like to have a date with a woman from a celebrity hotel, but even if he is a second-level bounty hunter, he can only occasionally go to a celebrity hotel to experience it for ten days and a half.

It’s not that I don’t have money, but if I stay there for a long time, I feel like I can’t help but spend money.

Ten thousand a day, if not a guy with a net worth of more than one billion and making a lot of money every day, generally he would not live in that kind of place for too long.

"Don't pursue the issue of Miss Sonia's identity too much."

"Let's adapt to the strength together. When other newcomers join in the future, we will be considered seniors."

"How can I brag to them when I don't know the point?"

Seeing how engaged they were in chatting and intending to continue talking more, the Predictor took the initiative to change the topic, lest they talk too much and offend Lord Kassadin to death.

After hearing the prophet's words, several people knew full well and stopped talking about Miss Sonia.

One by one, they ran around the island to exercise and get used to their own strength.

Fifth update

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